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Iron Warriors Assault


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As a Legion that specialized in siege tactics, jump troops would be very uncommon. However, with some creative thinking, I'm sure you could find a way to explain it. Maybe they were the assault part of the company that was tasked with taking the wall. But current;y, there are no instances that I know of.
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If I was a Warsmith, I'd use them extensively to force breaches or slaughter defenders of a wall. Yes, Assault Marines were uncommon in the Iron Warriors, but I simply can't believe any Warsmith worth his salt would turn down an effective way to take a breach as soon as it opens, within a matter of seconds. Sure as hell beats climbing over a shattered ravelin, sucking up grenades and direct fire the whole time.
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Pfft, hell with that. Mortals break and die. Something as vital as a forlorn hope to tear open a breach can only be taken by one who is iron within, and iron without...
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Pfft, hell with that. Mortals break and die. Something as vital as a forlorn hope to tear open a breach can only be taken by one who is iron within, and iron without...

"From iron cometh strength. From strength comth will. From will cometh faith. From faith cometh honor. From honor cometh iron. This is the Unbreakable Litany."


Of course it pales in comparison to the poisonous weapon known as Fear.

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Damn skippy. Personally, I wouldn't lay siege to a fortress without at least a few squads of chaos Assault Marines...and some titans...a few super-heavies...couple dozen batteries of Artillery... a few dozen squadrons of Hell Talons... a billion slaves... three Grand Companies... two hundred Decimators... *mumble mumble*
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Yep, they definitely use them. The other thing people need to remember is that just because they specialise in something, it doesn't mean that that's the only thing they're capable of doing. Sure, they're siege specialists, but they also need to be capable of other styles of warfare, because I hardly imagine that the Iron Warriors would ignore a planet just because it doesn't have a big city for them to lay siege to. What happens when they fight Eldar?


Secondly, as others have mentioned, they need something to force the breach. Sieges aren't just shelling, as much as many internet lists seem to disagree with. When a hole is blown in the wall, someone needs to take and hold the breach, so that the fortress can be captured, rather than simply levelled.

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Secondly, as others have mentioned, they need something to force the breach. Sieges aren't just shelling, as much as many internet lists seem to disagree with. When a hole is blown in the wall, someone needs to take and hold the breach, so that the fortress can be captured, rather than simply levelled.


Why would the Iron Warriors want a fortress that was so easily captured :< We shall make a NEW one, a BETTER one, a IRONERIER ONE!

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Other kings said I was daft to build a castle on a swamp, but I built it all the same, just to show 'em. It sank into the swamp. So, I built a second one. That sank into the swamp. So, I built a third one. That burned down, fell over, then sank into the swamp, but the fourth one... stayed up! And that's what you're gonna get, lad: the strongest castle in these islands.
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Don't forget that IW are probaly the most pragmatic of all the traitor legions, they will use whatever they can get their iron claws on and use it as efficient as possible, jump pack troops if they are available to a warsmith will be used but my take is that these troops will not lead a frontal assault but attack the more vulnerable flanks making greater use of their speed and mobility.
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GW already slotted them to be Night Lords only although our current(as in A-D-B's, praise the Powers) is making us more like a mix between the Raven Guard's guerilla tactics, except terror rather than confusion, mixed with the Iron Warriors brutality and the Alpha Legion's thoroughness.


Personally, while I do like the Raptors as a terror-weapon, I don't see them as being an entire Legion. They should be spread out through all of the Legions, not exist just in the Night Lords.

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With any luck, the other half of that rumor, being that there will be Raptors AND Chaos Assault Marines, will be true. Matter of fact, it's a promise...


Here, within the halls of the Chaos Ascendant Forum; I, 1000heathens, will create that Iron Warrior Breach army I've been putting off for well over a decade, if GW puts standard Assault Marines in the next Chaos Codex. This I swear in the name of the hated Gods.







Oh :rolleyes: , what did I just say?!?

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With any luck, the other half of that rumor, being that there will be Raptors AND Chaos Assault Marines, will be true. Matter of fact, it's a promise...


Here, within the halls of the Chaos Ascendant Forum; I, 1000heathens, will create that Iron Warrior Breach army I've been putting off for well over a decade, if GW puts standard Assault Marines in the next Chaos Codex. This I swear in the name of the hated Gods.







Oh :rolleyes: , what did I just say?!?

You just sold your soul. Again.

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