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Nightkillers: now with added story!


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Greetings brothers,


So, I've been reading 1000 heathens' log of awesome which inspired me to go Chaos, perusing A-D-B's Aphotican Oath, and re-re-re-reading Soul Hunter and Blood Reaver. And while the Night Lords are cool and all, I think they're getting plenty of attention from the stellar hobbyists on this forum.


That leads me to the following: I've been up and down looking at the various Legions and warbands and I think I've finally decided to go with the Nightkillers. As far as I can tell the only thing they have going for them is color scheme. So this is a cry for help! What do YOU think their background would be? It seems to me that they are of Night Lord decent, so they are probably a splinter. That firey stuff on their armor...what is that? Corposant? Manifestation of sorcerous fires trapped in their armor? Maybe a Night Lord splinter with a Tzeentch bent? Also, how would you go about painting it?


As said before, what do YOU think? I'm struggling with ideas here. Heck maybe the great A-D-B will drop in with his thoughts? :D Hey, a guy can hope.

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Interesting. I've heard people talk about starting up a Nightkillers warband, but never seen it come to fruition. They do have a pretty cool heraldry, though the symbol looks like a royal pain to paint. Definetly buy a short detail brush for that one, lol.


It seems to me that they are of Night Lord decent, so they are probably a splinter.

A strong possibility, but not neccesarily. Nothing but their colors indicate a NL warband, so if you decide to take it in a different direction, you'd still be good.


That firey stuff on their armor...what is that? Corposant? Manifestation of sorcerous fires trapped in their armor? Maybe a Night Lord splinter with a Tzeentch bent? Also, how would you go about painting it?


Man's most primal fear has always been scary creatures in the dark, and fire. Maybe they enjoy using fire's terrifying effect to herd their foe in a certain direction, then rise out of the shadows created by the flickering inferno and murder them. As for painting them, give THIS out.


Best of luck, man!




P.S. Glad you like my Reavers! :lol:

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Thanks for the reply man! I feel honored to have your input! I like the imagery the whole "shadow and flames" idea brings to mind. Definitely something to build off of. If I went with them as a Night Lords splinter, strking from the shadows would would surely fit, and I could totally see special terror squads equipped with flamethrowers herding the bleating human cattle onto the weapons of their hidden brethren. ;) I'm going to try and come up with a bit of background as to why they choose this over the "normal" ways of their parent legion.


I guess I could be taking the easy way out by choosing the Sons of Nostramo, but they are killer, so I feel little guilt. I think that I could take that link you posted and do one better, I may try to stipple the flames with an old brush, since the picture of them we have seem more fuzzy than the standard Legion of the Damned "hot rod" style of flames. I'm going to look into real world fire mythology for some sort of inspiration concerning beliefs and naming conventions.


I've also got to figure out how to make them different than the Night Lords, because there has to be reason why the Nightkillers would split off. I'm thinking that they may be a little more religous than your standard Night Lord, but that isn't necessarily what ill go with. Hopefully these ideas pique some more interest, I could use all the brainstorms I can get! Thanks!

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Out of curiosity, where are you finding this image of the Nightkillers with flames?


I tried looking them up because I had never heard of them but this is the only image I could find:


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Yup, that would be the one! Id have posted it myself, but my phone seems to not want to upload pictures for some strange reason.Damned vagaries of the Warp! Thanks!



What would you call it if not flames?

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Mostly because it is just described as "bronze" but when I think of flames I think like this:



I can kind of see the resemblance but it looks like a candle flame......... which all of sudden pops into my head the idea that maybe you could try to work some will o' wisp theme into them.


P.S. I found the hard way that the photo has to be on the internet somewhere like a photobucket account and you have to post the direct URL for the photo. I took these photos off the Lexicanum website.

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Ah yes, I see what you are meaning. When you say it looks like a candle flame that's pretty much how I see it, or maybe a flame inside of a lantern. Hmm...I could see roiling fog encompassing the battlefield with flame barely seen at the edge of vision. You begin to follow it, and come upon an eight foot tall killer, and die gruesomely...I like it a lot.


Thanks man!


And thanks for the advice on posting pics!

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Oh yeah. For some more fluff, you could have them taming daemon hounds similar to the dark eldar to use for hunting. The only problem is that you have to be careful because eventually with this line of thinking you could wind up with Astartes-clones of the Dark eldar.
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I've put them into a campaign I am working on as a night lord warband that has become completely absorbed by murder for it's own sake. Think serial killer though. Not psychopath, but sociopath. Ritualized murder. The way I percieve their armor is as brass instead of flames. It's just beaten up. I'm going to paint them like red corsairs, except brass and blue with bright gold so they won't all look exactly the same. The warband will be made up of thin blood renegades for the most part, with a hardened core of condemned and disgraced night lords in a leadership role. Think red gauntlet condemned, but decided they'd rather kill their boss then wait to die.


