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500pt lists


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Hi guys,


A friend and I are going to be playing in a doubles tournie in about a months time. I play Blood Angels (obviously) and he has an Imperial Guard army that we are going to double up with.


The rules are simple, we both must have 1 HQ choice each (no more, no less) and at least 1 troops choice, although we can have more then 1 troops choice if we wish. Our list needs to come in at 500 points or less.


My friend currently has a lsit on his mind of a Comand Squad with a few units of Veterans along with a Valkyrie. So obviously I would like to make a list to compliment this. I think he'll be handling the shooting, so I will probably make something quite combat orientated in order to stop the opposition from advancing.


So my question to all other BA player on here. Is what do you run in a 500 point list?


I also need to note that currently I DO NOT have any Razorbacks or Assault Squads without Jump Packs (I have about 40 with Jump Packs). I have seen some lists centered around this sort of theme, so it could be crucial that I get some of them.

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I just played in a 500pts TagTeam last sunday (with random partners and new partner every game though). I ran the following list:


- Librarian

- Shield, Fear


- Honor Guard

- 2xLC,1xPW,1xPF, Melter

- Rhino

- Hunterkiller Missile


- 6x ASM

- Melter, LC


It worked out really nicely, the honor guard smashed everything it touched, and the libby sat in the rhino and made an imperial heavy weapon team and a squad of 8 GK Termies (i.e. the whole army) run off the field :)


edit:/ our restrictions were heavier though, no characters, no AV>34 (i.e. no furiosos), and some more

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I'd probably go with Mephiston + RAS (ten man, or 2 fives), but maybe that's not very sportsman-like.


I did think about that option myself. :)


I might make a go of it. I'm currently painting up mephiston just now. About time too, I've had him for years. I'm just not a very good painter and hate painting models with faces.



I just played in a 500pts TagTeam last sunday (with random partners and new partner every game though). I ran the following list:


- Librarian

- Shield, Fear


- Honor Guard

- 2xLC,1xPW,1xPF, Melter

- Rhino

- Hunterkiller Missile


- 6x ASM

- Melter, LC


It worked out really nicely, the honor guard smashed everything it touched, and the libby sat in the rhino and made an imperial heavy weapon team and a squad of 8 GK Termies (i.e. the whole army) run off the field :D


edit:/ our restrictions were heavier though, no characters, no AV>34 (i.e. no furiosos), and some more


Not bad. Is the Rhino a must or do you think it can be exchanged for jump packs and another melta?



Reclusiarch, jump pack, 8 death company, jump packs, power fist.


I suppose I am counting on my partner to do the shooting, so its not a bad idea. Perhaps an infernus pistol somewhere just to bring my up close anti-tank option.

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I found the rhino a must, yes. You can hide your libby inside, and you can shoot the melter and cast fear while still driving 12''. You could exchange the hunterseeker for another melter on the honor guard though.

I usually disembarked the honor guard in turn 2 or 3 without librarian, as they would wreck everything they assaulted even without him.


P.S. The hunterseeker missed two times out of three, but when it hit, it exploded a rhino and killed 3 marines which then failed their LD test. Totally worth it :)

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I found the rhino a must, yes. You can hide your libby inside, and you can shoot the melter and cast fear while still driving 12''. You could exchange the hunterseeker for another melter on the honor guard though.

I usually disembarked the honor guard in turn 2 or 3 without librarian, as they would wreck everything they assaulted even without him.


P.S. The hunterseeker missed two times out of three, but when it hit, it exploded a rhino and killed 3 marines which then failed their LD test. Totally worth it :lol:


Actually, that is pretty crafty <_<


The Rhino can also work as cover for the unit. If I remember correctly (Don't have my codex on me), shield is a power you use in your opponents shooting phase, is that correct? So does that mean you only need a Codicer with no Epistolry upgrade?

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Anything over 6" is cruising speed.

Passengers cannot fire if the vehicle moves at cruising speed. (Pg. 66)


I just checked my rulebook and it looks like your right. I only using Razorbacks, not Rhinos, so unfortunately I never had to learn it =(


Thanks for clarifying

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  • 1 month later...

I played this tournament yesterday. We did OK. In the end I took the following:



10 man Assault Squad with 2 meltaguns, powerfist and infernus pistol.


We won 2 games and lost one. Our wins were against a Space Marine / Dark Angels pair and a Orks and Necrons pair.


Our defeat came at the hands of an Eldar / Space Marine Player. Unfortunately the Eldar player had Dark Reapers with an exarch with them, a D-Cannon and a Farseer with runes of warding, which kind of ruined my plans up quite a bit.

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