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Company banners

captain maleck

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Hi all,


I have a vague plan to one day have an entire Chapter of Blood Angels. Of course, this is way in the future. What I'm after at the present moment is any ideas that you may have for company banners. At the present moment I have the second company banner already painted up, and the third company banner will be Captain Tycho's banner. I have an idea for companies 4 and 5, which you can see below, but I've hit a brick wall for the remaining companies. Any thoughts will be much appreciated.





4th company




5th company


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There's an extensive thread on this, which you can find on the pinned Blood Angels resources section at the top of this page.


Thanks for this. The resource has proved very helpful. Now, what I'm after is any ideas that any fellow brothers might have regarding symbols to go on the banner. I shall be following the plan that teeef suggested in the post, which is a clawed angel wing holding the symbol of the captain/company. But my problem is coming up with a symbol. If anybody, has any ideas I would be most grateful.


To give you an idea of my train of thought, regrading the two banners I've posted above, I'm taking the title of each captain as the starting point for the symbol. Hence, the symbol of the 4th company captain is a pair of scales to represent the Lord Adjudicator and the fifth company captain has a bunch of keys (there will be more than two keys on the banner, when eventually paint it up!) to represent the Keeper of the Arsenal.


Again, any ideas and the like will be very much appreciated.




Cpt. M

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