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New Chapter - Praetors of Mars


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- I tried creating a chapter earlier....Iron Dragons, come to find that this name has all ready been taken as a renegade chaos type chapter by some one else. Seeing as how i want to be as original as possible and not copy some one else I want to check on my new chapter name idea.


Praetors of Mars


- Is this name all ready taken? I havent typed up a story or plot line for this legion yet. I invision a chapter/legion that is directly attached to Mars itself and the Adeptus Mechanicus. I know that the AM have the Skitiarii, but I see a chapter that with the backing of Mars performs secret missions for the AM. Like following rumors and searching for STC templates and kind of a "special ops" arm of the AM that carries out there agenda. They are still loyal to the Emperor, but i see them as kind of a gift that the Emperor gave to the AM before his entombment in the Golden Throne. These are some basic ideas that i have do far, but let me know what ya think.



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There is a search function up top where you can search out possible Chapter names to see if they've been claimed or not. I know of no Praetors of Mars, but I know of a Praetors of Orpheus, a heavily Martian-aligned Chapter. Honestly, though, don't worry about originality of Chapter names. Just because someone thought of it once as well doesn't necessarily take away your right to use, nor does it lessen its use. You could only really say it's unoriginal if you chose the name specifically because of its prior use, but not if you were unaware of its prior use.


Few things, though:

-There are a lot of Chapters already out there that lay claim to the highest levels of AdMech connectivity. An extra one that's all about topping that is rather over the top. Having a Chapter on friendly, or more than friendly, terms with the Mechanicus is cool, though.


-They have more than just the Skitarii, they have Titan Legions. It's understandable that the Inquisition makes use of Space Marines, but the Adeptus Mechanicus would find them largely unnecessary. If they need troops, they have augmented Skitarii. If they need to wage war on a grand scale, they have Titans. If they need something in between, they have the Knights.


-Guilliman's Codex split the Legions into Chapters, the Emperor had little to no part in it, as he was already chair-ridden by that point.

you are correct the AM has a ton of its own troops and support any way, even including all the chapters that have very close ties with them. Now yeah there are alot of chapters, Iron Hands, Salamanders, etc thathave extremly close ties to the AM. But i havent seen one that "belongs" to the AM. The AM has its own troops, i can see a space marine chapter as being particularly useful to the AM.

- as a space marine chapter you would be able to access parts of the Imperium that the AM might not. You would be closer to other SM chapters and be able to operate in a totally different fighting style than skitiarii, or any of the other standard AM troop types. Plus if the space marine is the pinnacle of the imperiums human troops, why wouldnt the AM want to have their own chapter to perfect and make their own?




you are correct the AM has a ton of its own troops and support any way, even including all the chapters that have very close ties with them. Now yeah there are alot of chapters, Iron Hands, Salamanders, etc thathave extremly close ties to the AM. But i havent seen one that "belongs" to the AM. The AM has its own troops, i can see a space marine chapter as being particularly useful to the AM.

- as a space marine chapter you would be able to access parts of the Imperium that the AM might not. You would be closer to other SM chapters and be able to operate in a totally different fighting style than skitiarii, or any of the other standard AM troop types. Plus if the space marine is the pinnacle of the imperiums human troops, why wouldnt the AM want to have their own chapter to perfect and make their own?




Well, there is the whole thing about the seperation of powers - it's why there is no Imperial Army, instead having the Astartes Chapters, Imperial Guard ,and Imperial Navy as seperate entities.

It also applies to the AdMech and Inquisition, it's one of the checks in place to safeguard against another single person wielding the military might that Horus once did.


So whilst the Admech could want a chapter of their own, it's highly unlikely they'd get to have one.

That's not to say they wouldn't be able to build a close relationship with a Chapter or Chapters, though.

The Adeptus Mechanicus, or a faction of Tech-Priests thereof, secretly created the Steel Confessors Chapter. That Chapter basically performed the role you described until the larger Imperium became aware, at which point the Chapter and the Adeptus Mechanicus were presented with an ultimatum. The Chapter was allowed to exist after that (despite the added threat to their homeworld of Kalevala by a Tyranid hive fleet), but the two organizations were forced to separate.


