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Librarian converted from Coteaz


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Just in the middle of a Librarian conversion for my DIY chapter based on the body of Inquisitor Coteaz. I'm really pleased with how everything turned out... except for the power cables for the psychic hood.


I didn't have any appropriate guitar string/steel cable, so I decided to have a go at sculpting some. I like the texture, but I'm trying to decide if the size or the positioning of the cables are off... Should they be looping around under his arms and going to his backpack? Or maybe they're just too thick?








C&C appreciated as always. Once I get this straightened out, I'll post some painted pics!

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I would have to say the power cables are a bit too big: it looks like he's having some trouble seeing around the right one. I'd suggest having them run from his psychic hood to his backpack, but it's your Librarian. Coteaz, in my opinion, practically cries out to be converted to a Librarian or Chapter Master of some sort.


Guitar strings do make for excellent power cables. If you have a music store anywhere around you, they make for a very worthwhile investment for all your Space Marine modelling needs (melta, plasma, cyborg parts, etc.). If you don't have a music store in your vicinity, you can get them fairly cheap on eBay; that's where I got mine.

Right now he kinda looks like he's wearing a judge's wig (or even a roman augur's hood, if you've seen that HBO/BBC series). Whether you think that's good or bad is a matter of preference. Personally, I like it. They maybe could do with being a little thinner though. You might run into difficulties looping them under the arms because of the way his right arm is low at his side. So yeah, they're positioned fine, they just want to be a touch smaller.


I think that your sculpting looks very good, but if you want to use something pre-made, can I just warn you off guitar strings? I know different people can get different results, but I've found them to be a pain in the backside to actually bend in the right directions - in short lengths, they're much stiffer than you may imagine. Instead, go here and get some of Jeff Wilhem's power cables, which will poke way less holes in your fingers.


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