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Techmarine Biker Legs

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Anyone convert up new legs for a Tachmarine on bike?

I'm in the process of making up this model, but am really stumped on the legs. I'm using a standard bike kit, plus the old metal Techmarine torso from the Blood Angels Hnor Guard kit, and Antaro Chronus' backpack/servoarm.

I just can't figure out the legs.

I've seen folks try to Greenstuff the plated look that the current Techmarine models have, and it never looks good. It always ends up too wide, and without sharp edges.

I'm thinking that instead I'll try to add the cogtooth crenelations that appear on the older Techmarine models' legs. It might be simple enough to glue some cut tin card int he proper shape, but the problem arises when attempting to seat the model on his bike. Biker legs are a tight fit to the seat, so anything sculpted or glued to the inside thigh and shin would prohibit the legs actually fitting on the bike. Has anyone found a way around this?

Alternatively, I thought about chopping the legs off one of the old Techmarine models I own, from the knee down, and then mating them to chopped biker legs. The problem arises when I try to reposition the metal feet, and the fact that the metal legs are Mk6 but the plastic are Mk7. There'll be some resculptin needed on the thighs that I'm not sure I can pull off.


All in all, it looks liek a tough conversion to pull off from the waist down. Anyone tried it and have pictures?



Also, I remember a while ago I saw someone here on the B&C who created templates for adding shinguard decorations/plates to their Marines. Anyone have a link to that?

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lost of people say that greenstuff doesnt give great hard edges and that you can improve this by adding more of one of the collors when mixing (blue i think - been a while since i last used the stuff). alternatively other puttys give better edges - milliput is ment to be good.


the cog tooth idea sounds good. have a google on ravenwing techmarine


this might interest you - metal terminator legs used to give a bit more interest than the plastic ones:


You though about using the robed legs from the ravenwing box, you should only when have to worry about the feet then.


I did a test fit, but he looks really wonky with robed legs and no other cloth on him. It really looks like he's wearing a skirt. :)


I took a finecast techmarine and just did a 'T' cut to separate out his legs and torso from each other and then some minor gs work to get them rebound in the correct pose. Looks great, according to everyone who's seen it in person.


I've seen several folks do that, but I'm not sure I want to invest in a whole Techmarine kit when I've got an upper body bit already.

What did you do with his mechadendrites and groin plating?

One option would be to use styrene strips like model railroaders and military modelers use to make the crenelations and assorted details. You can get them in different thicknessess and widths.


True. I wish there was a local shop that carried that stuff. People seem to really like it.


Have you seen the legs from the original metal devastators? They have crenelated-style leg armour.


I used to own those, and traded them away. They did have nice legplates for the purpose.



I tried applying the beginnings of the cog-tooth border last night. I figured I'd do the bottom strip first, and then add the teeth individually. It looks "ok, not great" so far. I rolled out thin snakes of Greenstuff, applied them to the legs, and then rolled them flat with the end of a paintbrush. I can't decide if the edges are sharp enough for my liking. Some sections are, some are not.

I also found that the Chaos Space marine biker legs have Mk6 greaves with borders already on them. All it would take would be some GS work to add cog teeth to those. However, I've only found one bitz seller with a set, and they want an arm and a leg for the entire rider kit. :P

Still got one of those old devi kicking about, thinking about converting him into a standard techmarine myself now. just need to hack off his torso thanks to the ugly as hell helmet and chest that seem to merge into each other the poor bugger lol

you could try making some press molds from greenstuff to get details off other parts of the techmarine/other models and putting these bits on standard legs to give a bit more detail/combining this with some rescultping ot the legs.


obvious things to do are skulls, the ad-mech symbol. you could try taking a print of the cog design then seeing how well it comes out and just sticking this to the greaves - might be easier than full scultping it yourself.


another option - replace one of the legs with a bionic one? (full or from the knee down)

PM me your address - I've got a spare set of chaos biker legs. things weigh nothing.


Thanks, but it's no worry. No need to send stuff all the way across the world :lol:.


you could try making some press molds from greenstuff to get details off other parts of the techmarine/other models and putting these bits on standard legs to give a bit more detail/combining this with some rescultping ot the legs.


obvious things to do are skulls, the ad-mech symbol. you could try taking a print of the cog design then seeing how well it comes out and just sticking this to the greaves - might be easier than full scultping it yourself.


another option - replace one of the legs with a bionic one? (full or from the knee down)


I'd thought about doing that, especially for the bike farings and such. The bionic leg idea is one I thoughtof falling back on should a leg-swap go awry. ;)




Thanks for the ideas, everyone, they help a lot!

I just used green stuff - it took a fair while but was worth it unfortunately a month after it was finished it be came illegal in a Blood Angle Army - Bum




I'd found your Techmarine via Google Image Search. It's a nice setup, and ultimately how I pictued mine turning out.


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