So you could look at the Steel Confessors example in one of two ways (probably more, but these are the two that occur to me as I compose this reply :mellow: ). First, your concept is sound and you can proceed as planned. Perhaps your concept DIY exists in an alternate reality, taking the place of the Steel Confessors. Or perhaps your DIY is the product of another faction of Tech-Priests that also created a Chapter aligned with the Adeptus Mechanicus. The second alternative would be to shift from creating a DIY to using the Steel Confessors (since they already fulfill the role you're aiming for). Okay, a third just occurred to me. The third alternative would be to drop the idea entirely since the concept is already taken by the Steel Confessors, finding another concept.


I'm not advocating for any of those three, mind you. The decision is entirely up to you. If you really want to create a Chapter aligned with the Adeptus Mechanicus in the way you describe, you can go with either of the first two options. If you really want to do that and create a DIY, then option number 1 might be the way to go. On the other hand, if you're looking for a unique DIY that fits in the game universe, then perhaps you might consider option number 3. Your army, your choice.


Now something to consider is that a Chapter doesn't need to be part of/subordinate to the Adeptus Mechanicus in order to maintain a strong relationship. If all you're looking for is a rationale for why a Chapter might work closely with the Adeptus Mechanicus, you don't have to look any further than the example set by the Iron Hands and Praetors of Orpheus Chapters. Every Chapter of the Adeptus Astartes has long-standing pacts with the Adeptus Mechanicus for materiel and training of Techmarines/Iron-Priests/Iron-Fathers, with some Chapters having closer relationships than others. Your Chapter might simply be one of those that has a relationship with Mars (or some other Forge World) that is closer than others.


As for Chapter names, the best advice I can give you is to just ignore everyone else's DIY. My perspective is that there is the "canon" universe (such as it is - canon is fast and loose in the 40K IP) and everyone's DIY creates a shadow of that universe - like a parallel dimension. So you might have the Iron Dragons Chapter and three other players might have their own Iron Dragons Chapters. None of those DIYs is in the same game universe (really - how likely is it that the four of you will run across each other?). Note that I used an example of three other players because I can recall at least three other DIYs using that name. It is a very cool name, after all, so you shouldn't allow the existence of other similarly named DIYs turn you off from using that name if you really like it.

The Adeptus Mechanicus, or a faction of Tech-Priests thereof, secretly created the Steel Confessors Chapter. That Chapter basically performed the role you described until the larger Imperium became aware, at which point the Chapter and the Adeptus Mechanicus were presented with an ultimatum. The Chapter was allowed to exist after that (despite the added threat to their homeworld of Kalevala by a Tyranid hive fleet), but the two organizations were forced to separate.




I suppose that makes it rather more likely then - either as a replacement for the Steel Confessors (unless they were only found out after the 26th founding) or, as you say, by a faction within the AdMech so not even the whole AdMech know of their existence.


I suppose the key would be making it so the Chapter's relationship with the AdMech is a closely guarded secret.

Very good points Brother Tyler,

- Ive just always really liked two things about 40k the Mechanicus and genetically altered super humans, aka space marines :wacko: After I read Titanicus, thanks Dan Abbnet, I loved the concept of a whole massive army of not just Titans, but Skitiarii, Mechanicus troopers, Mechanicus tank battalions etc. So I started thinking......why not space marines to?

- Now you all bring up good points about the existing fluff pertaining to the seperation of the Mech, IG, AA, etc....but like any government beuracracy there are always secrets :) There are always secret deals and agreements made in dark rooms by very powerful people. Just becauses a chapter such as the Steel Confessors didnt work out exactly doesnt mean there arent more like them. Maybe they just didnt grease the right wheels or know the right High Lord of Terra? Im just always reminded by this part in Inquisitor War.....they track down this ex-head of the Callidus Assassins who has payed off someone to get himself intered in a Dreadnought so he can live forever. That always stands out in my mind as an example of pretty much anything being possible in Imperial politics lol.

- Overall though I am just sifting through ideas for a DIY chapter....I have come up with several ideas and this is the latest that i wanted to "test" with the community.



"Last to take his seat, at Lord Rorken's right hand, was a giant in black power armour, a Space Marine of the Deathwatch chapter, the dedicated unit of the Ordo Xenos. The Deathwatch was one of the Chambers Militant, Marine chapters founded exclusively for the Inquisition, obscure and secret even by the standards of the blessed Adeptus Astartes."

- pg. 202 Eisenhorn by Dan Abnett



I was reading my Eisenhorn last night when i found this quote. Now this brings a point that i was trying to make to light. If there are special chapters made for the Inquisition, then why wouldnt there be other chapters made for other powerful sects of the Imperium?

