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Night Lords

Kol Saresk

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This may or may not be the right place but since there's a "How to paint Khorne Red" thread in Throne of Skulls, I can't see how I could go wrong. Anyway, I know the "traditional" way (or what looked like how everyone painted) Night Lords seemed to be Chaos black primer with Necron abyss highlighted with regal blue and enchanted blue IIRC and then the lightning bolts were regal blue, to enchanted to asurmen I think it was. And then dwarf bronze for trimming. I was looking at the new paint range since my first chance to finally get some minis is within reach. And since the new paint range will most likely be at the store before I am was trying to see the best conversion of paint. From what I can tell(from how I plan on painting) these are the colors I came up with:

Abaddon Black(Base)

Kantor Blue(To replace Necron Abyss, hopefully it will be dark enough since GW says it also replaces the Regal Blue)

Macragge Blue( To replace Regal to Enchanted)

Altdorf Guard and Caledor Sky for Lightning

Nuln Oil(To replace Badab Black for wash)

And a mixture of Tallarn Sand and Hashut Copper(Originally Dwarf Bronze) for trim


Would this jive with the traditional Midnight Clad? I ask because my painting experience nil, none, nada, zip and zilch. Especially since my favorite Night Lord modelists(who shall remain unnamed) will most likely be making the crossover as well and will need to adjust.

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I've used shining gold for my trim with a wash of devlan mud. Also for lightning I used to use enchanted blue-ice blue-skull white but recently I cut out the enchanted blue as you could barely tell the difference anyway. Other than that though looks good to me. If you want better advice from Night Lords I'd PM Bro Nihm or Darkven as they're the best active Night Lord paint/converters out here now (in my opinion anyway).
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That's what I was thinking. This is the Kantor Blue they are using to replace it but I just saw something called Naggaroth Night. It's a little dark but my worry is that it doesn't have enough blue but then again I am going for the black in black-blue so it might be better.


On another note, while may not be active he did leave a few painting guides on his thread. And there is the small, tiny, almost nonexistent hope that there may be an update. Unless something happened that I am unaware of which is entirely possible since he went on his hiatus before I was even a member.

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I'm very disappointed they are effectively dropping Necron Abyss. The Kantor Blue is exactly the same as regal blue as far as I can tell. Unlike Necron Abyss, Kantor blue has none of the purple tones, and is much brighter.


I'm going to my FLGS to pick up as much Necron abyss as they carry.


If you are just starting your Night Lords don't fret too badly you can use regal blue instead, however you'd want to leave more black to get the effect you mention. I use a color scheme similar to Doghouse's Pre-Heresy Night Lords. (Which is also what inspired me to drop my Genesis Chapter army.)


I'm a bit scary in that I do not prime my minis, I do two layers of base coat instead. If I were to restart my night lords with the new paints, I'd do things a bit differently.


I'd Prime black, then use kantor/black at 50:50 for highlights, then a second pure Kantor highlight followed by 50/50 Macragge/Kantor highlight. The lightning works best when you pick a source then concentrate the "heat" there. So it would get more light paint. There is a YouTube video that is an awesome tutorial from Catattafish on painting power weapons that works great for lightning as well. My method is much the same as his, though I use black at the end to make certain places look brighter with contrast.

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Definitely pick a starting point as Fortnight mentioned. I'd try it out on a large spare piece, I use a landraider door but you could use just about anything. If you run out of room just paint over it. Do that until you're comfortable with your lightning skills.


I do the same Fortnight with painting a basecoat of Necron Abyss and I don't mind the extra work. I think it turns out alright. Really disappointed they're doing away with it. I've experimented with Regal Blue and Chaos Black, turns out alright.....but it's not Necron Abyss.

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Definitely pick a starting point as Fortnight mentioned. I'd try it out on a large spare piece, I use a landraider door but you could use just about anything. If you run out of room just paint over it. Do that until you're comfortable with your lightning skills.


I do the same Fortnight with painting a basecoat of Necron Abyss and I don't mind the extra work. I think it turns out alright. Really disappointed they're doing away with it. I've experimented with Regal Blue and Chaos Black, turns out alright.....but it's not Necron Abyss.

Yes Necron Abyss did a lot of good here. It's exceptionnal with a few work. Black undercoat, 2 thins layer of Necron Abyss, finished by a purple wash. Only lightning remains.

My only disapointment was that Necron Abyss seems to change over time if it stays in the "pot" (it turns to be less dark, and less "slick").


I suspect the Naggaroth Night to be good too. Perhaps finishing it with a blue (or purple) wash, finish the job.