This might give you some ideas, hopefully it's helpful. You can take whatever you like. The campaign won't be totally done for several months, and the night killers might change in it a bit.

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Yah know, the more I look at the legs and gauntlets, the more it looks like worn and beaten copper, real corroded. Doesn't realy change the direction these guys are going, just makes it easier on me to paint em. Thanks for the input, I will definitely keep your suggestions in mind!



Here's the heraldry for those interested:



And the shoulderpads I'm probably going to use, with some modification of course:



Looks like I have to start collecting ALOT of shoulder pads.

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The Carthage Occultation:

The Carthage Occultation was what Imperial auguries were calling it. A mass eclipse of a handful of sytems' stars, unexplainable in that there was no body eclipsing each sun. But in the skies of each panet, one need only look towards the heavens and see it. A black orb, ringed with fire, blotting out the life giving light. The Occultation was estimated to last only a handful of days, a fortnight at best, but already uprisings were occuring on Carthage Primus, and the hives of Talmus.


The loss of sunlight caused catastrophic failures in the forges of Daedris, the solar powered machinery failing and reverting to generators unused for millenia, and under powered to provide the energy needed for the massive motor works there. In preparation for the worst, martial law has been declared on these worlds, with PDF forces standing to and enforcing curfews. Though the strange energies emanating from the Occultation play havoc with the Manifold, Skitarri forces have mobilized in the forge. Astropathic cries have been dispatched, though they will only be heard by those who already slip through the void, preparing to fall on unsuspecting and confused prey.




A great adamantium spear stalks through space, its engines cold, momentum the only force carrying it's scarred and blackened hull towards the prey worlds. It would be stately, as surely it once was just a handful of centuries ago when it had other masters, but now it was corrupted, its hull the blue of deepest oceans, great panels picked out in corroded bronze, stylized skulls and flames lending it a purgatorial air. It passes in front of the Occultation of Carthage's star, but no outline is seen against the backdrop of obsidian, what little light still given glinting off the bronze trimming the only hint that it is even there. Imperial patrols dismiss it as debris and pass so close one could see it with his own eyes, if there was but more illumination. The Revanent Soul, formerely of the Executioners chapter, now under the command of the Nightkillers, traitor astartes and the bastard sons of a dead world, slips ever closer to its prey.



Whew. That took a while to type up on my phone, but I am happy with it so far, and I'm curious what my brothers think. I'm getting a very similar feel to the Night Lords, but when I actually get to detailing how they act in combat there should be some divergence. Plus I need to detail their beliefs in the Ogdoad (The Eight) and their patron!

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Yup, that would be the one! Id have posted it myself, but my phone seems to not want to upload pictures for some strange reason.Damned vagaries of the Warp! Thanks!



What would you call it if not flames?


It looks more like rust or that residue that happens when copper decomposes (patina? I forget). Though given that Night Lords have lightning (either painted or "etheral/magical") it could be that Nightkillers have some kind of nebulous ionization on their armor.


Regarding their background, perhaps the Nightkillers were made up predominantly of one particular Nostroman 'gang' or syndicate, or had previous ties to said gang/syndicate faction, and after the "split" just reformed and went under their old name.


Though this is a little confusing for me, because my previous understanding was that Konrad pretty much ended crime on Nostromo by being such a damn scary bastard who did OTT acts of violence to people who like, jaywalked and stuff, let alone when they did stuff like beat, murder or steal. Though ADB's stories seem to contradict that background-though it could be that crime picked back up when he was put in command of his Legion and left-which is likely in hindsight and what precipitated his "These ****s are evil, time to League of Shadows the planet"

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Very nice start. If there is one thing I enjoy, it is a well written story. Pretty keen to see where this is going, and especially your interpretation of the Nightkillers fighting style. I'm wondering how/if you will differentiate them from Night Lords, so I'll be keeping my eye on this thread
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Yup, that would be the one! Id have posted it myself, but my phone seems to not want to upload pictures for some strange reason.Damned vagaries of the Warp! Thanks!



What would you call it if not flames?


It looks more like rust or that residue that happens when copper decomposes (patina? I forget). Though given that Night Lords have lightning (either painted or "etheral/magical") it could be that Nightkillers have some kind of nebulous ionization on their armor.


Regarding their background, perhaps the Nightkillers were made up predominantly of one particular Nostroman 'gang' or syndicate, or had previous ties to said gang/syndicate faction, and after the "split" just reformed and went under their old name.


