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Normal Terminators in BA lists?

IK Viper

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I am one of those guys who started off with the Assault on Black Reach box. So I have myself these 5 normal terminators. I am building a BA army with the usual JPSM idea b/c I like the idea of speed and CC face smashing but I really like my terminators. After getting a real box of Terms and converting the Sgt into a TA Libby I am playing with the idea of going for a 10 man normal Terminator squad with a TASP and the Libby plus magnatized options of AC's/CML's/ or HFlamers. This comes out to like 675 with 2 of the expensive upgrade weapons, without CF's and or a SS on the libby. That is alot of points but I am thinking of an all infantry list and thought this squad would draw alot of the fire away from my JP troops as they cross the field and offer me the option to take Sang Shield and protect a DC unit and the accociated DC Dread as my big bowlingball rolls Relentlessly across the field.


Before I go that far though what do more experienced BA player think about this?


Should I just DS a 5 man Term Squad bring and bring DC in SR instead? (will certainly be getting a Storm Raven regardless)

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Unviable in anything below 1500 pts. Even then, if you did bring a DC it would have to be piteously small. That said, in larger point games where you can field proper support and DC it sounds like a tough unit. Our terminators are just as good as vanilla marines'. Hell, even consider adding a SP and sticking them in an LRC, then you'll have an even harder unit. Of course, that would probably only work in fairly large games..
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Ive played a bit with a 5man squad.


I think a ten man squad can work- almost always get the cyclones though.


Termies are hard targets, so taking other vehicles/razors will work well with it.

You could quite easily fit in some awesome combos at 1850 level.


Id consider a Storm shield! No fists needed.


Id probably rock something like:


Libby - Term Armour - Shield

Priest- Term Armour

10 Terms - 2Clyclones.


10 RAS - 2MG, PF

5 RAS - MG, PW

Razor - TLLC

5 RAS - MG, PW

Razor - TLLC

5 RAS - MG, PW

Razor - TLAC


3 Attk Bks - 2 MM

2 Attk Bks - 2 MM

Pred - las sponsons


Depending on your play style you could always even drop the two bikes and the RAS and grab 2 more Regular Assault Squads with Razorbacks!

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I like to run a large blob of terminators with my jumpers.


Usually like this:


10 terminators, asscan, cyclone

term priest


Very tough, long threat range, decent damage output both in CC and shooting. The cyclone is usually better but having the assault cannon has saved my butt a couple of times with lucky rends.


They might not be quite as tough or hit as hard as hammernators, but against non-deathstar units they can be devastating. The large squad size means you can sometimes pull off massive multi-assaults and the sheer number of powerfist attacks hurt. My record so far is 5 kp in one assault phase. :)

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I tried a squad of 5 terminators, the TA Libby, and a TASP today against another BA list, the squad did manage to bring down a Storm Raven for me but died to a DC Dread loaded on the back on it :-( no luck with my PF in CC there even with my chain fist :-(


On my Libby I am usually bringing Blood Lance and either Sword of Sang. or Unleash Rage, tending toward UR due to the already awesome amount of high strength attacks. Suggestions with the Libby?


What about DS the terminators? good or bad idea? i figure having that much in one squad means alot of my force will come down at one time atleast...

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