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Well hopefully I will have the minis by next wednesday and then by the end of April, I should be able to show off a test mini so I can see how it goes then. Of course if the local store doesn't have the new citadel paints, what would you guys recommend for a dark look on the Night Lords? Just in case.
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D'oh! They took away my Regal Blue?! I hadn't noticed that yet. I hope Kantor is a close match. I can feel for those who are loosing Necron Abyss. It was a great dark 'warm' Purple-Blue.


Since I've been following a 'cold' theme for my army, Blue has been a key highlight colour. I've played with it a lot. One of the best dark-Blue-bordering-on-Black methods I've found has been Regal Blue with a Badab Black Wash. It's drop dead simple, and creates a very nice blend from Blue down to Black. One layer of Badab Black errr... Nuln Oil over Regal Blue Kantor Blue will leave it as a dark Blue blending down to a very dark Blue. A second layer of carefully placed Nuln Oil will make it a dark Blue blending into a pure Black.

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Yeah about six posts up is the link that goes to Kantor blue. It looks like a better match to regal blue than it does necron abyss. the closest thing I can find to it is the shade naggaroth night, which isn't even on the conversion chart so I guess they consider it a new color. :)


But won't find out how it works until I get my hands on it. It kind of sucks that I'm starting so late in the game because I am missing so much.

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Okay what I have here is basically my starter kit that I will be getting saturday.



5 CSM- $25.00

Standard Brush - $5.35

Basecoat Brush - $5.75

Kantor Blue - $3.70(highlights)

Macragge Blue - $3.70(lightning)

Abaddon Black - $3.70(basecoat)

Hashut Copper - $3.70

Tallarn Sand - $3.70(mix with copper for bronze)

Khorne red - $3.70(red eyes)

Naggaroth Night - $3.70(may trade for nuln oil: wash)

White Scar - $3.70(for white, mix tallarn sand to hopefully get a brownish white for bone: macragge blue for lightning)

Glue - $6.60

Cutters - $15.00


Tax is 6.5%




I still have roughly $17 left since my limit is $110. All US currency if that matters. Is there anything else I should get if I can?

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Instead of buying your brushes from GW go to a craft or art store and buy a big set of cheap assorted brushes for 10 dollars. You'll get comparable or superior quality, and many, many more brushes to experiment with. Look for a set that has a good fat teardrop shape to the bristles, not one where the bristles are more a strait line or skinny teardrop shape. IE the thicker the part where the bristles connect to the brush handle the better. This keeps more paint in the brush and keeps the paint from drying out quickly. Buy Gorilla Glue from Home depot or Lowes etc. MUCH better than GW glue and far cheaper, don't forget a good hobby knife that has replaceable blades.


Get the wash instead of the purple color. You will want a good wash. You don't really need tallarn sand. It won't mix with the copper to get the result you want. Metallics don't mix well with non metallics, or even other metallics for that matter. But with a dark wash, you can water down the wash and then apply to taste. The bone would come out ok if you mixed the brown, but you'd be better off getting a brown ink or wash. Then you can cover white basecoat with brown wash then highlight it with white, and you'll have another wash with a different effect. The one color you will seriously regret not getting, is a gunmetal. I think it's called leadbelcher now, instead of boltgun metal.

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Ok there is a Hobby USA I go by on my way home everyday so I'll hit it up tomorrow and see what they have. They're right next to a Craftstore and a Home Depot so I can kill all of those birds with one stone.


And I should have mentioned this earlier but I am restricted to cash only. Not for any other major reason other than a set spending limit. Any suggestions for a hobby blade? Is the GW one okay or should I try looking somewhere else?

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Okay so I was looking at the Hobbytown USA, they have both hobby knives with replaceable blades and paint brushes. Would these brushes be okay?




Oh the reason I didn't have boltgun metal down was because I was plannin on making the bolters a darker bronze as well. Is that ok or should I go ahead an get the boltgun metal?

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Not sure about the brushes, they look too thin in the picture. (the round ones)


Personally I'd go for the Boltgun-Metal-now-renamed-to-something-less-meaningful. The dark bronze you intended for the guns will clash with the armour trims and draw the viewer's attention all over the place, unless you change the colour of the trims that is.



My 2 Kraks

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Alright on both points. Although I'm not to sure what to look for on a fat tear-dropped shape brush. I mean I knew what to look for but either I'm not finding it or I'm blind. The third option is that I'm expecting too much.
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Yea but like I said, I am limited and getting everything that has been suggested is actually pushing me right at the limit because I am going to three different places. Unfortunately sales tax adds up fast.
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