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10,000 point imperial fists


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Any plans for the chapter master? cant really have 10k points of fists and no chapter master. Apologies if ive missed him.


Weird thing, I could've sworn ive posted in this thread a couple of times, but reading back over it I cant seem to find them! I usually check out every fist thread I see.


So i'll say what I thought ive already said.


Kudos on the scale of this project mate. You have to have the tenacity of a fist to pull this off. Second it's plain for all to see that your skills are improving leaps and bounds with every brush stroke.


I wish there was something I could say to help you, but I have the very distinct feeling that it won't be long before i'm coming to you for advice!


Keep up the sterling work bro. You make me proud to collect Fists.

WOW.... im speechless and very flattered thank you for the very kind words! :D and i actually sculpted a chapter master in true scale ill post a picture but most have a problem with the size so i do plan to redo him :)

Thanks again for the kind words. I hope to not disappoint in the post to follow

also it is quiet possible you replied on another blog? i have 4, warseer, dakkadakka, heresy-online, and here....


I would say paint some stern guard, but you may have too many elites as is, so failing that, some tacticals? Or vanguard marines.


Thanks for the colors, and you just paint white on to white???? That seems redundant.

haha you are correct i have 100 elites unfortunately i dont have any sternguard but vanguard i can do! :)


and i dont like the white for the primer the skull white is richer, but i also add another step i add a black wash in the recesses before i add the skull white

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Any plans for the chapter master? cant really have 10k points of fists and no chapter master. Apologies if ive missed him.


Weird thing, I could've sworn ive posted in this thread a couple of times, but reading back over it I cant seem to find them! I usually check out every fist thread I see.


So i'll say what I thought ive already said.


Kudos on the scale of this project mate. You have to have the tenacity of a fist to pull this off. Second it's plain for all to see that your skills are improving leaps and bounds with every brush stroke.


I wish there was something I could say to help you, but I have the very distinct feeling that it won't be long before i'm coming to you for advice!


Keep up the sterling work bro. You make me proud to collect Fists.



Here he is let me know what you think Vladimir Pugh (true scale)







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Sorry Marine, i'm afraid I can not let you redo that model. He's just way too BADASS! :lol: Make another if you absolutely feel you must, but it would be a tragedy of unfathomable magnitude, were you to scrap that fella, after the amount of work you've obviously poured into him. I absolutely love him. I don't think he's too big neither. People often fail to take into account the variabilty of marines when it comes to size and shape.


Given the large range of human height (i have friends ranging from 5 to nearly 7 feet high) It's more than feasible that this guy is a 10 foot monster. Cracking work bro, can't wait to see him painted.


Oh and this is pretty much the only site on the internet I use bro, so I won't have posted anywhere else. It's quite obviously warpcraft at work here, remain vigilant brother haha :)

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Sorry Marine, i'm afraid I can not let you redo that model. He's just way too BADASS! :P Make another if you absolutely feel you must, but it would be a tragedy of unfathomable magnitude, were you to scrap that fella, after the amount of work you've obviously poured into him. I absolutely love him. I don't think he's too big neither. People often fail to take into account the variabilty of marines when it comes to size and shape.


Given the large range of human height (i have friends ranging from 5 to nearly 7 feet high) It's more than feasible that this guy is a 10 foot monster. Cracking work bro, can't wait to see him painted.


Oh and this is pretty much the only site on the internet I use bro, so I won't have posted anywhere else. It's quite obviously warpcraft at work here, remain vigilant brother haha :D



Haha that is quiet true, I probably will make a new one but won't scap this one I feel I've got better at sculpting so I'll give it a try to make it a little smaller and better pose. But I'm really glad you like him. I'll have to paint him up just for you :)


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I love the model, he looks awesome, waaaaay beyond any green sculpting i can do, i will suggest a change in pose maybe, i think he should be leaning forward a bit more, hes so intimidating, but hes leaning back, almost recoiling, and his right arm is a a little bent, it just looks a little off, but all in all a 10/10 really nice, btw how hard is it to press Green stuff? for stuff like those shoulders?
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I love the model, he looks awesome, waaaaay beyond any green sculpting i can do, i will suggest a change in pose maybe, i think he should be leaning forward a bit more, hes so intimidating, but hes leaning back, almost recoiling, and his right arm is a a little bent, it just looks a little off, but all in all a 10/10 really nice, btw how hard is it to press Green stuff? for stuff like those shoulders?

Thanks im glad you like him! and i agree 100 percent i plan to repose him and start over :) and as for the casting its very easy i use instant mold( amazing stuff) and then i just put some green stuff in with the end of a paint brush and use Vaseline to avoid the green stuff sticking as i shape it into the mold... hope this helps if not let me know i can do a step by step

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Vanguard vets!


i havent decided how im going to do the weathering, other than that there will be weathering! haha and suggestions would be great!









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Great work bro, im loving that Chaplain. There's so much Fisty goodness flying around at the mo! it's been a good day on the boards for us. :o


For your weathering I strongly recommend you check out Shaw's thread. It's insanely good.


Keep at it man, how far away from your 10k target are you now?

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Great work bro, im loving that Chaplain. There's so much Fisty goodness flying around at the mo! it's been a good day on the boards for us. ;)


For your weathering I strongly recommend you check out Shaw's thread. It's insanely good.


Keep at it man, how far away from your 10k target are you now?

Haha I noticed tht too very fisty day haha dorm would be proud and thanks I'm glad you like everything, as for points I'm super far maybe only 1000 points in quite depressing but I feel I'll be able to paint quite a few at a time after my cataphractii finally arrive! Ships Friday lol so I shooting for next Wednesday! Lol cheers


That is one of the most yellow yellows I have ever seen, and I see ALOT of yellows working at my flgs. Keep up the killer work brother.

Thanks I'm glad you like them! And I'll certainly will try lol

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  • 4 weeks later...











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Those cataphracts (besides being lovely models) are a bit too precariously positioned. They will look better with their weight more evenly distributed between both feet.


Plus falling over in that armour is pretty much game over until someone comes to help you up...

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Those cataphracts (besides being lovely models) are a bit too precariously positioned. They will look better with their weight more evenly distributed between both feet.


Plus falling over in that armour is pretty much game over until someone comes to help you up...

haha they might as well have a turtle shell on their back! :P

But that i really needed feedback as i was happy with them only bc i really wanted to paint them, so cheers! hopefully you will like my new poses. The Sergent is in the same style but i shifted his center of gravity, to make it a bit more natural.

This many points, getting beautifully painted, in that much time...


I feel so slow...


Well done! ;)


haha thanks! and in all honesty i may have just started painting them a little over a year. But ive been collecting since 2007 and i just could stop buying :D but im glad i finally got around to painting because its stress relief for me. thanks so much, cheers!

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im in dire need of input, please help! :o





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I love the those Cataphractii, and I think you made an excellent job on your army so far. You are making me want to do a Imperial Fists army, can't wait to see more! Good job brother!

Thanks Brother, im glad you like them! I also hope you do, i love seeing imperial fist armies! I hope i can please you with this update! cheers


Cataphractii Terminator




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