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Marines Malevolent, XX Centuria


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Dude, yes. Love the old model, man, he looks great! I'm quite partial to the psychopath with the chain-glaive too, very nice bro.

Most kind, seeing as you're the one who's minis tempted me to start MM in the first place.

Flamer 2:


Wanted to use the Forgeworld PH flamers ideally, but the damn things wouldn't fit! Arrrrggghhh.

One more to go, then I might start thinking about some paint for these boys.

I see what you were going for pose-wise, but (no offence) it looks wrong here.I would suggest twisting the torso and head to help give him that assault look, like the khan model itself. Right now, he looks like he just realized he didn't use Duracell batteries in his chainsword.


Looking forwaord to more, man. Keep it up!

Like I say, the head in the photo isn't actually glued down at all, I think it slipped around just before the pic was taken - I agree though, the angle at the waist is definitely up for change. I have no desire to try to reassemble that weapon/arm combo again though.


Precise movements are not easily performed by those with fat fingers!


Love the idea though!


"Crap. I'm just about to belt someone and this happens?"

I proudly present the Mark 1 Imperial Bumblebees! :D


Well, that's what they remind me of anyway. This is the first coat of Sunburst Yellow over the Iyanden Darksun basecoat. Now, 1000 Heathens has 2 coats of Sunburst on his, it seems, I'm just concerned whether that would be too bright or not. Pre dirtying up, that is.


I use a watered down Devlan Mud myself, gives it more of a filthy look. Ideyan (sp?) darksun, sunburst yellow, devlan mud, sunburst again over raised areas, chipping / damage, highlights, weathering powder...is my painting sequence. Gives it that nice dirty mustard look, but hey, if you perfer a lighter color, go for it man! Looking good so far, bro!

Pictures are not the best but they give some idea. Chapter badge still to apply and I have to designate one as the scholar-brother, but pretty much satisfied.

Brother Flesh-Wound:


Slice n' Dice:


Team Barbecue:


Sergeant Graan and his buddies:


The Twins:


Squad Rhino:






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