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Supercharged Tanks

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The fluff for the supercharged STC is only the case as of the current codex.


In the 3rd ed codex, only Rhinos and Razors were overcharged, and that was because the techmarines tweaked their engines to get extra speed from them. Baals were slow tanks. The PDF codex saw baals get faster.


You will find very little info on the origin of the OC engines.

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Imperial Armour Volume 2, page 45.


"Baal Predators have been in service with the Blood Angels since the earliest days of the Great Crusade. The STC template was recovered from the ruins of the fortress of the arch techno-heretic Lord de Ladt on Atium III, after the Blood Angels stormed the breach and captured de Ladt's inner sanctum. The STC pattern found within was never returned to the Adeptus Mechanicus. Instead the Blood Angels retained the original, returning it to Baal, where it remains stored in a stasis-cell to this day, a relic of the Chapter."

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Thanks to everyone for their time and help on this, especially Black_Sky havent been able to find even this much detail even on wiki so thanks.

Does BA have a strained relation ship with admech? Seems you have some awesome tech compared to other Chapters and yet I thought the Admech would be gunning for your heads on a stick.

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Blood Angels does indeed have a strained relationship with the AdMech. It is said that this enmity is part of the reason why Blood Angels have such a bad reputation in the Imperium.

Despite this, we apparently have some great connections to other influential organisations, the Adeptus Malleus and their Grey Knights . This has resulted in above standard amounts of Land Raiders, access to Storm Ravens and pistol sized melta weapons.

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I read a peace on an apocalypse data sheet( can't remember which one sorry) about captain Tycho ordering several predators land raiders and rhino/razors to be retro fitted with Baal pred engines during Armageddon. Maybe this explains the spreading of the tech to other vehicles!
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That would probably be the lucifer armoured task force GW link, 3rd from top

This datasheet gives another possible explanation to why Blood Angels have fast vehicles.


The two sources are apparentle mutually exclusive. Imperial Armour vol. 2 states the Baal pattern Rhino dates back from an STC found during the Great Crusade, while the task force datasheet states that the fast Rhino chassis is no older than the second war for Armageddon.


I personally subscribe to the Great Crusade theory, but as I'm not near my books I cannot check old sources for information as to when it was discovered.

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The impression I got was that Tyco ordered the tanks to be fitted out with engines from the Baal predators, which up untill then had only been used on, well, Baals. The quick re-fits of that war latter lead to permanent improvements to all BA tanks except Land Raiders, which could not carry overcharged engines for a long period of time without taking severe damage.
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I thought so too. But "These modifications later informed the template for the Baal Rhino [chassis], and a new era of armoured warfare for the Blood Angels", from the end of the fluff text suggests otherwise.

This is a point where I suggest we adapt the fluff, and do what Lordvogalus suggests.

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