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Warband Call

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Hi! I see all kinds of minis on here but it's hard to discern what splinter group of the Thousand Sons (or Tzeentch renegades for that matter) everyone belongs to.


So speak up, you guys. If you play Chaos and only have a single unit of Thousand Sons in your army, who are they loyal to? Magnus the Red? Ahriman? Your own chapter?


I had an idea- We could come back later in the year and edit our posts to change our entries accordingly when the new book comes out (should you stick with Tzeentch)


Warband: Thousand Sons Exiled Coven

Commander: Ahriman

Flagship: Inevitable Fortress

Strength: ~20 Sorcerers, ~50 Rubricae, ~100 crew, assorted ground transports

Last Known Location: Sol System

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Warband: Thousand Sons Exile coven

Commander: Ahriman (as well! I always knew he could be at more than one place at the same time)

Flagship: uhm...

Strength: ~7 sorcerors, ~ 27 rubrics, some vehicles.

Last known position: some cold, rocky place.


I don't really have a lot painted up yet, and as such, for now, it's just a really small and elite strike force. But an important one, judging by the one who leads it...

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Well I've started a Night Lords Warband that has a sorcerer and rubrics attached


Name: Will get back to you on that


Commander: Morien S'as and Sorcerer Kram


Flagship: Battle Barge Shadow in the Dark


Strength: 30 Nightlords 10 Rubrics one Sorcerer

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Oooh ok, fun! :)


Warband: Exiled Thousand Sons the Coven of the Rubricae

Commander: Ahriman (although he is extremely illusive and his lieutenants stand in for him a lot of the time)

Flagship: The Ascendant Eye

Force Strength: 15 sorcerers, 40 rubric marines, 3 rhinos, 3 dreadclaw assault boats and 1 thunderhawk (stolen from Ultramarines chapter)

Last seen: Eletania V mining colony/the Rizal Maze/Dominion of Storms/Ultima Segmentum

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Warband: Exiled Thousand Sons, "the 7 company"

Commander: Zarathustra Suicune, former High Apothecary of the Thousand Sons, acting head of the Athanaean cult (Since it is unsure how much the cults are kept by the rest of the legion, and so the old/regular selection of a new magister Templi has not occurred since Ulthizzar's murder.)

Flagship: Anubis class battle barge "The Phoenix of Prospero"

Force strength: 13 Sorcerers, 7 Apprentice sorcerers, 52 rubrics (Including bike mounted and terminator armored), 2 Predators "Memory of Ra" and "Dawn of unity", 2 rhinos, 2 thunderhawks and one stormbird. Dreadnought Sobekemenes, Contempor Dreadnought Wepwawet. Aprox 100 spireguard to regiment size, Aprox 30 Beastman soldiers

Last seen: Gryphonne system.

Interesting notes: The gardens aboard the Pheonix were initially created by Ra-hotepis, her first captain, and Magister Templi of the Athanaeans before Ulthizzar, and include a complete range of prosperonain plant life and extensive additions from throughout the galaxy including Fenrisian pine and prandium Dusk flowers among others. The spire guard and are descended from the original crew and spireguard, and it is believed that Zarathustra plans to someday rebuild Prospero.

Zarathustra refuses to fight marines of the Salamanders legion, due to a life debt he owed the Salamander captain V'senner, who saved him from an ork killa can during his secondment to that legion.

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Warband: The Cabal of the Burning Wings

Commander: Icarus the Changer (Ascended Daemon Prince, former Sorcerer-Captain of the Thousand Sons)

Flagship: Ghost of Prospero (Repulsive class Grand Cruiser

Strength: Of the Legion: ~8 Sorcerers, ~40 Rubricae, various Legion support assets, various Fleet assets

Others: The Renegade Chapter "Fallen Lords", assorted Traitor Guard regiments and corrupted Inquisitiorial agents

(Of his agents, some are truely corrupted and know they serve a darker master - like the renegade Inquisitor Narcissus, whilst some don't know who their mysterious benefactor really is other than the "ultimate xanthite" he claims to be and some still work to his purposes without ever realising they are following his dark will...)

Last Known Location: Near the Maelstrom



None save Icarus himself (and Tzeentch, of course) know his true agenda but over the millennia since the Heresy he has spread a web of agents across the Imperium to serve whatever arcane purpose he is conspiring to achieve. Originally part of the cabal with Ahriman who unleashed the Rubric, he has since become considered something of an outcast by many of his brethren for his unusual philosophising on the powers of Tzeentch, sorcery and what he calls the "presience trap". Of course, his Ascension to Daemonhood suggests that whatever Icarus has planned must be favoured by Tzeentch, or at least Icarus is a pawn in a far larger game...

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Warband: Cabal of the Radiant Dawn

Commander: Set'menes the Manipulator

Loyalty: Magnus the Red

Flagship: Strike Cruiser Illumination

Forces: 2 Sorcerors, 18 Rubrics, 50+ assorted renedades, reformed regiment Prosperine Spireguard.

Fleet assets: 6 cruisers, 5 escort vessels

Last Seen: Piracy action round the Maelstrom


Setmenes has deemed it his mission rebuild the Thousand Sons Legion, and try to usher in Magnus's vision of an improved humanity.


You can see the whole background and its a long one here



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Warband: Order of Dusk

Commander: Magistra Aeronwy

Loyalty: Ahriman

Flagship: Mars Cruiser Arial

Forces: 6 Sorcerers including Aeronwy, 18 Armour Wraiths (Rubrics), Land Raider Redemption through Adaptation, 20 Weregild Ork Mercenaries (Plague Marines), 15 Weregild Kroot Mercenaries (Chaos Marines) including 5 Vultures (Raptors).

Fleet assets: 3 Light Cruisers, 20 Escorts

Last Seen: Patrolling Eldritch system in Ultima Segmentum Ultra, halfway between the fringes of Tau space and The Dark Maw.


Aeronwy Gesh holds the title of Magistra, ruling from the third planet in the Eldritch system over all four habitable planets. Her fortress-monastary was once a stronghold of the Sisters of Battle, but they are long gone, destroyed by her magic and treachery. A disciple of Ahriman himself, she understands the purpose for which her master groomed her - Eldritch serves as a repository and safehouse for the Librarian, somewhere to rest and recuperate in times of need. Recently, however, it has come under attack from the Necrons of the Tiankong Dynasty, and Ahriman himself is nowhere in sight...

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'll thrown mine in...


Warband: The Flames of Change

Commander: Sorcerer Melekharn (formerly Chief Librarian Zacharias Melekharn of the Black Knights my old, no longer used, DIY Chapter)

Loyalty: Melekharn and the majority of his warband worship Tzeentch, but he has manipulated the pawns of the other gods to his cause.

Flagship: Burning Dominance

Strength: 2 Sorcerers (Not including Melekharn), Bound Khorne Daemon Prince, Manipulated Khorne Champion, 20 Tzeentch marines, 15 nurgle marines, 10 rubric marines, a brass scorpion, two predators

Last Known Location: Cadian System

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Warband: The changelings of Ahrabeth

Commander: Ahrabeth of the Thousand Sons, soon to be folded into the warband of Mordant Hex

Loyalty: Ahrimanites, also seeking the Black Library.

Strength: Ahrabeth, 5 Sorcerors, 26 Rubricae, 5 Rubric Terminators, 1 Dreadnaught.

Flagship: N/A

Last Known Location: They have limited access to the webway after Ahriman's success in penetrating it's mysteries in the 13th Black Crusade, they were last seen around the Eldar planet Eidolon.

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