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Iron Warriors done with Army Painter


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Hey guys,


just wanted to share my Iron Warriors army that I did using the Army Painter system.

Once the bases were done, they look pretty good.

Although I'm slightly disgusted at how good they look considering how very little effort went into any of this


Anyway, I shall shut up and show you photos:








I also did 6 Rhinos, but they're boring.

Oh, and I still have a full half a spray can left, half of the dip left, most of the flock and half of the grass tufts left.


o you could sensibly do a 4,000pts force very easily with 1 set of Army Painter stuff. Madness!


Edit by Insane Psychopath - •No trading or selling posts


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Very nice work. Well done.


I'm sick to death of seeing spray-black-drybrush-silver Iron Warriors. It's really nice to see a well painted representation of Perturabos crazies


Thumbs up!




.......or something like that

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Man, they're amazing! Nothing to say, completely awesome! The best IW i've ever seen :huh: better even than GW ones :)

And oblits... + to the rest of the comrades, the best oblits one can ever imagine!

But can you show close pics of your champions? And who commands your IW?

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Very nice. Where is the helmet of the PF Sergeant Aspiring Champion and the left Obliterators from?


Most of the other helmets are from the Chaos Warriors box, right?


Its the old plastic CSM champ helmet with the horns removed unless I'm much mistaken.

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Ironically, I just bought, built and painted this army on the cheap to tide me over while I work on other projects.

The plan is to come back to 40K in the future when some semblance of balance has been restored. So I will be selling all this at some point in the future. Probably when everyone goes spazztastic over the new Chaos Codex.




Here's my Warsmith and 2 champs as promised.

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They're great! The Warsmith especially! The real IW! And with the Daemon Weapon, right? B)


As for helmets, much of them're from FB and its Chaos Warriors. It's not surprising, many people like to use them ;)

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Those Iron Warriors put mine to shame. They look phenomeawesome! Hazard lines are very crisp. Would love to see some tanks and other daemon possessed vehicles. Keep up the awesome work.
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Here's my Warsmith and 2 champs as promised.

Sexy. A clever, yet simple, conversion. Might have to borrow that conversion idea, if you don't mind. Very nice job, man, and thanks for the close up. ;)

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Sexy. A clever, yet simple, conversion. Might have to borrow that conversion idea, if you don't mind. Very nice job, man, and thanks for the close up. ;)


No worries mate.

As I say, all this was done super quick. I'm 50% really pleased at how they all turned out and 50% really disgusted, considering just how good they are considering how effortless the whole process was.

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