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Decimator update


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I saw this picture of the Decimator I believe this is the other weapon option, "Soul Burner Petard", and ah.... maybe a conversion beamer?





I have been debating Contemptor vs Decimator for a while now. Here's my final thoughts:


Winner: Decimator.


Reason 1: While the Contemptor is very efficient (both as a ranged transport buster, and a fleet/WS 5 melee unit with AV 13 to the front) the Decimator's Unholy Vigor + Daemonic Possession rules give it something like a Cover Save that the Contemptor always has. But, it can also get a Cover Save....


Reason 2: The Decimator as I would field it would be 2 Butcher Cannons, which would make a kick ass proxy for Grey Knight Riffleman style Dreadnoughts should I feel the need to run that codex.

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This picture has the Weapons Labeled


I really hope that they make the Soulburner a more attractive option, because it's the gun arm I like the most.


Maybe if I put a set of barrels in the end to make a gatling-style gun that could look like a butcher cannon?

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What are the stats for the conversion beamer? I can't find them...


It actually is in the Contemptor weapon and listed in the link I put in my post....


Heavy conversion Beamer

Up to 18” S6 AP- Heavy 1, 5” Blast, Firing Calibration

18” to 42” S8 AP4 Heavy 1, 5” Blast, Firing Calibration

42” to 72” S10 AP1 Heavy 1, 5” Blast, Firing Calibration

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Tbh, it is very bad for its points, even worse than a normal dreadnought, bad ws and bs, armour is flimsy at best and it special rules are untrustworthy.

Give me a contemptor for this every day. Ever seen what Tzeentch contemptor can do? hit on 2's and reroll the 1's that is pretty bad ass.


I do love the model though

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