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Building an army

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So I am in the process of building an army and was looking for some advice on how to equip my latest acquisition.


I currently have a Daemon Prince w/ Wings, a Chaos Lord in TDA w/ a Power-fist and combi-bolter, 2 10 model CSM squads; one with 2 plasma guns, one with 2 meltas, both with an Icon of Chaos Glory and Champion with Powerfist. My last squad is a unit of 5 Terminators who between them have 2 Combi-meltas, 1 Autocannon, 2 combi-bolters, 2 power-fists, 1 chainfist, and 2 power weapons. I am adding 5 more Terminators to use as (depending on scenario) either substitutes, a second squad, or a full ten man unit.


However, I am not sure how best to utilize the pieces I have at my disposal in this venture and was hoping for some tactical advice on my best options.


I currently have at my disposal up to 3 powerfists (although two of them I am not aesthetically fond of), 2 Chainfists, 2 sets of Lightning Claws, a host of power weapons and combi-bolters, a heavy flamer, and 2 combi-flamers.


I figure I'll get the power fist and at least 1 of the Chainfists in but I am unsure about the ranged weapons mostly so any advice from the more experienced would be helpful.

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However, I am not sure how best to utilize the pieces I have at my disposal in this venture and was hoping for some tactical advice on my best options.


Were you referring to the terminator squad in particular or your entire army?


I'll assume its the army and go from there, sorry if I provide overkill advice. :HQ:


1) Try to stay away from putting "fist" weapons on HQ units. It wastes their high I value and it increases the chance that they'll be insta-killed by a buried power fist before they can attack. Lightning claws or daemon weapons are good choices for the most part.


2) Your CSM squads sound perfect. The next step is to get them some rhinos for added mobility and protection.


3) The terminators seem a unfocused. The reaper autocannon is a good but expensive weapon. Its best used in squads that will utilize its long range but doing so wastes the much cheaper combi weapons. I'm sure you've seen that the #1 use for Chaos terminators is "termicide", 3-4 terminators with combi meltas that teleport next to a high value target (e.g. land raider), blast it then die to the counter attack. This is the simplest, safest way to play terminators. If you want a little more variety, you can increase the deep striking squads to 4-6 guys, add in a heavy flamer and 1-2 fist weapons for a more all purpose close range support squad. If you want to use the reaper, I would take 3 guys, 2 with standard equipment and 1 with the reaper and walk up the board blasting transports and light armor.

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3) The terminators seem a unfocused. The reaper autocannon is a good but expensive weapon. Its best used in squads that will utilize its long range but doing so wastes the much cheaper combi weapons. I'm sure you've seen that the #1 use for Chaos terminators is "termicide", 3-4 terminators with combi meltas that teleport next to a high value target (e.g. land raider), blast it then die to the counter attack. This is the simplest, safest way to play terminators. If you want a little more variety, you can increase the deep striking squads to 4-6 guys, add in a heavy flamer and 1-2 fist weapons for a more all purpose close range support squad. If you want to use the reaper, I would take 3 guys, 2 with standard equipment and 1 with the reaper and walk up the board blasting transports and light armor.

First of I agree with minigun on all points. Though I would model the termis w/ combi-meltas, combi-flamers and combi-plasma isn't bad by any means

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Thank you but I guess I wasn't very clear in my phrasing. My bad.


The models stated are already built. I was curious about the best way to build the next 5 terminators. Sorry for the confusion.


I could swap out the Powerfist for a Daemon Weapon/Lightning Claw but I am rather fond of how he looks with the fist. But I do understand the tactical flaw in the powerfist on an HQ choice so I'll have to consider that one carefully before I do anything else. Especially with how much of a pain it is to get the arms off a Terminator once they've been glued on. ;)


EDIT: Phrasing

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My last squad is a unit of 5 Terminators who between them have 2 Combi-meltas, 1 Autocannon, 2 combi-bolters, 2 power-fists, 1 chainfist, and 2 power weapons. I am adding 5 more Terminators to use as (depending on scenario) either substitutes, a second squad, or a full ten man unit.


Here is what I'd do.


Squad #1

Terminator + reaper autocannon + power weapon

Terminator + TL bolter + power weapon

Terminator + TL bolter + power weapon


Squad #2

Terminator + combi melta + power weapon

Terminator + combi melta + power weapon

Terminator + combi melta + power fist


Squad #3

Terminator + heavy flamer + power weapon

Terminator + TL bolter + chain fist

Terminator + TL bolter + power fist

Terminator + combi flamer + power weapon


Something like the above (adjusted for the 5 models you have already made) will give you a solid anti transport unit, a sacrifical high priority target unit and a multi purpose support squad.

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why not just use the termis to make oblits ?

Fair question. I forget about that... already converted enough to round me out to 9 oblits... But am still building my termiciders, so brain is stuck there.


It's a good idea, two boxes of termis, some green stuff, and whatever spare guns and gun-looking bits you have will get you 9 oblits for around $110(counting green stuff purchase), vs. the $200 it'll take you to buy 9 metal ones, even simple or bland conversions tend to look better too. And any termis you already have that have loadouts you don't want to use(if any) can be converted as they are.


But I can understand wanting termis to be termis, as well as not wanting to Oblit spam. So it's up to you

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*nods nods*

I can easily tweak around unit lists, and I have no problem picking up some extra Termi's to interchange depending on the game, however, I would like to leave them as Terminators and for the most part stick with what's in the box/boxes. Mostly because I kinda stink at converting and while I know the only way to get better is to practice, I really don't have enough money to risk "ruining" models with conversions that I don't have the skill to pull off properly.


As far as my current squad goes (CF/Combi-melta, PW/Combi-melta, PF/Reaper, PF/TL Bolter, and PW/TL Bolter) I had intended for them to be an anti-heavy infantry to light infantry squad as my primary opponent plays 'Nids with alot of MCs. And while that doesn't make sense with the Chainfist, that was mostly an aesthetic choice for the unit Champion. But I will try to use the new squad to make a more balanced/specialized group.

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