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Sons of Prospero

Sorcerer Shu

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Right, well I've started work on my fluff for a Tsons splinter war band and it's gotten rather long. I'm looking to post it, but it is currently around 5000 words and I haven't finished. Just wondering how many words everyone would be comfortable reading in one sitting and whether it would be preffered as a blog or posts?

And I apologise in advance for any poor gramma/spelling errors in the fluff.


any way, here's a little bit on them for a start;




HOME WORLD: None. The Cults live exclusively aboard their possessed cruisers and are constantly on the move. Every ten years their munitions and armour are restocked with home-made ones from the Nekhen, though the supplies don’t last long, especially if the Cults’ are constantly drawn into battles. When supplies run low, they have to scavenge what they can to survive, everything from unused bolter ammunition to pieces of undamaged armour.


FOUNDING: The Sons of Prospero are a splinter war band of the Thousand Sons. They broke away from the Legion during the Burning of Prospero.


SIZE: The Sons of Prospero are a relatively small war band, with entire band generally having no more than 300 marines at any given point of time. Their power base lies in groups of cultists known as The Potentials.


MARKINGS: Use markings and colours similar to the old Legions’.


Hope you enjoy reading it. Any ideas/constructive criticism welcome.

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