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Marine Sprue


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Sorry if this has been asked before, I searched and couldnt find anything


I was looking on Heresy-Online and I found out whats on the sprue. my question is though, can you makes 10 guys with bolt pistols and CCWs and how many meltas does it come with? depending on what it comes with, i have some brillant idea's.

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I assume you're talking about the CSM box set? If so you can make 10 marines with either bolters or bolt pistols and chainswords. You only get one of each of the special weapons.


What brilliant ideas have you had?

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Hey mate, well if you have a squiz through dakka dakka.com i have seen a sprue section on there that has a lot of the box sprues laid out so you can see what comes in each box before you buy which is a great idea, Im not exactly sure what sub forum its in, dont have time to check for you but its on there somewhere.


Cheers and goodluck with it

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If you mean for CSMs then there are enough bits to make all the marines with BPs and CCWs. If you mean normal Space Marines then you don't get the bits make them with BPs and CCWs.
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Heck, you can make your Marines with Bolter, Bolt Pistol, AND CCW, and holding either combination thereof.


But the Specials are limited to Flamer, Plasma Gun, Meltagun, plasma pistol, Heavy Bolter, Power Weapon, Power Fist, and Bob's Stick.

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