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The Emperor Of Mankind


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Alright folks been a while since I've painted anything since I've been working on my Adeptus Custodes Purifier Atmy which is taking alot longer than it should be. But anyways I sold a my 2 Dreadknights on eBay last week and bought myself something non GW to paint while I was waiting on parts for my Purifiers.


I painted this model in 2 hours, which is pretty quick and was a test to see if I can paint to a decent standard in a short space of time. I know you guys will recognise him as he is the Scibor Caezar Of Rome and I won't be allowed to use him in GW to lead my Custodes army.


Alot of my friends and fellow gamers have been speaking to me about my commission work and should do it on a more serious level. I'm also in the planning stages to start my own painting business and will have a website up and running within the next few months.


Sorry for the squint picture but when I take pictures on my phone and then transfer them to here it rotates them for some reason. Sorry for those who are straining they're neck.



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Looking pretty sweet VAGABOND!


Except for the finger (which I would most likely do something else with to prevent the spawning of any additional primarchs B) ), I do like this model and had considered it for my Emperor stand-in as well...plus it has some tie ins with the rest of my army which is Scibor.


You should probably post a picture of him with some of your knights.



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Updated pictures with a unit of Custodians! :)













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