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Chaos Blood Angels


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I honestly think you are getting confused by the Grey Knights. They are the chapter that has not had anyone fall to Chaos.


As for BA that fell to Chaos there are two that I can think of off the top of my head. Rafens brother Aiako and one of the scouts in blood quest. Both of them were corrupted by Chaos.



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I honestly think you are getting confused by the Grey Knights. They are the chapter that has not had anyone fall to Chaos.


As for BA that fell to Chaos there are two that I can think of off the top of my head. Rafens brother Aiako and one of the scouts in blood quest. Both of them were corrupted by Chaos.




As was Captain Leonidis corrupted by Chaos in the Blood Quest series. Albeit the Captain is possessed and has a trick up his sleeve to foil chaos' plans.



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Did I read somewhere that it is impossible for Blood Angels (and their successors) to be corrupted by Chaos?

If I did, where? And why?




It says in the 5/ed codex that the BA Primarch was actually one of the most tainted by Chaos, he just fought it with his extreme loyalty to the Emperor. I'm not certain about this part, but I feel like I read somewhere that the black rage is caused by the chaos taint in the geneseed that the BA chapter is based off of. It only became prevalent when Sanguinius died and wasn't there to fight it anymore(thus no longer protecting his chapter). =D

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Any chapter can have members be corrupted by chaos. So some Blood Angels falling is perfectly possible.

Likewise, I like to believe that the foulest Chaos marines can come to repent of their evil ways. Just can't ever make Plaguemarines any prettier but Blood Angels always look good. ;)



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Any chapter can have members be corrupted by chaos. So some Blood Angels falling is perfectly possible.

Likewise, I like to believe that the foulest Chaos marines can come to repent of their evil ways. Just can't ever make Plaguemarines any prettier but Blood Angels always look good. ;)



Have to agree, though it bears mentioning that most the Imperium wouldn't be all that inclined to accept a repenting Chaos Marine. The Imperium has never been all that fond of forgiveness.

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Any chapter can have members be corrupted by chaos. So some Blood Angels falling is perfectly possible.

Likewise, I like to believe that the foulest Chaos marines can come to repent of their evil ways. Just can't ever make Plaguemarines any prettier but Blood Angels always look good. :D




Especially Sanguinary Guard. When I first saw them I thought "Those look awesome".

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"The Inquisition and the Administratam say we are weak because some of us have given in to the Black rage, they are fools! the Black rage makes us strong, because we must resist its temptations every dayof our lives or be forever dammed!"


The Blood Angels fight corruption every day of their lives, so they are less likely to turn, apart from exceptional circumstances, ie, direct daemonic interference (Swallow books) or being in the eye.

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Chaos Sanguinary Guard... would be pretty cool looking.


If you google it you find alot of nice idea's :)

And nothing is save from chaos and the evil temptation. Not even grey knights! :)



i resent that. They are indeed safe from choas now why you ask. Their chapter master lives in the warp but hasnt fallen to choas. They can weild demon blades and still not fall to choas. They have a ability that is a fire of puritiy that set set off by their very soul. They have never fallen to choas ( even though they specalize in killing demons) tell me where it says in the fluff grey knights can be courropted by choas give me an example please. :tu:

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Chaos Sanguinary Guard... would be pretty cool looking.


If you google it you find alot of nice idea's ;)

And nothing is save from chaos and the evil temptation. Not even grey knights! :P



i resent that. They are indeed safe from choas now why you ask. Their chapter master lives in the warp but hasnt fallen to choas. They can weild demon blades and still not fall to choas. They have a ability that is a fire of puritiy that set set off by their very soul. They have never fallen to choas ( even though they specalize in killing demons) tell me where it says in the fluff grey knights can be courropted by choas give me an example please. :P


all it would take is for someone to make one...

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Forgeting someone? A certain chapter of renegade Loyalists? The Knights of Blood may not be chaos worshipers, but they are not far from it.



They are, brother. The Knights of Blood have been excommunicated because their...inadequate handling of human life when assaulting planets.

It's like going to town in the medieval times announcing that the true god is not like what the church tells you every day - you get excommunicated because of your attitude.


That doesn't necessarily mean to worship Chaos, or not being far from it. The KoB are loyal to the Emperor and Sanguinius, they showed up at Dante's houseparty on Baal where others didn't, they glory in the slaughter and lose themselves. It's the flaw, not chaotic influence.

It's funny how the most radical institutions in the 40k universe(Inq. and High Senate) suddenly start to care about wasting human lives when they'd happily sacrfice whole regiments of men to achieve their own aims...:wacko:





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I made my Blood Angels Successor a bit on the fringe, just on the verge of excommunication. I've used a fair bit of Chaos and Space Wolf bits to give them some flavor.


As for Chaos Sanguinary Guard, I have a unit of them.


They use the Deathmask Face, some GK Weapons, and Daemonic Wings. They are painted as though they are tarnished. I'll post some pics when I can snag my wife's camera.

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i resent that. They are indeed safe from choas now why you ask. Their chapter master lives in the warp but hasnt fallen to choas. They can weild demon blades and still not fall to choas. They have a ability that is a fire of puritiy that set set off by their very soul. They have never fallen to choas ( even though they specalize in killing demons) tell me where it says in the fluff grey knights can be courropted by choas give me an example please. :D

Ritualistic sacrifice of virgins.


Does that sound like the will of the Emperor or from the whispers of chaos?

I'm filing it under chaos. :D

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Chaos Sanguinary Guard... would be pretty cool looking.


If you google it you find alot of nice idea's ;)

And nothing is save from chaos and the evil temptation. Not even grey knights! :P



i resent that. They are indeed safe from choas now why you ask. Their chapter master lives in the warp but hasnt fallen to choas. They can weild demon blades and still not fall to choas. They have a ability that is a fire of puritiy that set set off by their very soul. They have never fallen to choas ( even though they specalize in killing demons) tell me where it says in the fluff grey knights can be courropted by choas give me an example please. ;)


To be fair, it is because he doesn't use the daemon of it. :P


But yeah, as a chapter, I would say that the Blood Angels, like all first and second founding chapters of all loyalists, would not join chaos. As has been said, any example of one turning to chaos has either been: Leonidas, who was possessed, and still fought it off long enough to foil it's plans, or Arkio and them, but they all thought they were loyalists, and were influenced by a chaos inquisitor.


So while they do not just turn to chaos, they do listen to stupid people or have stupid things happen to them.


But I am with the, "Everyone is at risk, it is just who resists" crowd. Anyone can turn, but don't because they are that awesome.


Just like the whole GK thing, they CAN turn, they just DON'T.


Now to the whole Sanguinius being the most chaos tainted: Where in the codex does it actually say that as a fact and not as a rumor? My dad is borrowing mine right now, but I thought it had said, "Some believe Sanguinius was touched by Chaos." Believe being they key word. And anyhow, the Black Rage is NOT a chaos taint, it is a memory backlash from Sanguinius' death.

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Only GK are totally impervious to being corrupted by chaos, for whatever reason (nothing set in stone is known, many ideas are suggested - ie coming from the emperor, or some ancestor who was immune).

The killing sisters of battle rubbish was just garbage written by that absolute idiot who did the new codex. His fluff skills were on par with his balanced codex skills (read: nonexistant).


Plenty of examples of nearly all other marines falling to chaos.

Seems rather unlikely that there would be any full chaos BA armies however.


Also not sure where that stuff about Sanguinius came from, the chapter masters of the TSons would obviously have been the most effected by chaos.

Almost all the marines have some skeleton in the closet, ie wulfen, half the chapter going to chaos, the chapter never having done anything useful (ultras), etc etc.

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