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Sun Reaver's Knights of Blood

Sun Reaver

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About a year ago, I set out to start a Knights of Blood force. Unfortunately, due to poor time management, school, and work, and starting a Dark Elf army for fantasy, I failed. Yet recently, over the past month and a half, I got back into the 40k side of the hobby and finished up some of my knights.


All the jump packs are magnetized so I can field them as jump troops or in vehicles. All of the models bear the chapter symbol on the left pad, the 5th company badge, and squad markings on the knee pad as well.


Librarian Shar







Squad Amar (3rd Squad)








Squad Varro (4th Squad)












More updates to come!


Sun Reaver

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Looking good Brother Knight! My Knights successfully rid the Imperium of Dark Eldar filth last night. I cannot seem to get my prized 1st Company Assault Terminator Squad (painted like Knights for last year's LPC) to win back their points, so I had to rely on my modgy podgy (still not painted like Knights) Tacticals and Dev Squads to win the day. I will post pics and future battle reports soon.
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Thank you for all the kind words, its this kind of stuff that keeps me motivated to do more!


I remember seeing your test model last year, and I'm glad you went with the knights, they look great! Oh, and I second for some close ups :P


That was so long ago! Your sir, have an excellent memory. ;)


I will post some close ups tomorrow along with my second librarian. I just wish my photos were bigger. It seems photbucket is quite limited in its size and shrinks my pictures. You guys know any better alternatives?


Sun Reaver

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Double post!


Librarian Zaffar






Close ups








Got some more stuff in the pipeline!


Sun Reaver

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