- My thinking with this new possible chapter of mine, The Praetors of Mars, is that through political agreements, power plays, and influence....the Magos' of Mars basically have their own space marine chapter. In my mind this selection that I found in Eisenhorn prooves my theory, or simply gives more weight and structure to my foundation of an idea.



Well the Deathwatch are not a chapter. They are said militant arm of Ordo Xenos.


Either way I dont think that quote lends more weight to your idea, but as long as you provide some good background fluff for your chapter you should be ok. Your idea seems as plausible as possible, given how the Imperium works and how vast and bureaucratic it is you can get away with pretty much anything as long as you have a good reason for it.


My thoughts on this are:

Why would the Magos of Mars need a chapter? What is the point of sticking out their necks for the High Lords of Terra to get a chapter made for them? Remember everything will have a give and take, what did the Magos have to give them to get their own private chapter?

Where is this chapter based? Mars? What do they do? Strictly protect Mars? Guard shipments? Secret martian missions? Remember the basic premise of the Space Marines is as a shock assualt force.

Why would the Magos want flesh and blood when they worship machines and steel? That seems to go against their general faith. You should think about that.


Well I hope that helps.

Oh it helps a ton, basically all the same things that ive been trying to get in order for this chapter.

- My thought is, that maybe this chapter was given to mars as maybe a gift in the beginning to forge the relationship between the Emperor and Mars. Just an idea, like when a daughter was given to a possible ally in the middle ages to seal the alliance.

- Interms of what this said chapter would do for mars.....yes mars like steel over flesh, but a spacemarine chapter would be perfect for "fitting in" on large imperial crusades and being able to work with any and all parts of the imperium. Maybe they could be a "special ops group" of the Mechanicum that follows rumors of long lost STC patterns? That was my initial thought.

- Where they are based: I was thinking one of the moons of Mars, either Phobos or Deimos. Thats super easy to create fluff for then. They wouldnt be based directly on mars then, and then they have their own "planet" to operate from, yet are still extremely close to their "masters."

- The quote i found isnt the be all end all, but it raises some questions, is what i was getting at....What is the Chambers Militant? It does set the precedent though for chapters created outside of Guillmens "codex." The Deathwatch is made up of marines from other chapters that serve tours in the Deathwatch, but still, it is a chapter operating under the total control of a non Astartes organization.

If there are special chapters made for the Inquisition, then why wouldnt there be other chapters made for other powerful sects of the Imperium?


That was exactly my point when I was saying this earlier:

-They have more than just the Skitarii, they have Titan Legions. It's understandable that the Inquisition makes use of Space Marines, but the Adeptus Mechanicus would find them largely unnecessary. If they need troops, they have augmented Skitarii. If they need to wage war on a grand scale, they have Titans. If they need something in between, they have the Knights.


The Inquisition can make use with the Space Marines because they can provide something that the Inquisition can not otherwise get. They would be rather limited to just the Sisters or the Imperial Guard, very useful forces but not ones that could wage war in the same way Marines can.


For the Adeptus Mechanicus this is not so. For one thing, Space Marines are human. Flesh, mostly. They're literally an attempt to make the human biology better by improving it, while the over-riding Mechanicum viewpoint is the exact opposite, by replacing it. Space Marines are the wrong direction, but they go in the right direction (in their opinion, anyways). They have gene-bred humans augmented with machinery that, in their eyes, are the equals if not betters than Space Marines. Why would you want a Chapter if you think what you already is better? And that's not to mention the Knight and Titan legions they have. Massive war machines that the smallest of which dwarf Dreadnoughts, and they have legions of them.


Those of us who enjoy the Space Marines over the Mechanicum forces might have our own opinions over which has the better warriors, but the Mechanicum itself believes that they do. In their eyes at least, the Mechanicum taking on a Space Marine Chapter over what they already have would be like the Ordo Malleus taking on a Imperial Guard regiment over the Grey Knights.


So the idea of having the Mechanicum "own" a Chapter like with Malleus and the Grey Knights, or the Xenos and Deathwatch (and Deathwatch is a collection of Marines forwarded from other Chapters, who serve for life or serve for a period of time and return to their Chapter, rather than a Chapter in its own right).


I honestly believe the best way to go about it would be to simply create a Chapter with Iron Hands-level association with the Adeptus Mechanicum. Friends who can call upon each other and will likely answer each other's call, but not the level of relationship the Grey Knights and Ordo Malleus have.


That's my opinion of course, and one I think would be best. But this is your idea and not mine, so now that I've at least made said opinion known I'll apply some criticism/advice in the other direction.



