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Fenris/Thousand Sons Pics

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These are my favorite exterminators. ^.~


Of course, we have to include this guy:



..and his trinkets:



Can you guess what spell this guy has every game?
























Magnus on Fenris (WIP)



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those blood effects are also really well done - better thananyting I've ccomplished so far, anywhere. How do you do them?


Nice set of keys on Ahriman... where'd you get those from? They really give him an extra bit of character that suits him really well!


I really like the weapons you have on each of them, they suit the character really well, and the warptime hourglass is just... awesome!

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The hourglass is from the plastic Empire wizard boxed set. I really recommend Chaos players picking it up. There's an hourglass, a cobra staff, a scythe with roses on it and even a flaming sword bit.


If I remember correctly, I got the key ring from a friend who plays vampire counts- the bit belongs to the necromancer's staff on the Mortis Engine. Super cool!


Ah, Vonny- Here's how I learned how to mess around with blood: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/index.p...showarticle=298


Just remember, a little is better than a lot. I am learning that the hard way ^.~

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The hourglass is from the plastic Empire wizard boxed set. I really recommend Chaos players picking it up. There's an hourglass, a cobra staff, a scythe with roses on it and even a flaming sword bit.

Yes, that kit looks really good. Full of stuff to use. The gold, bearded mask would also be a nice piece to use.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Magnus!!! Good work! Though i think he must be much larger :D

Such as:


Well he can change his size on a whim, so does it matter?:)


But seriously, great work Ah-a-nothepsis. Where, by the way is the Magnus mini from? :D

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