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Black Templars Sword Brethren Squad


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Part 1: I have a friend that thinks he can confer the special rules of a Sword Brethren Squad and also give it to an IC that is attached to the squad. The Special Skills says pretty simply that 'all models in a sword brethren squad will have one of the following skills'. Is he right?


Part 2: The Sword Brethren Terminator Squads allow you to 'buy' special skills for any model in the squad. So can he attach an IC to the squad then buy the special skill? Or is the 'buying' of the special skill something that happens before any IC is attached and therefore any IC is not allowed to have special skills?


Thanks, and apologies if this has been covered before, as my search fu failed me.

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The codex entries for both Sword Brethren and Command Squads state under Special Skills "All models in a Terminator/Command Squad (including leading/attached characters) may be upgraded to have one of the following skills..."
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No, and No


1. Sword Brethren (PA variant)are not in any way attached IC's until the beginning of a game, after the list building process where you pay for the Vet skills. So IC's may not benefit from Vet skills when they are joined with a unit.


2. A clarificaton, he is asking about normal TDA SB squads not the command variant, so the answer is still No they may not benefit from the TDA squad's Vet Skills.


However, there is a way to get an IC(Chaplain or Marshal only) to have a Veteran Skill. You can buy a command squad for said IC(TDA or PA) and then purchase Vet Skills for the entire squad and the attached IC's.


Does that clear it up?

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I would need to look at the specific codex to be sure, but in generaly the answer would only be yes if the squad in question was a retinue to the IC in question. And although codex:space marines has no retinues left, codex:Black Templars is from a bygon era, and still uses retinues.


While they technically could be called retinues by the BRB, they aren't really because our IC's always count as ICs for the purposes of CC

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