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Trophy 'Cabinet'

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In the fledgling fluff for my Crimson Tears I'm saying that at the end of a battle they take the head of the last enemy to be slain to reflect this I'd quite like to make a sort of trophy cabinet as an objective marker or piece of scenery (maybe a small trophy room?). It'll be accommodating mainly CSM heads as the chapter have shown themselves to actively seek out and fight their traitorous and heretical brothers but also a few bits and pieces from the CSM trophy racks like the spikes with Necron and Tau heads because you can't avoid fighting xenos in your pursuit of those damned Word Bearers accross a galaxy.


So with that said does anyone know of any starting points? I don't own anything like plasticard and never have so a scratch build like that wouldn't be ideal. But, if anyone knows of any cabinets or things that would serve a similar function, possibly from other miniature ranges I don't know about, input would be appreciated.


At the moment my main idea reference is the trophy wall from Predator 2 with shelves instead of wall mounts.


Thanks in advance,



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