Oh it helps a ton, basically all the same things that ive been trying to get in order for this chapter.

- My thought is, that maybe this chapter was given to mars as maybe a gift in the beginning to forge the relationship between the Emperor and Mars. Just an idea, like when a daughter was given to a possible ally in the middle ages to seal the alliance.

When the Emperor was alive and walking around and making decisions, there were 20 Legions. Not Chapters, but undivided Legions. Chapters didn't come about until after the Horus Heresy

- Interms of what this said chapter would do for mars.....yes mars like steel over flesh, but a spacemarine chapter would be perfect for "fitting in" on large imperial crusades and being able to work with any and all parts of the imperium. Maybe they could be a "special ops group" of the Mechanicum that follows rumors of long lost STC patterns? That was my initial thought.

What the Mechanicum already have "fit" better. Nobody says no to the aid of Titans, and those who would be willing to offer such aid are readily accepted and worked with. Space Marines would have a more difficult issue than the Mechanicum fitting in, really. For things like "special ops" they have the Skitarii or Knight legions. I realize this response is basically just me going "no," but I'm hoping that me saying which ideas don't really work can help you find ways in which they could.

- Where they are based: I was thinking one of the moons of Mars, either Phobos or Deimos. Thats super easy to create fluff for then. They wouldnt be based directly on mars then, and then they have their own "planet" to operate from, yet are still extremely close to their "masters."

Deimos is gone. Grey Knights have it. It was actually relocated and everything. The other moon, Phobos, I have heard or read two conflicting things on it. One was that it was destroyed by something, possibly on purpose for the materials, and the other is that the forges placed upon it had grown so expansive, and the moon so diminished, that at some point there was no longer a moon at all and just a floating space station/forge where it used to be. I think it'd be best not to be tied at all to Mars but possibly to a distant, slightly autonomous faction set somewhere else. You can completely create this faction, and its worlds, to suit your needs.

- The quote i found isnt the be all end all, but it raises some questions, is what i was getting at....What is the Chambers Militant? It does set the precedent though for chapters created outside of Guillmens "codex." The Deathwatch is made up of marines from other chapters that serve tours in the Deathwatch, but still, it is a chapter operating under the total control of a non Astartes organization.

That fluff is very contradictory, however it's almost always left a little vague when it gets to that detail, who truly runs or controls them. For instance, the Sisters of Battle are the Chambers Militant of the Ordo Hereticus, but they make it very clear that they are not controlled by the Inquisition, but are simply on loan. The Deathwatch is composed entirely of Marines on loan, which makes them a lot more like the Sisters of Battle than the Grey Knights. However, having mentioned them, the Grey Knights are very much the Chapter you desire as representative of what you want to provide for the Mechanicum. But again, you have to think about how much the Grey Knights provide for the Inquisition. What can such a force provide for the Mechanicum, though?


Responses in bold above.

Good points Cormac,

- This is exactly the kind of back and forth i wanted to get into to flush out my ideas and get them "right" im my eyes. I did read Titanicus which was a very good visual of how the Mechanicus wages war. I guess im just trying to plug to many variables into my equation. Granted I will still probably go ahead with this chapter, if it passes my set of tests....as skewed as they may seem :lol: But I like to have this kind of debate, because, hey thats why forums like this exist. So know ive just thought of something else.

- How does the Techmarine training process go exactly? Marines chosen to become techmarines will travel to Mars to go through an "internship" of sorts. Now Im just looking at all the angles here.....but couldnt a Mechanicus "chapter" simply be like a revolving Deathwatch type thing??? You have Space Marines in different points of their "tech" training, and there are enough of them that a group of them.....it could be any size company, chapter, etc......that travel with a Titan legion to learn the Mechanicus art of war as part of their techmarine training?

......that travel with a Titan legion to learn the Mechanicus art of war as part of their techmarine training?


Why would they need to?


As Space Marines they are already far above the peak of the ability of the Imperium's other proffessional military forces and while they would have knowledge of the Mechanicus' way of war (which isn't exactly subtle), they aren't there to learn how to fight in a different manner to what they already know, they are there to learn very specifically how the ancient knowledge and ritual of the machine works.


Given the length and breadth of information that they need to assimilate in order to graduate as it were I'd have thought would preclude observations of combat.


That said perhaps a small tour to test their abilities in practice rather than pure theory is part of it. I'm just not hugely leaning in favour of the latter, is all.

yeah it was an idea that i came up with in the spur of the moment......

