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STC Hunters

jokaero weaponsmith

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Some may have seen the title in Adeptus Startes I am looking to create not a chapter as such but something similar to the blackwatch with different chapters serving time in this new force.

Would see the force been created and overseen by the Adeptus Mechanicus in secret (yes they are at it again see steel confessors) the difference been that the marines serving time in this force would only consist of techmarines and trainee Techmarines or members of chapters who are scions of mars.

Could see them serving under Delphan Gruss or any other Magos as apart of the Collegiate Explorator

Having already sworn some allegiance to the Adeptus Mechanicus and somewhat aliened by their own chapters for been Techmarines would not see the secrecy as an issue.

Would also be a reason they are bound to the admech and seem aloof to their Chapter Brothers on their return to their chapter.


This force would be a strike force in the acquisition of STC and other Tech or the Omnicopaeia much like the Blackwatch is a strike force for the Inquisition. I know that the Adeptus Mechanicus has its own forces but I see them as a blunt force, bringing a titan to bear in search of STC is not going to be covert and I don’t think the Skitarii would always be suited to the role either, but both could be similar used as the Inquisition uses the guard and navy.


Was thinking that there could be some members who remained with the force as permanent members, techmarines who had become so machine that they seem alien to their chapters and in turn their chapters alien to them, slipping quietly away from there chapter back to mars.


Appearance wise they at first glance look like Deathwatch, black with chapter badge on one side but other shoulder would be red with an I with a cog at its centre.

This similar appearance would be that they could play on been mistaken for blackwatch and by nature Inquisition.

The I repressing the I from Indagator Scientiae again deliberately playing with them been mistaken as Inquisition.



Is there enough here to work with and be different enough or am I reinventing the wheel I.e. Blackwatch

and any suggestion for a name would be appreciated

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The core of your concept sounds like something any number of chapters would do - send a force to assist an Adeptus Mechanicus Explorator Fleet.


Since you're leaning more towards a "joint" force, with members drawn from various chapters, I'll point out that the basic scheme is, like the Deathwatch, very similar to that used by the Legio [bolter & Chainsword]. If you were to decide to go that route, instead of the chapter badge incorporating the skull and cog, you might make that an army badge.


If you want to press forward with your current plan, though, that's also feasible. The Steel Confessors are an example of a chapter created in secret by the Adeptus Mechanicus. I personally think that that aspect of the chapter (i.e., created in secret by, and under the control/acting as the Chamber Militant of the Adeptus Mechanicus) should be unique, but there are a number of chapters that maintain strong relationships with the Adeptus Mechanicus and you might draw from those. To me, the more likely solution is that the entire force would be drawn from one of those chapters, but that's just me. If you'd rather go with the "crusade" route, go for it.


If you decide to go the Legio route, though, let me know.

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I like this idea. The very concept of a strike force tasked with hunting STC's appeals to me. I would say that rather than have them in black armour perhaps a red colour instead to denote their temporary affiliation would be fitting, I think, much like tech marines. Or, instead of armour, perhaps red robes like the Mechanicus regularly uses. It fits the somewhat clandestine nature of the role and it makes the force differ a little to most other specialist elites.
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Thanks for your reply Brother Tyler the fluff for the Legio is great but the fluff for it isn’t really what I’m after although I would like to send one of my Iron Hands brothers to join the cause. Is there going to be another painting competition for the Legio?

I know that the Steel Confessors were somewhat unique but they have long since become an independent Chapter of the Adeptus Astarte’s and I think that the Admech would be stubborn enough to try something again.

I was thinking that if they chose this route it would be harder for them to be shut down, Members would be disbanded back to their Chapters, plausible deniability that it was a one off rouge group of Techmarines.

The inquisition certainly could not afford to stop Techmarines training on Mars although they would keep a close on them for a while.

I know that the Admech could draw on any of its Scions of Mars to for fill the role but using the existing fluff of the blood Angels and their supercharged tanks I think that The Admech would be more than a little untrusting of one chapter handing over STC technology once found, even Scions of Mars.

A joint force would be the solution to this trust issue.

I think I’m in for the "Crusade" route. B)


Thanks Olisredan I did consider all red armour, but thought that some of the Trainee Techmarines had not earn't the right to wear the red armour until they had served in the Indagator Scientiae as this would be the last test of loyalty to the Admech.

Any that didnt comply would be brain wiped or made into a servitor.

Also I like the idea that the Admech are Thumbing their nose or other appendages at the Inquisition seeing them get blamed for any Carnage that might result and possibly covering it up, I’m sure even the inquisition wouldn’t know what all the blackwatch kill teams are up too.

Do like the idea of the robes, how do you like the idea of the permanent Marines (the ones that are more machine than Marine) wearing it as a sign of rank and honour.

It would make them seem more mysterious and more linked to the Admech than their Astartes Brothers

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Do like the idea of the robes, how do you like the idea of the permanent Marines (the ones that are more machine than Marine) wearing it as a sign of rank and honour.

It would make them seem more mysterious and more linked to the Admech than their Astartes Brothers


I was thinking every marine would wear the robes over their native colour scheme but the lower ranked brothers could have unadorned ones whereas the more experienced brothers (like veteran sergeants and captains) could have more ornate ones, decorated perhaps with the skull-cog or with writing. I feel that simply wearing the red robes to denote themselves as part of the task force would be fitting - it's an easy to conceal identifier (just hide them somewhere) that they could get away with wearing without arousing too much suspicion. :cuss

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I love the idea mate, I like the idea of the red robes that has been brought up by

Olisredan as well. You could use the dark angel kit for those. One minor thing I would

suggest, prehaps have them remove the paint from their armour before donning the

robes. Keeping a shoulder pad painted in the chapter colours and the other in a way

suitably relivant to the cult mechanicus. Then you have a kind of obsession over the

purity of tech idea going and with the robes added secrecy.


