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Punishing Angels


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This project has been on and off for over two years now. I've posted a few models down in the DA forum, but most of those pics are out of date. Long story short, I'm hoping to actually start painting this summer while school is half time. As I've posted in my blog, I've come down to 4 options. I'm seeking input as to which way I should go from the broadest base of PA fans that I know of: the B&C.


The chapter is based (loosely) on the Punisher character from Marvel comics. I have a backstory in my head, but it's not in electronic format yet. The Punishing Angels are a DA successor chapter that were created when the original legion was split up, so they've been around a long time. Unlike many other chapters though, they don't keep relics and antique armor, only the latest and greatest weapons and equipment are utilized to wage war in the Emperor's name. The only exception to this is the "knightly" style helmets (Mark 2 IIRC) that veterans are honored with to remember their origins on Caliban.


In case you are unaware of what the Punisher looks like, here are a few pics I've gathered:


"Classic" Punisher



"Modern" Punisher



"Alternate" Punisher



So here are the schemes I've created based on the above (and other) images.


"Classic" Punisher scheme



Alternate "Classic" Punisher scheme



"Modern" Punisher scheme



"Alternate" Punisher scheme (very similar to Star Phantoms, which I love)



(All colors are based on actual P3 paint values.)


Some things to consider:

  • The main symbol of the Punisher is the huge skull on the chest
  • A bolter/meltagun/etc. covers up far more of the chest than the chapter painter shows

I did consider moving the skull to the loincloth, but that also tends to get covered up on the actual model. I'm printing custom decals, so I'm not worried about freehanding the skull on an entire company/chapter, but I do want it to be immediately visible and distinctive. I'm looking for input and feedback. Help me decide the livery of my chapter brothers!

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I say go for modern. If you get bored of all that black, use some cameo green for webbing and such. Also, don't forget that you can put skulls on helmets, too. Also, name your chapter master Fransisco Castille. Or Franko Kassle. I could go on, but I will spare you.

Thanks for the comments.


Russ Brother 92: I was wondering about that idea as well. It would help mark the vets beyond the different helmets and robes with or without hoods.


Void_Dragon: I was leaning towards Francis Castille or Castellan myself. ;)


All PA helmets will have the iron skull on them. I'll have to add them to the Mk.2 helms, but that's the least of my worries right now. I've used GK Paladin helmets for sergeants and officers in the Deathwing.

MeatGrinder: I'll do a mock-up of what the skull looks like painted on the chest. I don't think it will work, but you never know until you try. I'm not sure how I could paint the skull on the helmet small enough to still be recognizable? I'm not using traditional unit markings (command, assault, tactical, etc.) so the shoulders would be very plain without something on there. I'm using terminator honors pads for sergeants and above on the (model's) left shoulder, which is why the chapter symbol is on the right. The Deathwing all are getting sculpted (green stuff cast) skull pads so having it on the smae shoulder for the power armor troops only makes sense to me.

Hi. I am a psychotic Punisher fanatic. I own two trunks full of Punisher comics, five of them signed, and counting.

Due to your project, you are now my personal hero.


Ok, seriously though, I like where this idea is going, and I'd encourage you to keep going with it. Personally, I'd say either the 'modern' or 'classic' schemes would be best, as both are very striking. Mentality-wise, I'd say go with the Max Comics (modern) Punisher mentality, which shows the darker, yet purer, version of Frank's idea of natural justice. Also, I'd suggest to keep the 'new tech' equipment down a few notches, and ensure that your Marines are more focused on bringing their form of justice to the galaxy, not just running around looking like 'Geardos', or worse yet, tau. After all, Frank Castle doesn't care if he kills a crook with a Barret .50, a Colt 1911, or a shard of glass, as long as the job gets done, and the filth knows why he's dying. As for the skull on the face plate...


It's totally doable, and still recognizable. (My own personal ode to the Punisher, I just thought he made an better Night Lord, lol)

Hell, take it a step further, and paint the Skull only on the faceplate. That'd be unique, and perfectly scary.

I'll be watching this thread very, very closely.... ;) :lol:

Best of luck!

Love the consept, and I agree with the statement of going with the classic for rank'n'file marines, then using different variations for vets, devs, assault troops. That way it becomes less boring for you to paint as you get to switch it up a little, easier to keep track of on the field, and will also look truly epic.


Can't wait for more! (And the chapter master needs a big stormshield with The Skull painted on it)

1000heathens: I see now. It might be interesting on a Mk.7 helmet. I have to play with that and see how it goes. As for the gear, it's mostly my personal preference. I don't like any mark of armor other than 7. I loathe beakie helmets. :P So, adding it to the fluff only made sense to me. But you are right, as long as the guilty are punished, the tool doesn't matter. ;)


Asrech: funny you should say that. I'm currently retrofitting my TH/SS Deathwing with the large Chaos Warrior shields (with the 8 point star filed off of course) to give a nice large surface for the skull.


Thanks for the input all. Keep it coming please!

Having fiddled about in Photoshop today I may have this dialed in.





Props to you for paying homage to my favorite comic book character of all time! :)



I'd definitely stick to the classic look IMO. The addition of the face skull on the helmets is a must IMO as well.



Will definitely be watching this thread! Good luck brother! ;)

Mockups completed for all 4 versions. The Modern is growing on me with this change.


"Classic" Punisher scheme



Alternate "Classic" Punisher scheme



"Modern" Punisher scheme



"Alternate" Punisher scheme


I'd say still go with the classic look. The white skull against the black areas really make the scheme pop out at you, and creates a focus on the faceplate, which of course is what you want your foe to stare at as his death comes for him, lol.
I'd say still go with the classic look. The white skull against the black areas really make the scheme pop out at you, and creates a focus on the faceplate, which of course is what you want your foe to stare at as his death comes for him, lol.



Agreed. Hard to beat the classic look. :)


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