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How to equip Libraians on bikes


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So I'm a a Blood Rodeo player. At 2000 points I always field dual Librarians and dual priests w/ power swords on bikes. Now I have melta throughout the list ... six melta and two multi-meltas. Also I have four PFs. So what powers should I give my Libbie? Bear in mind its two squads of bikes and two squads of ASM - no vehicles at all.

Do I go ...







Each has its pros and cons. My problem with the Lance is my extremely bad die rolls at times. I can move into position but I don't always hit. Shield gives me my cover save but I can turbo boost bikes and hide my ASM behind them and I have FNP. Fear is situational but at times really useful. The sword is nice for AT and MCs and .. well it has uses for sure too.

So what would you equip your Libbies with and why ... base this on biker Libbies but jump Libbies should be pretty similar in use. Bear in mind too that it is a list with just Jumpers and Bikes.

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Personally, I would consider Lance (it doesn't roll to hit just distance), but a bike list probably has enough melta/multimeltas to not need it.


Without knowing the exacts for your list, I would suggest Sword and Fear.

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Shield gives me my cover save but I can turbo boost bikes and hide my ASM behind them and I have FNP.


Shield and Fear, definitely.


If you turbo boost you can't fire, use a screen and you give the opponent a cover as well. 5+ cover is not something you should rely on but it can be invaluable in keeping you alive from retaliatory fire.


Fear will let you comfortably deal with some things that your bikers don't have the numbers to deal with, or squads too tough to face directly. The long range certainly helps too. The 24" move makes it easier to chase an opponent off the table.

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And there lies my problem. Ask which poweers are best and get multiple different responses. I actually do like shield and fear but then I lose the sword which is also pretty good at times. Fear maybe does make the best sense though. I cannot really post a list as I change it up occasionaly. At 1500 I also walk a pair of Furioso/Talon dreads. At 2000 I replace Dreads with DSing or walking terminators. Otherwise it is two and half squads of ASM and two squads of bikes or one combat squad bike at 1500. Does that help at all?
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Not entirely sure about shield. Most of the time, the units are in cover no? I mean, the bikes boost for 3++, the jumpers behind that for 4++ ? And thats not even the regular cover stuff.

Isn't it more rarely where you'll have to use a 5++ ?


I'd consider sword as an option.

Id also strongly consider Rage, but maybe not if the libbies never join with the ASMs.

Fear would be next on my list.


My top four:








With that in mind, you may even be able to do all of them!

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I'm with Mort on this one.


Not having run bikers (can't afford it, yet), sword + fear seems like the best choice for stand-alone bikers. It givrs that extra oomph in close combat, and you might get lucky against non-fearess units. enabling you to escort them off the board.


When you are not turbo boosting yo should either be in a hard to reach place, or standing on top of his army with your assault marines.

Rage isn't adviceable as your bikers only have a single attack each. blood lance is counter intuitive when it comes to preservation/damage dealing. often you will either stay in cover, or be out in the open trying to hit more than one vehicle. If your opponent knows you are bringing the lance to the table, you will have a much harder time multi hitting.


Those are my thougts, other people run other combinations to great effect. The best you can do is find the ones that work for you through playtesting. Remember: powers are not modeled on to the miniature, it is much easier to change powers every game than special and heavy weapons.

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Isn't it more rarely where you'll have to use a 5++ ?


Any time you want to use the meltas on the bikes.


Bikers and jump infantry are expensive units, so it's a safe bet you'll be outnumbered. Because of that you can't really count on always having a cover save or being able to be on top of all units with your assault squads. You will be exposed to retaliatory fire and the assault squads will sometimes be caught in the open after a bad round of shooting or a botched consolidation move.

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====Flesh Rodeo====


Librarian, Sword of Sanguinius, Fear of Darkness, Bike 135


2x Sanguinary Pr1est, Power Weapon , Bike 200


2x 10 Assault Marines, 2 Meltagun, PF, Jump Packs 470


Lemartes 385

5 Death Company, Thunderhammer, 2x Power Weapon, Jump Packs


8 Bikes, 2 Meltagun, PF, Attack Bike MM 310




This is the list I have been running. I have to say that I don't use the sword that often but when I have it has been quite useful. There are certainly those occasions when a shield would have helped. I combat squad the bikes and run my ASM behind ... I will combat squad them at times too.

My DC are my hammer squad. There is nothing in the game I'm afraid to charge with them. I had used Terminators (still do at 2000) but at 1500 this list really competes well against most armies barring IG parking lots - the bane of DoA anyway. So I'm happy with the list overall. I just feel like

my Librarian under performs at times.

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There is nothing in the game I'm afraid to charge with them. I had used Terminators (still do at 2000) but at 1500 this list really competes well against most armies barring IG parking lots - the bane of DoA anyway.


I'd say the problem for you vs guard is the low model count in combination with the lack of 2+ and inv saves. DoA in general is good vs parking lots.

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Well DoA do not have a lot of 2+ inv. available. And a good IG player will castle up and buffer his dakka with disposable squads. It is not easy to break through the buffer before being torrented by fire. At least that has been my experience over quite a few games and I've seen other traditional DoA lists do that much better. Bear in mind too that you are looking at a 1500 list. At 1750 and 2000 I have more bodies. At 1500 I have 38 models all with FNP and eleven at T5. I still struggle despite terrain, cover saves, turbo-boosts and FNP.
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