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Vs Grey Knights


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Tonight i have a game against my cousin, who recently bought some grey knights, from what i've read grey knights are a pretty tough so i was hoping for some advice on what kind of BA army to field against him.


His army list goes a little like this,


Lord kaldor Draigo


x5 Paladins

x5 Paladins


Land Raider


Nemesis Dreadknight


these are, i think upgraded to the eye balls.


Any advice on fightning GK in general would be great.


Thanks for any advice

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Paladins dont like vindicators but you need something to pop them out of that LR first.


Vindicators themselves are not too shabby at that, with S10 and ordnance. Plus if you aim at the middle of the tank you can ignore low scatter rolls as they will still be inside the footprint of the LR.

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go horde or go home, GK crumble if they have to take TONS of saves. but you ahve to make them take TONS of saves. This being said, i can't beat em with PA armies but i can usually beat those draigo wings with my green xenos horde. (I'm working on a chaos SM horde that might give em a bit of a challenge w/ 60 marines in it.)


Spacifics i really cant help you with as i find that that spacifics instructions never work for me (situations, dice and terrain change too much between games)


like i said throw a horde of bodies at him and he will cry once you pop the tank



*spelling edit*

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Take the LR out asap and force them to footslog. His deathstar unit will then be easy to avoid and prevent them getting into combat.


Shoot the Dreadknight. Draigo will probably make it scoring with Grand Strategy and if it has a Personal Teleporter it can claim or contest pretty much any objective in the last turn. Shoot the crap out of it with anything that is AP2 or better. Plasma is probably your best bet. In fact, a bunch of Dev's with plasma cannons can make a mess of most of his army.


The Paladins are a pain in the...neck but as mentioned above, make them take enough saves and they will eventually fail. Also anything that causes ID makes a mockery of the wound allocation shenanigans that they can get up to.

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Vindicators, Baals with AC/HB, Meltaguns and even Deathcompany. If you can get those palis out of that LR and then charge them with the DC who have a Chaplin you can tear into them. Pretty much you are going to have to work on your one two punch.


Dont expect your Melee to overwhelm them, but you can hold them or even beat them in Melee if you hit them with the right unit. Th/SS termies and Death Company charging with chappy into things with out many Halberds, will be able to take out Grey knights in Melee. Watch out for your character though, they are just going to force sword them.



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Once the LR is popped, they have a 30 inch kill range, period. 6 for move, 24 for shooting. You actually can out move and out shoot them if you want staying out of thier threat range and peppering them down. Take a balanced list, don't spam anything to be honest. I have yet to see an internet list beat a 1 of everything list, just because it gives you the tactical diversity to deal with the changing battlefield. Internet lists like Draigo wing do 1 thing really well, and cannot adapt beyond those parameters. 1 of everything list (I'm sure alot of you are about to jump me) looks weak on paper, but honestly, you can outplay any powerlist since you already know what they have to do. Comes down to generalship vs auto-pilot.


To meta against Draigo-wing, figure every stormbolter will be str 5, which means they can glance spam rhinos to death due to sheer volume of shots. They will have Psy-cannons, 4 rending shots on the move that can shred av 14 without much work if they have enough. But these guys are slow, and Draigo's SOLE purpose is to use that T5 and eternal warrior to make las/melta saves for the squad to keep the other Paladins alive. He's at a 2+/3++ with 4+ FNP. If he runs 2 squads, move away from Draigo's, and pulp the non-Draigo squad with adaquate weapons, like las, melta, plasma. After they are a memory, You should still have a chunk of your army left to focus fire Draigo's squad, thanks to our amazing speed and manuverability.


These guys want a close firefight and close combat. And they have to be very specific on target priority since they can only attack 1-2 targets a turn. Deploy and make doing that REALLY hard for them. If they unload on a squad in shooting, go to ground to keep them alive. If they survive, that's 1 squad that DIDN'T die, but can't shoot your turn, vs them killing 1 target a turn. Attrition is a bitch for they GK's. It's the one fight the don't want.

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Paladins dont like vindicators but you need something to pop them out of that LR first.


This ^


I've looked at the codex and at Paladins in particular. I've not played against them but from what I read I understand they can have a "Warding Stave" I believe, which gives them a 2+ Invulnerable save. So I think you're going to need those devastator squads that others suggested and spam Plasma Cannons onto the unit. Perhaps 2 squads are in order.


You'll need something to pop the Land Raider as well. I'm not exactly the best of players but my orginal thought on this would be melta of some sort. My options would probably be along the lines of:


1) Attack bikes with Multi-Meltas


2) Sternguard with drop pod, armed with two meltaguns and the rest with combi-meltas


3) Honour Guard with drop pod with 4 meltas


4) Land Speeders with Melta Weapons.