- I mean it needs some more though and structure, but i think it still sounds entirely probable. I mean the Mechanicus likes things done "their way" so why wouldnt they want to maybe "un-train" the techmarines a smidge. Not saying they are going to totally retrain them and brainwash them.....but they want these techmarines to see things from their point of view.

Why don't we try for a completely different tack: Biologis. A sect of the Adeptus Mechanicum that are particularly interested by the biological sciences. Xeno biology, to be sure, but you could still use this interest. Say far off in the Segmentum Obscurus, there is a Mechanicum world utterly dominated by those of the Biologis sect. Biology fascinates them. Again, Xenos to be sure, but the Space Marines are something that fascinates them, too. They're all about the peak of humanity by way of machines, and it intrigues the hell out of them that there are these nigh unstoppable war gods that are all about being the peak of humanity without machines (well, not entirely. Power armor, replacement limbs, etc). Now, the Magos love this area because it's rife with alien life. Plenty to kidnap and study, 40k UFOs. So when a new founding is declared, this sect sends out a petition, outlining the state of the Sector and alien threat, showing how vital it is to the Imperium (a little fibbing couldn't hurt) and with little protection, and voila: A Space Marine Chapter is founded and forwarded to that area. The Biologis pledge their forges to the betterment of the Chapter in an alliance. Without any true Mechanicum forces like its Legions of war machines or skitarii, the new Chapter pledges to protect and shelter the sect. To all outside appearances, the Chapter has taken root on some Feral world, with a particular zeal for hunting down Xenos. In truth, the Chapter and the sect are nigh inseparable, to the point of blurring the boundaries between them.


And there I'll leave it.

See, I've read through this thread and I have one big issue: you're trying too be too tied to the Admech.


The Imperium strives on separation of power. They will not grant anyone power or the means to achieve something unless absolutely necessary. In effect, your asking for an organisation within the Imperium which already has a huge amount of military strength, with the Titan Legions and Skitarii, to be given a greater force of a Space Marine Chapter - which is one heck of an addition, the strength of one single Chapter is one hell of a boon to an organisation. So what I'm saying is: why???


I'm not saying no. Give me a good reason for why the Imperium would allow this...

Oh I totally get what your talking about Ferrus, and heres why i want to go ahead with my idea......

- Yes, you are correct the Imperium strives for seperation and really tries to....but the key word is "try." Just like any modern government today.....they all claim seperation of powers, seperation of church and state, blah, blah, blah....but we all know that its alot of talk. Senators, congressmen, clergy, presidents, judges, and CEO's are all in bed with each other.....so in my mind im just perpetuating this cycle in the 40k world. Cause the 40k world is just as corrupt.

- All these super rich and powerfull families, trade organizatios, military organizations, etc.... all claim to be seperate but are always working behind the curtain to get a leg up on everyone else. Am I making any sense? I just like the idea of the AdMech having their own chapter, it just makes sense to me that they would. The Imperium is like any other government, they say one thing but hardly ever follow their own rules :P

I just like the idea of the AdMech having their own chapter, it just makes sense to me that they would. The Imperium is like any other government, they say one thing but hardly ever follow their own rules


The two boldened statements are something I'd argue with.


The first is your own opinion. Yes you think it's cool, that's the problem. You think it'd be cool but regardless of what you consider to be cool or not there are still obstacles in the way, which you need to deal with.


The second is that our own government(s) don't have a secret internal organisation that forcefully regulates these rules and strictures with draastic, lethal consequences. Even the High Lords and other Inquisitors don't escape from the scrutiny of the wider Inquisition, albeit with a lot more hoops to jump through and challenges to conquer at the highest levels.


That said, even though there is the inquisition, action can and has been taken without the Inquisition's direct involvement. Look at the The Age of Apostasy, when other forces inside the Imperium reacted to Goge Vandire's reign of madness.


It's not just a set of strictures that everyone knows are there and tries to work around. The Imperium is a very ritualised place in more aspects than just the religiously governed human populace. Everything from technology to the following of 'the rules' is made into tradition and ritual so as to embed it into society itself.


What you're talking about is a serious breach of the rules that no one can be allowed to discover, especially since it has already happened once before, which only just barely ended with a positive outcome for all involved, well perhaps not quite 'all' but without everyone getting liquidised by the Inquisition.


At least, that's how I see it.