Though this is a little confusing for me, because my previous understanding was that Konrad pretty much ended crime on Nostromo by being such a damn scary bastard who did OTT acts of violence to people who like, jaywalked and stuff, let alone when they did stuff like beat, murder or steal. Though ADB's stories seem to contradict that background-though it could be that crime picked back up when he was put in command of his Legion and left-which is likely in hindsight and what precipitated his "These ****s are evil, time to League of Shadows the planet"

Actually the fluff since the IA article was always that Curze left Nostramo for the Crusade. While he was gone, crime crept back into Nostraman society under the lax wardenship of the Administratum. He noticed that more and more of the recruits were basically murderers and rapists as those were the only youths who made it through the recruitment program. Eventually, he'd go berserk, take the Legion to Nostramo and blast it to bits. Then he would fight the Heresy, survive the Scouring and then let an assassin kill him. Then the split came.

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Yup, that would be the one! Id have posted it myself, but my phone seems to not want to upload pictures for some strange reason.Damned vagaries of the Warp! Thanks!



What would you call it if not flames?


It looks more like rust or that residue that happens when copper decomposes (patina? I forget). Though given that Night Lords have lightning (either painted or "etheral/magical") it could be that Nightkillers have some kind of nebulous ionization on their armor.


Regarding their background, perhaps the Nightkillers were made up predominantly of one particular Nostroman 'gang' or syndicate, or had previous ties to said gang/syndicate faction, and after the "split" just reformed and went under their old name.


Though this is a little confusing for me, because my previous understanding was that Konrad pretty much ended crime on Nostromo by being such a damn scary bastard who did OTT acts of violence to people who like, jaywalked and stuff, let alone when they did stuff like beat, murder or steal. Though ADB's stories seem to contradict that background-though it could be that crime picked back up when he was put in command of his Legion and left-which is likely in hindsight and what precipitated his "These ****s are evil, time to League of Shadows the planet"


Well, I may be wrong as I haven't read the Night Lords IA article in many moons, but I think it is as you said and after Curze and his merry band left Nostramo to murder in the Emperor's name, the society of the planet quickly fell back to lawlessness and gang warfare. Once a criminal always a criminal I suppose. Also I'm not sure how

long the Night Lords were a part of the Crusade but it can be assumed it was for at least a century, and the Legion didn't return to Nostramo during that time, as far as I can remember. So in short yes, that is definitely a plausible historical explanation for their name and perhaps even chosen heraldry and colors.


Perhaps the Night Killer gang was sponsored by a relatively wealthy Nostraman noble house, and they were very well equipped and ostentatious in their appearance. So

the astartes in the Nightkillers warband continue this by wearing more bronze and gold trimmings, showing their wealth to the rest of their legion. So what we have is a

bunch of Mercutians from A-D-B's novels, which is fine by me as he and Cyrion are my favorites alongside Septimus. Thanks for the added brainwaves!



Thanks for reading and I appreciate the compliments! It really could use some polish, which I'm sure it'll get whe I have a finished story. And yees, I plan on differentiating the Nightkiller's combat style with the Night Lords, but it will be obvious that they are descended from the VIIIth Legion. I think I am going to go with a more brtutal hunting style than the calculated murder of the Legion proper. They make sure to split up enemy forces and proceed to hunt their foe at leisure, sometimes taking weeks just to hunt down stragglers. Sometimes they'll just "release the hounds" to run amok in population centers, preferably after the Nightkillers have taken out the defences. Lots of toying with their prey, smoke grenades and artificial fog banks, with squads herding the mortals with flamethrowers.


Enough rambling from me for one night!

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I know that it was long enough(judging by the IA article and the Night Lord series by A-D-B since it jives with it) that the Night Haunter was a faint memory. The newer generations thought of him in terms of "out of sight, out of mind" while the older generations actually wanted him to come back. And he was found after Fulgrim was found since Fulgrim integrated him into Imperial Society. So, it was a while. At least three or four generations. Depending on a Nostraman's average lifespan. On a crime-ridden planet, I'd imagine that to be very short just from the amount of stress involved.
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Excellent. It all falls into place. :D Thanks for the clarification. You are definitely helping the process!


This whole discussion leads me to think about how the Nightkillers would view the Night Haunter. Being that he was gone for so long and that I'm thinking the Nightkillers would be predominantly recruits from Nostramo after the Legion had suffered some losses during the Crusade, maybe I will play up the rebellious youth theme in that because they grew up without the fear of constant retribution they were naturally more rebellious than their older brethren. This and the fact that they are mostly drawn from wealthy gangs makes the Nightkillers a bunch of wealthy brats. I like it!

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