I would probably try the drop pod option as this means you arrive on the battlefield, hopefully not to far away from him and then get to shoot at him right away without him having a chance to shoot you up first. The Land Raider has a psychic shooter of some sort but I don't know what the power does, didn't read that part.


Hopefully, all going well, you'll get first turn and Land Beside him. Blow up the Land Raider with those Meltas and then hit him with all the other stuff while he is still at the back of the board on his side.


Just remember that he's paying quite a lot of points for few models. The Paladins are 55 pts a pop without any upgrades on them, Draigo is 275 pts and the Land Raider is around 255 pts also. He is already over 1000 pts with all that, and thats without upgrades to his Paladins which he will do, especially to get that invulnerable save I was talking about. So try to match him pts wise with stuff to destroy that part of his army.


Also be prepared. I played in an apocalypse game last week with a guy who had a Dreadknight in his army, most of his stuff was imperial guard but he had this and also a GK leader in his force. The Dreadknight has an ability to teleport itself across the board, so a Librarian with a psychic hood may also be in order to try to prevent this, otherwise he will teleport behind you to cause disarray. So also make sure you don't group all your stuff together in the same place. Spread them out evenly on your table side, while maintaining line of sight of course.

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The Dreadknight has an ability to teleport itself across the board, so a Librarian with a psychic hood may also be in order to try to prevent this, otherwise he will teleport behind you to cause disarray.


It's wargear, not a psychic power.

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The Dreadknight has an ability to teleport itself across the board, so a Librarian with a psychic hood may also be in order to try to prevent this, otherwise he will teleport behind you to cause disarray.


It's wargear, not a psychic power.


Oh dear, well forget what I said about the Librarian then, unless you actually want to take a Libby as your HQ choice. I didn't realise this, I thought he was using a psychic power at the time.

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The Dreadknight has an ability to teleport itself across the board, so a Librarian with a psychic hood may also be in order to try to prevent this, otherwise he will teleport behind you to cause disarray.


It's wargear, not a psychic power.


Oh dear, well forget what I said about the Librarian then, unless you actually want to take a Libby as your HQ choice. I didn't realise this, I thought he was using a psychic power at the time.


Taking a libby is not a bad idea as you can use your hood to limit the GK's use of their own powers.

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The Dreadknight has an ability to teleport itself across the board, so a Librarian with a psychic hood may also be in order to try to prevent this, otherwise he will teleport behind you to cause disarray.


It's wargear, not a psychic power.


Oh dear, well forget what I said about the Librarian then, unless you actually want to take a Libby as your HQ choice. I didn't realise this, I thought he was using a psychic power at the time.


Taking a libby is not a bad idea as you can use your hood to limit the GK's use of their own powers.


True. They do get plenty of other powers to stop. Might of Titans and Hammerhand come to mind. I think they can stack on each other can't they? So with both psychic tests passed for each one you're talking +2 strength bonus on the targeted unit.

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Vindicators work well as most have stated already. Multimelta attack bikes are also a great option. They will have no problem cracking open that LR and each melta shot is instant death for paladins. They're also cheap. You could run 3 squads of 3 each for only 450 points.


That list really isnt that scary. It is slow and only has 13 models total. Honestly if you wanted to just make a tailored list that would blow his off the table in a couple of turns you could basically make any list that includes 3 vindicators and 9 MM attack bikes. Those 12 models would only cost 885 points and could honestly just about deal with his entire list on their own. You'd just need something to tie up the dreadknight for a couple of rounds.


Also keep in mind the dreadknight isn't immune to force weapons. It's worth taking a librarian to help nullify their psychic powers but also give you a shot to kill the dreadknight in one swing.

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You shouldn't have too many problemss...its a "gimmick" list.

I totted up the points and they are at around 1400-1500p.


So. I myself play hybrid so thats the kind of list I'll give you, though there are lots of ways


A libby with shield/unleash rage-jump pack

2x 10 Assault marines w/ power fist, 2x meltaguns, infernus pistol

4 attack bikes

sanguinary priest jump pack

2-3 predators w/ lascannon sponsons and autocannon.

and some points leftover


Simple-zoom the bikes first turn at the raider to get that juicy 3+ cover, and next turn smoke it. Blast the exposed pallies with your lascannons on the preds.

Then, your troops with so much melta will kill half a unit of paladins before charging, and your powerfist will kill the rest, though some of the assault marines will die.


The dreadnight isn't much of threat, it can't kill many men. I'd take a small unit of sanguinary guard as well to help with draigo and the dreadnight.

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