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Lamenters force


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Hi all,


Here is my first blood angels themed army, a small Lamenters force, this is my first attempt at painting both yellow and battle damages wich are pretty heavy (especially on the furioso) there will be some additions to this force in a near future, I'll post them here when they''ll be done.


dreadnought :



death company squad :




Lemartes (Old School) :



Tactical squad 1 :



Tactical squad 2 :



Commanding Officer :



Sanguinary priest :



Honor guard :



Hope you'll like 'em !


C&C welcome !



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Really nice marines you have there. The yellow is pulled off nicely and i'm a big fan of the battle damage. I think it might have been a bit too heavy on the dreadnought, but that's just taste. Still, cool looking force, what are you planning to add next?
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Thanks a lot !



@Brother Syth : Next elements are : 2 rhinos (old ones), space hulk's terminators, An old techmarine, a librarian made out from GK bits, a chaplain, and maybe a stormraven if I have enough time to do all this in the next month...


@HJL : Correct, but it's only at an early stage of painting : barely undercoated, I have enough work on it to keep me busy a full year I think !


@durus : Not sure I tried to add battle damage to the DC but failed so for now they'll stay clean until I find a way to do it good.


@tellos05 : To do the checks I start by drawing the lines to create the pattern before filling in the black squares and it takes lots of time to do ...


Thanks again to all of you !



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  • 4 weeks later...

Thanks a lot for all those kind words


Here is my last addition to the army : the Space hulk Terminators. Small changes on 'em, mostly to remove the Blood Angels shoulderpads or adapt them to the Lamenters, I tried to keep the conversion at the minimum.

I hope you'll like em !







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hahah jesus this is awesome. My hats off to you sir -- not only a great force, but a great YELLOW force. Somehow, there tends to be many fewer good forces which are yellow...B) My only criticism (please, forgive me) is that the battle damage on the Dread seems overdone in the wrong places and with too large brown areas. But hey, what do I know, I have yet to conquer yellow like you, sire ;)


What are you thinking for the bases?

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Thanks guys for the nice comments !


I really start to think to redo the dread to decrease the amount of battle damages... If I avoid lazyness :D


For the bases they are all done with a ship floor theme (way to fit both badab era and post badab), some are coming frome microart and some are scratchbuilt. I'll add pictures of it later.



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Very cool army man, the Libby is great.



The Termies are my favourite by far though. I always metaphorically kick myself in the balls for not being involved with the hobby when that Space Hulk set was released... It was the original Space Hulk that got me interested in GW!

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Very cool army man, the Libby is great.



The Termies are my favourite by far though. I always metaphorically kick myself in the balls for not being involved with the hobby when that Space Hulk set was released...


Speaking about being an unlucky chap:

Back then, I asked my girlfriend whether I should invest my money in a few of these sets or not. Well, guess what she adviced me to do!

Today, I saw two sets of SH being sold on eBay - 200 € each. A man can just bear so much. Worst of all: I do own a copy of the game - factory sealed...


Well, sorry for all my whining. Your lamenters do look great - I'm thinking of starting another SM style army, and your Lammies are certainly inspiring. :lol:

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