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First ever squad of BA done - what next?


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Hi all

have recently started my first BA army and have just finished my first squad:



the paintings not as detailed as i would like but i wanted an army that was quick to paint but looked ok too (which i think i managed *fingers crossed*)

I would like to ask advice on what to get next as having read some of the topics here, getting a tac squad may have been my first mistake as lots seem to say using them is not the way to go.

i was planning on getting an assault squad with jump packs or rhino but not sure which is the way to go...

any advice greatly appreciated :D thanks all

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If you get a razorback it uses the rhino chasis. All you need to do is not glue in the piece that holds the turret and you can swap between the two at will.


With a tactical squad you can use the marines as stand ins for Assault Marines without jump packs to take 35pts off the cost of a dedicated transport(like a rhino or razorback)



EDIT: Oh! and your models look awesome!

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@ Ardez - so rhinos / razorbacks are definitely the way to go? If thats the case I might save the jump packs for the death company and Astorath i plan to include :lol: thanks for the advice

@ James - yeah, i normally get tied up trying to blend or hard edge highlight and get bored as im not a fast painter so i used the GW washes for a lot of the models. The only bits i really focussed on were bare faces. Heres the other bare face so you can see it (not got a melta gun handy yet to add ;) )


thanks both for taking the time to read and comment, really appreciate it :) will keep updates coming as i paint them

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Great models, love the paint job!


Tac squads still have their uses, I can't see a special or heavy weapon in there though? what did you intend to use them to achieve? Holding objectives?


If you're going to buy a rhino buy a razorback same price (living in the UK) and this means you can keep the top hatch loose and use it as either

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@ zenith - going to get some assault marine sorted this week so pictures to follow soon :lol:


@ angels - the plan is to use them to hold home objective but if they get the "red thirst" i didnt want to waste it. I plan to use Dreads as a a fire base eventually. What do you think?


thanks for the comments and will keep you all posted on progress :D

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Just an update - got an assault squad with DC set and have kitbashed to make 10 x assault marines (almost made up and will post a pic when done) and was swayed by the model of Astorath. Its a lovely model and have base coated and starting to highlight so will post when hes done too :P
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  • 2 weeks later...

Definitely looking better than just "OK" -- these are very well-done. I'd be very happy if my slowly painted minis looked as good as your "quick" painted. Very very nice. I shall have to give GW's washes another change, I think!


Are those tacticals made using Death Company, or just some bitz from the Death Company box?

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Update: not got as much done on the faces as i would have liked but heres where i got to:




@ blindhamster: thanks, have took a backstep with Astorath as i was getting back into slow habits and want to stick to a quick painted army (hes the reward for getting stuff finished :( )

@ nicodemus: first time i have used the washes but they are well worth a try as devlan mud and baal red have really helped me speed up my painting. The tacs are a mix of a combat squad and DC box. I then used the JPs with the assault squad so they all have BA themed JPs :)

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Definitely looking better than just "OK" -- these are very well-done. I'd be very happy if my slowly painted minis looked as good as your "quick" painted. Very very nice.




Your tactical models can also be used as Devestators or Sternguard.

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@ venemox: i have never really used devestators before, are they worth while as i was planning on using a dread as my heavy fire support - any suggestions?


@ mezkh: i agree with you, have decided i am going to use my tac squad either in a rhino or combat squad them and razorback them. So you think to go multi melta? im not sure as i get stuck not moving

with a tac if i have a heavy weapon as i dont want to lose the shot? thanks for the comment on painting, i am happy with them to say i have tried not to spend too much time on them and get bored :lol:

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Hi all, another update, heres the main part of DC dreadnought Hanzel almost completed:





any comments would be great ^_^

also, had my first BA game V necrons (750 pts) and they were fantastic! the Tac sergeant was superb which i did not expect though they did get the red thirst :)

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Hi Raging, thanks for the comment ^_^ always nice to know people like ur painting ;)


I actually found the painting technique online (apologies as i cant remember whose mix it was):


from start to finish:


mechrite red

blood red

devlan mud wash all over

50 50 mix of blood red and mechrite red leaving the wash and a little base showing

baal red wash all over

all done :)


if theres anything else on painting just ask :)


the list i ran was: Astorath, 5X RAS w TH, 10X Tac squad with PF and melta in a Rhino+ HK missile, DC dreadnought with magna grapple and twin blood talons


we rolled a control and capture and i won 2 - 0, the DC dreadnought took out an entire squad of necron warriors!

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Another update:

have finished the blonde hair on the tac squad marines:




heres their rhino WIP (though i havent glued the hatch so i can razorback it if i need to!)


and heres something i havent tried before, any comments would be greatly appreciated as im not sure if it works and im starting to lose focus a little:


thanks all :P

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Great job on the rhino hatches. I never had the patience to go free hand, but you did very well on it. And the dread is stunning. I never tried rolling them for my primary fire support. I enjoy devestators too much. I throw them in a razor too for a strong base of fire, to support any envolpements I want to try.
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