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frag cannon experiences?

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My experiences using frag cannons has been nothing but outstanding. Countless times I have torn through 'nids, orks and IG like they were paper. Against other Marine armies they tend to not do as well, but I still take them. I swear by them.
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I ran four dreads at an opponents Green Tide, 2 were DC dreads with Talons and the other two were Furioso's with Frag Cannons and Heavy Flamers. Mostly due to amazing rolls on my part and crap rolls on his, in a turn and a half the Tide was gone.
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I ran four dreads at an opponents Green Tide, 2 were DC dreads with Talons and the other two were Furioso's with Frag Cannons and Heavy Flamers. Mostly due to amazing rolls on my part and crap rolls on his, in a turn and a half the Tide was gone.

lol, i'm not sure wheather or not i want to use a SB or flamer...that's always my biggest dilemma w/ dreadnaughts

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Seeing as how a dreadnought without blood talons will not mulch through infantry as quickly I'd opt for HF whenever possible to weaken the squad size your vehicle will have to be stuck with. That way when he bbqs a few and squashes the rest they lose combat horribly, get run down, and your dread is then freed up to cause havoc next turn. It's just finding those 10 points >.>
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Seeing as how a dreadnought without blood talons will not mulch through infantry as quickly I'd opt for HF whenever possible to weaken the squad size your vehicle will have to be stuck with. That way when he bbqs a few and squashes the rest they lose combat horribly, get run down, and your dread is then freed up to cause havoc next turn. It's just finding those 10 points >.>

ya i decided that i'd go with the flamer. blast 'em then burn 'em :D

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After using both frag cannon furiosos and heavy sup dreads with TL Heavy flamer I prefer the latter for template spam. Mostly it's about army composition, elites get filled up more quickly for me than heavy support. I'd rather use that slot for a fist furioso with grapple or librarian dread. The fragcannon furioso with melta is more versatile, but since I usually don't send the dreads up against 'hard' targets the AP4 and wound reroll produce better results than two shots of S6 AP- rending.
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Every once in a while, I like to throw out the Frag Cannon/Heavy Flamer combo. It's pretty fun when you lay down three templates. Even a power armor squad will loose a couple guys to that.


It's an unexpected threat, and most opponents disregard it until it gets too close. "It has two template weapons? OK..." They'll focus on your assault squads, Sanguinary Guard, Mephy, Astroboi, and then BAM! Here is this Arm 13 Dread laying down a couple S6 Rending templates... :HQ:


Pair it up with a Furioso with Blood Talons and go hoard hunting. :lol:

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I've run the Frag Cannon/Heavy Flamer combo a few times to pretty good effect but I think I really prefer the Heavy Flamer/Blood Talon combo for munching though big units (Orks) as he just doesn't stop.


The Frag version up against something like that can sometimes get one shot off followed by the charge and spend the next three turns locked in combat (great as a tarpit, but expensive!) which has happened a couple of times.


The other thing that has happened was being too good at toasting stuff to the point that the models left were out of charge range. If you're looking to get him to end up in combat maybe run him supported by something useful but cheap (RAS?) or go with what JamesI said and think about keeping that melta for a special occasion

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Sadly I think you may be using the Blood Talons wrong. :) They only gain the extra attacks when causing wounds when you have the pair! You may be better off equipping a bloodfist in that case to bring the S10 pain.
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Sadly I think you may be using the Blood Talons wrong. :D They only gain the extra attacks when causing wounds when you have the pair! You may be better off equipping a bloodfist in that case to bring the S10 pain.


What do you mean by that? You can't not take a pair of talons, all upgrades replace the standard blood fists.

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I think he misread it when you typed Heavy Flamer/Blood talons as one talon and twinlinked heavy flamer on other arm.


As someone who is on the recieving end of a Frag cannon and Blood Talons, either or really, they both really forgiving and reliable weapons, one is strength six ignoring armour so usually 4s then twos with rerolls and sixes getting you extra attacks, i ve had more then a few squads annhilated in one turn from them beasts, the other is two templates that rend, you can usaully fit a minimum of 8 under the two templates and with a little good movement upto 15 from that alone especially if facing orcs or something hordy or just marines hugging a wall, plus the heavy flamer you can reliably cripple a squad to below 50% in a turn of shooting then bang mop up with an assault squad if you can.


Termies are your one enemy though, low numbers mean low number of wounds which means less rends, or in blood talon case Hammernators with 3++ or even Tzeentch Termies with a 4++ will keep that one S8 thing alive.

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I think he misread it when you typed Heavy Flamer/Blood talons as one talon and twinlinked heavy flamer on other arm.


Yes, seems so. I meant paired talons and the heavy flamer upgrade slung underneath.

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In my experience templates should be handled with extreme care. In my gaming group you'll never get amazing results with templates, because everyone spaces their models out to the max in order to avoid problems like losing 50% of a squad to a hvy flamer. The small template will get a maximum of 2 models. The big one might get 4-5. And a flamer will usually only hit 3-4 aswell. So I guess it all depends on how your opponents play :P. Even if our orc player plays 120 odd orcs, we all have a hard time with templates. After all he only needs to get that nob in close combat and a couple of orcs to dish out some pain. And killing 11 daemonettes is very, very lucky. Probably the first and last time he'll leave them standing so close to one another :wacko:.
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sed the frag cannon/heavy flamers combo in a handful of games dropping in a pod every time, it's never failed to completely murder whatever I point it at. The first game I used it it managed to kill an entire squad of Ork bikers and half a squad of boys on the first turn right out of its pod (perfect scatter location), throughout that game it polished off the diminished ork boys and then was deff rolla'd to death. I've used that same load out with good results against IG, GK (inquisition spam army), Tau, Orks and Tyranids. Maybe not the most ideal load out but still a very good set up and in a pod they are pretty darn threatening to a whole lot of stuff.


One of my favorite things to use them for is fighting my buddys IG parking lot, drop the frag cannon dreads pod as well as a melta squad of ASM and if I'm really lucky some cc VV's in from reserve on turn 2 and use the frag cannon to remove his bubble wrap around his juicy vehicles and then melta them to death then assault whatever was inside with the VV (or assault another vehicle). It's worked for me a lot against him and a few Tau players too who wrap kroot around vehicles.

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Last time I used dreadnought with frag cannon. First turn it engaged Ultramarines tactical squad... Shot frag cannon then heavy flamer (the template goodies) it scored enough hits and rendering hits and it murdered entire 10 man tactical squad... I didn´t even get chance to assault it... :D
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