The reason that the AdMech would have that much power is that in all the readings ive done.....there are basically two governments in the Imperium, one group follows the emperor, the other follows the omnissah. These two groups are both under the "umbrella" of the Imperium, but the admech is basically its own seperate entity. At least thats how my readings and research have made me see it. The book Titanicus really brought this deep seeded "seperation" to light for me. Now I dont think it is a Horus type rift, and never will be, but it is still there.

- My one big problem with your ideas is that I dont think the Inquisition has as much power as you think. Yes they are extremly powerfull and 95% of the time they are the be all end all. But no organization can control everything, and the Inquisition is not as powerful as the AdMech. From what Ive read didnt the Emperor make a pact with the AdMech, a kind of "truce" ? Im not up to date on my pre-heresy imperium/Mars history.

- In the world of politics, committees, and power deals, I can just totally see the AdMech getting their own spacemarine chapter to "play" with. Cormac's idea of the Magos Biologis having that ability sounded good to me. Yes my idea breaks from all the standard on the surface fluff......but thats the great thing about 40k, the fluff and canon is so loosly written that you can pretty much let your imagination run wild. Now im not saying a chaos chapter is coming back for forgiveness, or some weird totally screwball idea. Im simply running off of the "secret dealings" theory.

The reason that the AdMech would have that much power is that in all the readings ive done.....there are basically two governments in the Imperium, one group follows the emperor, the other follows the omnissah. These two groups are both under the "umbrella" of the Imperium, but the admech is basically its own seperate entity. At least thats how my readings and research have made me see it. The book Titanicus really brought this deep seeded "seperation" to light for me. Now I dont think it is a Horus type rift, and never will be, but it is still there.

- My one big problem with your ideas is that I dont think the Inquisition has as much power as you think. Yes they are extremly powerfull and 95% of the time they are the be all end all. But no organization can control everything, and the Inquisition is not as powerful as the AdMech. From what Ive read didnt the Emperor make a pact with the AdMech, a kind of "truce" ? Im not up to date on my pre-heresy imperium/Mars history.

- In the world of politics, committees, and power deals, I can just totally see the AdMech getting their own spacemarine chapter to "play" with. Cormac's idea of the Magos Biologis having that ability sounded good to me. Yes my idea breaks from all the standard on the surface fluff......but thats the great thing about 40k, the fluff and canon is so loosly written that you can pretty much let your imagination run wild. Now im not saying a chaos chapter is coming back for forgiveness, or some weird totally screwball idea. Im simply running off of the "secret dealings" theory.


I think you should go back and read Titanicus again. The omnissah IS the emperor. The majority of the AdMech is willing to fight and die to maintain the current way of doing things.


The ][ is everywhere and when they blow the whistle lots of folks come running. Higher ups in the AdMech, the navy, the guard, many many space marine chapters. The ]['s power isn't their own, it comes from so many of the forces of the Imperium being willing to do their bidding. Because each Inquisitor carries the Emperor blessed authority to call upon whatever is needed at the moment.


The idea of the AdMech having their own chapter has been done and I'm afraid that any attempt to do something similar will be labeled as a copy of that idea.


Just my personal opinion but what really makes a DIY "cool" is when a chapter has "character" all by themselves. No cloaks, no daggers, no back room deals and such.

Oh by no means do i think im being "original" with my idea here :lol: Im just doing what i think sounds fun to me and goes with my interests.....and having a cool discussion about it all as well.

- Yes you are right about the Titanicus stuff....the schism between the two factions of the AdMech in the book were if the emperor is the omnissah or he wasnt, right ? I cant remember exactly. I read so many BL books that they all run together sometimes.

- I have read enough ][ books to agree with you, yes the ][ is everywhere and has more resources than they know what to do with. Going off that same point though.....there are so many individual inquisitors that all are part of different factions that I believe things slip through. All the ][ books ive read have multiple inquisitorial factions going against each other, which doesnt really give me alot of confidence that they know everything that is going on.

- This just makes me believe even more that maybe there would be a faction of inquisitors out there that lets say are very "tight" with the AdMech. This group then may protect the AdMech from unwanted attention and scrutiny. Now yes, a spacemarine chapter isnt some tiny little secret thats easy to hide. But with all the factions and infighting between imperial groups, it makes it easier for me to believe that an AdMech SM chapter could exist.

I think this was mentioned before in the thread but I'll put it this way. Rather than the "AdMech" having a chapter instead let it be the work of a "Magos" that is working toward his/her own goals rather than the good of the Imperium/Admech. A individual very well could have an Inguisitor in the mix "helping" them out.


But like I said before all of that is rather cliche.


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