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Thunderwolves against Tyranids


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I'm expanding my force from 1k to 1500 and keep coming up with the same issue. I really am intrgued by the Thunderwolves as I've never fielded them but I'm having a hard time working them in. Having played Space Wolves back in the third edition, I immediately added 5 Wolf Guard Terminators for a total of 230 points. Now that works fine, as my prinicpal opponent at this time is a Nid player that really relies on Monstrous Creatures and lots of charging genestealers. My current force is able to shred him with firepower but I can't help feel this army is too similar to what I played years ago tactics wise.


Now three TWC models in a squad are 15 points less and really are striking models on the table, but I can't think of a way they'd really out-perform the wolfguard against the Nids. I see them being useful in armies I want to charge into ( other space marines, guard) but am I missing there usefullness against the nids? He uses lashes and boneswords a lot so I really can't see them being worth the points in this case.


Let me know where my assumptions are flawed.


Thanks in advance.

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No, you're right. Thunder wolves are a fun unit, and they are striking models (which makes them harder to hide behind cover) but against Tyranids, who at least can do assault fairly well, they're just going to die, probably to poisoned gaunts.
Please take this with a grain of salt: I personally would run full five man TWC units, each pack member with a SS, a TH in the pack, and one or more MB's as one wishes. My reasoning is that despite the effectiveness of TWC, an Invulnerable save is going to make a better difference here. Yes, this may reduce your total number of TWC packs; mix and match to your liking, but SS's must make a difference in much the same way as GK's negate them. MC's ignore armor saves, most poisoned attacks are nearly auto-wound on anything but rolls. A SS is the fix, in my mind. Just not against GK's, which you, OP, do not mention as being the current issue.


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