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The Blood Angels numbers grow bigger !


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Fellow brothers, i salute you !


I've been lurking in the shadows of B&C for quite a long time now, and even though i like to dwell alone in my private quarters, i'm here to share my project for a BA army with you guys.


I own a considerable amount of space marines, mostly old metal models, and i've lately added some new stuff to my kinda rusty collection (white metal will always shine for me though :). I am also working in building a black tide Templar army, with tons of initiates, neophytes and righteous zeal (that is where Castellan Bahamoth comes from ;)).


Right now what i have selected from my collection to muster up my BA army are these units:


ICs: Dante, Sanguinor, Astro, Mephi.


Honor guard with some retro-rogue trader jump packs. (Not sure here about their loadout, was thinking of a PF+4 melta/plasma, looks like standard)


3 librarians, 3 sanguinary priests, 3 chaplains.


4x10 man PF double melta


Lemartes guiding 37 Death Company very angry marines looking for their weapons (not sure what to give them, though all the info i've gathered here about this subject is very useful - thx everyone, especially Snorri ).


5 man Vanguard Veterans (those from the box).


And jump packs for everyone of course !


As you guys have already guessed, i'm very much into the DoA thing. In the list i just gave i think only Mephi has to walk/fly on the wings of Sanguinius, praised be his name.


I'm also thinking of building a Librarian Furioso, though i "only" have seven old metal dreads to work with.


I'm hoping to build a decent DoA army, and even though i've already read tons of topics about this matter, i would appreciate your feedback on this. What am i missing in the list?


For an upcoming official GW pair tournament here in Spain, i was thinking to field with a friend a 2x1500 point army.


Our idea is to keep it as fluffy and funny as possible, we are not looking for a WAAC list !


We would field 1500 points of BA and 1500 points of Full DC with Astro leading them. The lists would be something like:


1500 BA:


Dante, his honor guard (Not sure about the loadout), Sanguinor.


Some sanguinary priests.


4x10 man assault squad. Loadout still to be determined.


Maybe drop an assault squad to field some Vanguards, though our point holding capacity would dwindle dangerously... our chances of winning a game are already thin enough !


I think those guys will add up for more than 1500 points, so i would have to drop some of them...


1500 DC:


Astro and Lemartes each leading as big as possible 2 squads of angry guys, loadout also to be determined. Was thinking of letting Mephi in the list but he can't go DoA ;)


Any thoughts about this crazy enterprise of ours?


Is this madness? Do we have a chance? I've been reading here and there that DC are not very competitive but wouldn't it be very funny to see 1500 points of DC wreaking havoc among our beloved Emperor's foes?


The strategy would be to deepstrike everything and see what happens. Now that i write all this i realize how crazy this is, retarded might be too strong of a word.


Thoughts, feedback, arrows to the knee, everything is welcome !


I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone in the forum for all the priceless knowledge it holds and the wonderful atmosphere that lies within !


P.S: I'll be posting my time schedules for Vassal games, so i hope to see you guys in the fields of battle.

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Hiya Bahamoth and welcome, :)


Erm... well at the present moment your normal BA army adds up to 1490pts, that's everything as basic, with a basic 5 man vanguard veteran squad and no sanguinary priests. But as Spartan II quite rightly pointed out, this is likely to be ignored if you've got 2 squads of 16 jump pack Death company, with Astorath and Lemartes, goading them on!!! :) But in all honesty, I think it's perfect for a funny army. You're likely to get a lot of laughs out of playing it. I don't know about it being very fluffy, but in reality, i'm not that good with fluff. I say go for it, and have a great time with it. :)


(btw, this probably wasn't a very helpful post!!!! :) )

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Welcome to the sons of Sanguinius!


If you do play the 1500 pts. of DC with Lemmy and Astroboy, PLEASE give us a battle report. I for one would love to read about that. DC are my favorite units in the whole codex, but find a way to fit in a couple DC dreads with blood talons (angry lawnmowers of hate), just for the shock factor. :lol:

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Hi !


Thanks for all the replies brothers !


About the army list:


I would say that even if the DC squads have already FNP and they will draw the attention and firepower of our foes, it would still rock to have some FNP on the assault squads.


I've also read around in a lot of topics that you should always take at least one libby to the front, to avoid being ripped apart by those witches tainting our beloved galaxy (looks like my templar side takes over when i talk about "magick" !).


I don't think i'll need those drop pods for the DC since i am giving them JP, am i missing something here?


Speaking of the devil ! What do you think i should give those inglorious basters in black? I was just looking for an answer in Army Builder and i've come up with the following:


Astro and Lemartes, each goading (i like that) 13 angry guys (epic number !!!) with 2 hammers (don't bring a knife to a gunfight... bring hammers !), 2 power weapons, 1 inferno pistol per squad.


How does that sound?


About the battle reports:


Indeed, i think this venture deserves to be recorded by one fine remembrancer, i will see to it !

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ofcoarse sorry i forgot it i'm currently sick at home so thats why


the big why is first

you get 2 of the most scary dreads that kill almost any infantry in the other guys deployment

+ you get pods with wich you can screen youre other forces

third they're awesome but this is mainly personal reason xp of yeah they come standerd with a melta gun so upon disembarking can destroy 1 of youre oponents parking lot vehicles

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