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BA Forum VASSAL Challenge - Details up!


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Thanks for the game Teku!!


Will get deets/batreps up soon.



Teku -how did you find the dante wing??


Thank you too for the battle! I'm sorry I messed up a bit! First time vassal

I did find the Dante Wing very good. Only problem is the anti tank and If you lose a unit you lose 1/5 of your army.

But still I liked my first game with them :)

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Pics to follow!

1500 Points - Annihilation / Pitched Battle


My list:


Librarian - Fear/Rage


10 RAS - 2MG, PF

8 RAS - MG, PF


8 DC - PF, PW


5 RAS - MG, PW

Razor - TLHF

5 RAS - MG, PW

Razor - TLLC


3 Atk Bikes- 2MM

3 Atk Bikes- 2MM


His list:



3x Priests - JP, PW

4x Sanguinary Guard Squads - PF, 2 Infernus Pistols

1x Attack Bike- MM




My thinking (list wise) was to not overdo things on the HQ - wasnt going to go with Mephy into a completely friendly environment- especially since I hadn't played the guy before.



I won the roll off, and gave him first- not being sure whether or not he would go into reserve. If he did, I possibly would have reserved my army. He deployed, quite spread out on the bottom side. Dante and squad on left with priest, 2x Squads with 1 priest in the middle, biker near by and then one squad with priest on the right hand side.

Considering he had deployed, I castled up near the middle, just slightly to the right.






He moved up very aggressively, running forward where he could, and getting a shot off at my razorback - I failed the cover and he blew it up! ><;

In my first turn, I moved my 10man jumpers up and supported them from behind with the bikers and then the DC behind them, with the razor wanting to take a pot shot at his lone biker - i also disembarked the libby squad to get a Fear shot off at the biker.




He passed his LD6 check (on a 4) but failed his cover save from the lascannon.

The RAS were in range of a squad of his, so I used the one biker squad to thin out the counter squad behind that. I then used the other biker squad to thin out the front squad. I only did one casualty to the back, but 2 to the front.

I charged in and with the help of FC, killed the squad down to one last man - the PF - meaning the counter would be ugly.




The right guys move up further- still far away from the action. Dante and the counter squad move into place and charge, and wipe out the 10man jumpies. Their consolidate move is also aggressive (possibly too aggressive, putting my DC within charge range).


I moved into position with the bikers, the DC got ready to take on Dante, and my 8man libby squad re-embarked and moved away from the oncoming SG+priest from the right, to support the big central battle after popping smoke!

The lone SG member from my initial charge stood his ground and took a great deal of firepower - sucking up an entire bike units worth as well as a 5man squad and a lasplas squad.

The other biker squad tried to thin numbers down of the 4man squad, while the DC attempted to whittle away at Dantes squad.

Even though I charged, the DC got drilled a bit, losing 5 men, but thankfully, due to PW and PF placement, I had singled out the Priest and Dante (with the fist) and he failed his 4++! We were down to 3 men a piece in that combat.






He moved his final big squad to engage my Rhino and the smaller squad moved to shoot and engage my bikers.

He got unlucky with his IP shots at the bikers, but blew up the rhino of mine.

In his charge, he duffed the SG squads attacks and failed 2 saves vs. the bikers!! The fist then popped 2. It was one biker vs one SG. On the right, the libby and corbs and crew were fighting their way through the last big squad.

The DC and SG squad then wiped each other off the board.




In my 3rd turn, I mounted a counter offensive and cleaned up where I could. I did also blow my libbies head off thanks to the -1W from Dante!

But after the charge against the last man on the left, there was only one more priest left to kill on the right hand side after combat.


We called it end 3. (though maybe four- but not sure where a turn went!!)


Final Result:



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