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Quick painting Blood Angels


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Hi all,

My aim was to start a new army that didnt take that long to paint that i got side tracked and never actually finished. I have started a new Blood Angels army and just about finished my 1st tactical squad (need to blonde the hair!)

I would like to know what people think - do they look too quickly painted or not too bad, to be honest I am happy with them but comments, advice or always appreciated :P

thanks for looking, commenting and i will keep posting as i get stuff done (money allowing!)


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thanks for the comments all, the blue is going to go and will simply paint them black :confused:

the next bit of advice really is what next to get as having read some of the Blood Angels forums, nobody seems to really use Tac squads but either assault with jump packs or Rhinos...


any suggestions?


thanks again all for taking the time to look, comment :sweat:

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