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Entering the Pain Glove

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Quite some time ago I posted a WIP however it would seem that thread has been lost in the warp, second times the charm perhaps.

I, Brother Theodis, vow on the honour of my Chapter, The Imperial Fists to paint and present at least a full tactical squad a rhino and ten terminators on or before the 31st of June, 2012. I promise to provide at least two WIP updates, preferably with pictures, in that time. I vow to bring honour to Dorn and the Emperor by completing my vow and not failing my brothers-in-arms. Ave Imperator!

The tactical squad is already 50% finished but I threw em in there for good measure.I

think I'll have to issue myself a painting schedule to actually get this done :huh:

So as I'm sure you've guessed this would be the first of the two required WIP updates, let's get to business


10 man Tactical Squad

The sergeant is only missing weathering, the rest of em pretty much only got their basecoat and a wash so far



And their dedicated transport



I love the hinged door look, all credits goes to Brother Exodus and his tutorial here on B&C

you can find it here --> http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/index.php?showtopic=35817

And finally my test model the terminators, I'm quite pleased with how he turned out, probably my best work, but that ain't saying too much :P

He's modelled to either be a sergeant or squad leader, so he can have either a power sword or a power fist and has "prettier" armour than your average terminator.

No magnets used btw just some clever use of geometry.




-with power sword



Comments and criticisms are welcome; I am trying to improve my painting and could do with some pointers.

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