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Bits 'n' Bobs.

Simon 86

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Hi Warhammer world. I'm new to the whole Warhammer thing so please for give me if I use the wrong terminology. Also please for give my grammar this is the result of public schooling :-).


As the title states I've painted some mintures for two friends of mine. I was speaking to someone on Facebook who told me to set up a post on here to see what people think of my painting skills.


I've had a look at some topics on this site and the detail that people go to to make the models look life like is utter genius. Hats off to you guys you are modern day artists.


As for me well I'm thinking about painting Warhammer for my self. Not 100% sure what I'm going to be doing yet but I keep swaying towards Grey Knights? What do you good people think of Grey Knights?


I've painted a few thing like Death Watch kill team as well as Legion of the Dammed I enjoyed painting both and would like to incorporate both in to a Grey Knight army (if possable)?


Here's some models i done about a year ago i got back off my friends for some photos to post here. With out further ado here they are.








Grey Knight Dreadnaught:










Khorne Berzerkers and Khârn the Betrayer:




The dread is by far the best one I've painted in my opinion. The Berzerkers are by far the hardest thing I've every painted and i got commissioned to paint a whole army for a mate never again.

C+C's welcome many thanks for reading.


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Very nice. I think your painting skills would do up a great GK army. And GK's are nasty on the battlefield. Their codex is competitive and fun to play if that's your sorta thing. I notice you don't paint with directional lighting or do much in the way of highlighting. Those two techniques are kinda like gawdy stage makeup for miniatures, but make them 'pop'. Your miniatures are above quality table top if you ask me, and a shy bit down from awesome. Very nice overall.
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