Plus one little thing Jokaero, your getting a little confused, your thinking of the deathwatch

not the blackwatch. Deathwatch are the Chamber Militant of the Ordo Xenos. Had to

pick that one out as they are my fav chapter.

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Whoops :tu: yeah Deathwatch my bad.

I think the idea, that on reaching Mars a Trainee Techmarine strips their armour bar one shoulder pad back to base Metal/cermite is awesome.

As they would be modifying their armour during training this would make sense as well. Not to mention the purity of the Machine aspect and them earning their red Thanks TheDVoid.


The idea that the robes themselves denote rank is a nice, moves me away from a Deathwatch or Legio paint scheme and makes them more unique. Again Thanks Olisredan.


So for Appearences at this stage Base Metal/cermite (silver or grey) with a red left arm and shoulder and Chapter Colours on the right with red robes with different designs and patterns denoting rank.

Is this working for any one?

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Personally I'd want to keep the colour schemes of the parent chapters - it'd add to the crusade-esque feel of the force imho. Also, instead of having a shoulder pad denoting squad type I'd have a skull-cog there instead (so it'd be on the model's right shoulder instead of the left like the Deathwatch). But that's what I'd do and I'm not you. :tu:
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  • 4 weeks later...



The Indagator Scientiae or STC Hunters as it is known amongst its brethren is an organisation primary concerned with pursuit and acquisition of STC blueprints and the Omnicopaeia .It is believed with each STC blueprint acquired there lays the potential to revolutionize the entire Imperium, drawing a close to the dark ages and a return of the Imperium to the zenith of its power.

The Indagator Scientiae is a secretive organisation known only to the fabricator general and a few Magos and those Techmarines that pass through its ranks.

Speculation is that its quintessential form may have origins as far back as the second founding but there is little evidence to support this assumption.

It is know that operations of the Idagator Scientiae were suspended for a brief time after the 19th Founding in the 36th Millennium. When the Steel Confessors bore loyalty only to the adeptus Mechanicus and during the subsequent intense scrutiny the Adeptus Mechanicus was subjected to in the wake of this coming to light.


Home World


Mars, Sol System



The Indagator Scientaie is the secretive and covert acquisition unit to the Collegiate Explorator

The Indagator Scientaie is not a chapter instead it is comprised of small Hunter Cells. Hunter Cells are comprised of select Techmarines as a core with a Magos overseeing each Cell. The size and composition of each Cell varies in accordance with the desires of the Magos, each forming a cell to their own preferences and requirements.




The Indagator Scientaie recruit from amongst the ranks of the Techmarines sent to train on Mars but only those brothers that show particular reverence for the Cult Mechanicus and exceptional affinity to machines are tentatively propositioned to join the ranks of the STC hunters. Often enough these Brothers are outside chapters normally bound by the Scions of Mars. Even then some Techmarine brothers are excluded from admittance to the Indagator Scientaie due to past antagonism between their Chapter and the Admech. A notable example is the Blood Angels Chapter because of their continued withholding of the STC for the Baal Tank. However Chapters that are Scions of Mars are by far the most prevalent in the Indagator Scientaie ranks.

Recruits serve their time in the STC Hunters from their initiation to its ranks thru to the completion of their training before returning to their Chapter. Their service is never mentioned to their parent Chapter, nor his fellow Techmarines within the Chapter. Often the burden of this secret makes them seem withdrawn and aloof to their brethren.

There are rare cases of Techmarines slipping away from their parent chapter to return to Mars to serve the once again as permanent members amongst the ranks of the STC hunters. This rare event is brought about by the Techmarine becoming so machine like that he is ostracized and alienated within his own Chapter.

All those that serve in the STC Hunters are brought before Fabricator General himself and oath bound to him and the Adeptus Mechanicus. In performing this oath it is noted that a recruits parent chapter may see a boon in its relationship with the Adeptus Mechanicus in years to come, more so if the recruit were eventually to become Master of the Forge for his chapter.


Combat Doctrine


The STC Hunters have no specific combat doctrine instead it is cohesion of the various elements that make up each Hunter Cell. It is noted that each cell always performs with cold calculated precision.


Heraldry and Colour Scheme


Upon entering service to the STC Hunters all brothers strip their armor back to bear Cremite (silver or grey) as with all Trainee Techmarines they are yet to earn all their Red and it vacillates modification to their armor that each will be performing to his armor during his training. As to not displease the machine spirit of his armor the Chapter symbol is retained on his shoulder pad. Some brethren choose to cover this with fabric as not to shame their parent Chapter, this is duly noted by the Magos and reported to the Fabricator General. After which their loyalty comes under close scrutiny and it can have ramifications to his parent chapter in their future dealings with the Admech. The right shoulder pad is deep red, bearing a symbol of an I centered with a cog as the symbol of the Indagator Scientiae. All brethren wear red rubberized robes bearing motifs and symbols of the Adeptus Mechanicus these can denote service, rank and forge world served on among other things within their intricate patterns. Many of these symbols and patterns are transferred to their armour on completion of their service in the Indagator Scientiae.


Battle Cry


No known battle cry is audible to the ear although it is suggested that the STC Hunters only use binary code for communication.


I know I have broken a couple of rules in the writing of this but I hope that adds to the chapter rather than Jarring the reader I look forward to feed back on this "Chapter" and I hope that it translates from how I see it in my head to the paper as I find it easy to miss stuff I have thought about in my head Cheers

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