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Red Corsairs colors


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What is the most commonly accepted colors for the Red Corsairs? 3rd Edition, Gildar Rift and other books describe them with their old chapter colors, armour marks and red crosses. But 4th edition has their armour painted red and black. What are your thoughts?
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I've always taken it as that they are two seperate entities: the Astral Claws of old wear the red and black, which obliterated their former heraldry; the Red Corsairs are a catch-all for any and all outsider renegades who now fly Huron's colors, and simply X their shoulders as a sign of allegiance (or lack thereof, heh heh). If any Red Corsairs ever prove to Huron or his Captains that they have what it takes to be Astral Claws, I'd imagine they'd be accepted into Huron's own, and wear the black and red.


Just my two cents.

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I tend to go with it being up to personal opinion. If your marines are original members of the Astral Claws, then I'd say it's pretty much guaranteed they'd be red and black. Traitors who turned and joined the Corsairs a fair bit ago might still have some red x'ers, but I'm going with mostly red and black. Recent converts are probably mostly red x'ers, as they probably haven't had the time/need to repaint their armor, but still need some form of ID. Basically, I'd recommend picking out when your marines turned, and going with the appropriate markings.
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I'd say which ever you think is the cooler choise.


Perhaps a mix of all red/black armor and some with just parts painted red/black?

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3rd Edition, Gildar Rift and other books describe them with their old chapter colors, armour marks and red crosses. But 4th edition has their armour painted red and black.

The first image of them I remember is this artwork, which had been used as the cover for the anthology 'Into the Maelstrom' in 1999. It depicts Huron Blackheart in red and black armour. So that was what I assumed the Red Corsairs would look like. I remember the red crosses only from the 3.5 Codex Chaos Space Marines from 2002, but I am not sure where that concept was first brought up. 1000heathens description of the original Astral Claws wearing red/black armour and new initiates wearing crosses until they have proven themselves worthy sounds good.

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I know Adaric Vaanes wore rd crosses to show his allegiance to the Red Corsairs so that might be your reference point. Not sure. I know I read it somewhere else to. Maybe it was a short story in Into the Maelstrom?
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The first image of them I remember is this artwork

I really dislike that artist's art...always have...

I am not too keen on his human faces, but his winged skull have always been and will always be the iconic Warhammer 40,000 skull to me. (And it is often used by Forgeworld as reference.) Really, anything with a non-human face snarling at the viewer done by Wayne England is great. He has also rendered a lot of the Chapter/Legion icons in a great way.

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Personally, I go with the same theory of the Red Corsairs having the red slashes, but that the Blackheart's Own having the black and red colours, mainly being the remnants of the Astral Claws, but also including any Red Corsairs who have proved their worth and dedication.
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