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Working on a bit of BA Leafblower idea.

Sir Blayse

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Not posting the whole list out, but basically 5- 5 man RAS with IP's and Melta's in Assbacks. ( 2 will actually be Lasbacks, though- don't have two more assault cannons and like the range.)

Then going to have dakka Baal preds and 3 vindi's. Is 3 too many?


I'm thinking that with this insane amount of firepower, should make for a very interesting first few turns. Preds and vindi's will shield the 'Backs up into range, should end up trying to focus on hitting one flank really hard. Depending on missions of course, with 6 troops, shouldn't have too much trouble with objectives and the fast and heavies should draw a lot of attention.


I'm thinking that if 2 vindi's a good, then 3 should be great. Also, going to walk a furioso( bare bones) up with the backs. To help deal with Deep strikers and outflankers, trying to get behind the force.






Basically, working on this as a way to deal with an influx of necrons and tyranids. Needs to be able to take on armor 13-14, shutting it down quickly. AP 4 and below weapons are also nice to make squads of infantry dissappear faster. ( More chances for them to not get back up.) Strength 6 and higher to deal with MC's and Warriors, pie plates to deal with the hordes of bugs. Plus, being fast and mobile helps against getting hit by can-openers.


Shouldn't be too shabby against other marines either. If someone should happen to have Long Fangs or other good anti-armor, then may have to outflank preds and change up main strategy, depends on who is going to go first though, scout move could be good enough to put the hurt on them.


I'm also tempted to drop the dread and go with siege shields and hunter-killers on most vehicles, I know they are expensive, but good help with the early game barrage of anti-armor. Plus, it might help with Shock and Awe for the opponent. May force them to reserve or deploy differently.

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The problem with assbacks is the range.. 24 inches puts them in the danger zone for almost every ranged weapon in the game. It also limits your maneuverbility as you have to stay in that 24 bubble to keep firing. I find the las/plas variant far more flexible!
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That's the good thing about my LGS. So far we don't really have any Space Wolf or Dark Eldar players. ( I do run DE sometimes, but only a small bit) It seems that Tyranid are the flavor of choice. I have to be able to deal with both Horde types and massive amounts of MC's on a regular basis. The other thing I will be dealing with is CSM, another player and me have a bit of a grudge match rivalry thing going. He brings World Eaters, so far we've been pretty evenly matched, but the matches are always close.
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