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Deep Strike Question


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Guys -


Quick question I am at work and getting ready for a game tonight. A question came up when discussing deep striking, I believe that I read in the rule book that if you are deep striking into a building you must attempt to land on the bottom floor of the building. However, I was just reading a battle report where someone deep struck on the top floor of a building. Could someone clarify this and cite the passage in the rule book for me. Thanks.

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That person did it wrong or wrote it wrong.


Units deep striking into ruined buildings are placed on the ground floor. They may not deep strike directly inside a transport vehicle or a building, which will count as impassable terrain as normal.
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I've played games where we house ruled otherwise based on the shape of the terrain or just something we felt like doing differently, but without a house rule, yep, deepstike in to the ground floor of ruins.
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Was the building in the BatRep an actualy full building with an AV and such rules, or was it a ruin?

Actually, that does not really matter. If it was a ruin, then you DS onto the ground floor. If it was a building with AV, you must embark to get to the roof (which then makes it open topped) which is not allowed by deepstriking.

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Well, sorta.

You're talking about a Building with a Parapet or Battlement (pg. 80) or something that would have to be declaired pre-game.

In that case the deep striking unit could not land there.


That said many Buildings just have a flat roof, although inpassable for most units there are units that can land there, pg 78

..if it possible to physically place models on top of an impassable building, jump infantry, jetbikes and skimmers are allowed to end their move there, treating it as dangerous terrain.

Those units (and only those) could land on the top of the building.

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That's a good point. Like any other terrain piece, it all needs to be discussed at the start of the battle. Just like stating if a swamp is difficult terrain and no cover save or 5+ for the brush. Is this building impassable or can jump troops land on it? Can you enter through windows? Do you assume doors are on all sides? Can you climb the wall, go up only at the ladder or do you have to embark to get to the roof? There are just too many variables to say "this is a building" and leave it at that.
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What about that Imperial Landing Pad terrain piece? That's neither a ruin, nor a building that can be embarked. I'm somewhat sure if both players agree, you could deep strike on top of it (deep stiking under it seems kind of dumb if the unit is 'teleporting' from orbit).



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The landing pad is a mishmash of rules.


It has an AV, but troops on it can be shot at (troops occupying a building with AV cannot be shot at under the rules for buildings) and can get a cover save, which means it uses some of the RUINS rules as well as some of the BUILDING rules.


It's pretty and all, but causes so many arguments at my club that it's sole use is as a display piece for my Slave 1 model at home.

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