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I've been following the rough premise of an old WD guide (from around the time of the Eye of Terror campaign).


I've picked my own colours and washes and such, but the general rule I follow is paint DA Green, then stipple on Catachan Green, Camo Green and lastly Rotting Flesh, before washing with Thraka and then "flicking" different brown inks over the model.

The general rule I've followed is simple; don't be afraid to get messy with them. You can see the results of this painting in the thread in my sig.

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You might want to check the painting scheme I just got online on thetaint.wordpress.com? I haven't got too much content on the site (which I keep for my personal entertainment and motivation), so I didn't advertise it yet. But you might grab an idea or two?

There's also a link to a B&C page by DrGrabe about painting Plague Marines the Jean Francois way. I drew very much inspiration from that, and I'd suggest you check that out as well.


Cheers, JT

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Hey thanks a bunch! also howd you do your gold?


No worries. I do my brass trim by;


2-3 thin layers of Shining Gold over the mess that is left after painting the green.

Once a smooth coat is achieved, I wash twice with thin layers of brown ink.


Then, sometimes I'll add a layer or two of black ink if its a really big piece of the model.


On top of this, I add the ageing effect of brass, Verdigris. This is achieved by;


Painting on thin lines of Dark Angels Green, followed by a thinner layer of Scorpion green (allow the edges of DA Green to pop out), and then tone everything down with a 50/50 mix of brown and green ink.



Please don't hate me too much for this listing of paint/ink, now that GW have gone and renamed everything...

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