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So I've grown a little bored with my plain old Ultramarines and have decided to start a chaos marines force. I really like the Cleaved paint scheme but as I am a novice painter I'm not sure I can pull it off - my second choice would be Word Bearers. Also I can't decide what to buy after my nurgle daemon prince. The battleforce would be a good option but I really don't want the berzerkers (my friend also collects chaos and he has a lot of zerkers so I am trying to be as different as possible). And I hear possessed are pretty bad. What do you advise I get?? I have a budget of around £70 by the way. :D
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I am not one to believe rumors 100%, but you may want to wait until May to make any purchases. By that time it will be clear whether or not Chaos is getting a new book in that month. It might be boring, but to keep it safe I'd just go with 20 CSMs with 2 Rhinos, with as many Oblits as you can afford.


If you like the cleaved you can run both squads as Icon of Nurgle fellas, with 1 squad having Plasma x2 and the other having Melta x2, but straight count-as Plague Marines would be more effective.


If you had any sterguard in your Ultramarines and like special ammunition, using a 6 or 7 man squad of Thousand Sons with a Rhino might be a welcome addition to any chaos list. (call be biased)

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Welcome to the Realm of Chaos.


Convert the zerkers into regular marines? Easy enough, either kitbash with the spare parts, and shave off the Khorne icons, bunny ears etc, or green stuff. Or trade with your friend?


Mix the possessed and marines together to give you Word Bearers Chaos Space Marines, with mutations. Fits their background. Use any helmeted, non mutated marines as the Cleaved.


This is all from a modelling point of view, not a gaming one I hasten to add, so if you want competitive I'm not the guy to ask! :D

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Havoks, you want Havoks with autocannons, whilst they do not have the fexability of an obliterator, my single squad has never let me down, I have been thinking of taking an extra squad or two of them, but that would mean I'd have to stop using my predators, which I love in some weird Tzeentchian way.
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If you are struggling with the cleaved try this on a test mini, prime white, base coat in the lightest grey you can find, or mix white/rakarth flesh at 50/50 for a base coat, though it'd be more work. Highlight with white. For the oil, use a green ink then brown ink then black ink in only the places you want the oil seapage. Use the green ink first then leaving some green layer on brown ink, then finally leaving some brown paint the black. Paint the black ink all the way into the crack while leaving the colors on the lower parts.
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Thanks for the advice dudes. As of a visit to my FLGS yesterday I have a nurgle daemon prince and a box of chaos marines. I think the new green glaze might look very good on the Cleaved - a green layer of algae or something on their armour. I might have a squad of 20 with a nurgle banner as this makes the best use out of the banner's 50 points and you can't have units of 20 with loyalists, so why not?
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Yep, 'standard' Marines will never go to waste, and are a great place to bulk up. Every time I start to run out of basic Chaos Marine parts, I start to itch that I need more. More Power Armour on the field is always a good thing.


As others have mentioned, with just a little effort the battle force can be used very broadly. I bash the 'Zerker bits into my Black Legion all the time, and really like the variety it adds to the rank-and-file troops. If you invest in a few selective bits orders you can even add some extra 'Bolter arms' and other bits you might run low on. And, as others have said, the Possessed bits look great for selective mutations on non-possessed models, and odds are good Possessed are going to get a boost once Chaos gets an update.


I personally think that a new Chaos codex is going to be sooner-rather-than-later. It's just a hunch, but it feels right with the scraps of information I've been reading. For now, I would avoid buying Obliterators, because I'm positive they're getting a plastic kit for the new codex, no matter when it arrives. (Notice that they haven't been Finecast yet?)

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i too was in the same boat brothers. it has been nearly 6 years since i last collected a chaos army and that was mostly black legion. i've started to do this one as an add on to my traitor guard but intend to bulk them out when the new dex is out. at present i've done it as more of a fluffy list with a lord (former techmarine fallen angel), sorceror in TDA, 10 marines, 5 zerkers (but as renegades no bunny ears) and 5 chosen with a mix of various weapons, all of which are also waiting to be painted in their respective legion/chapter colours. i'd personally go with the others and say to get the battleforce and kitbash/convert the berzerkers. at least you'd have some default units to get ready for the new dex and will have plaenty of minis to practise painting on.

and i almost forgot, welcome to the winning side of the Long War

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I personally am not buying anything, but I already have too many models that need painting. I'd advise a test model before painting the demon prince, even a test loyalist if you have access to them. There is plenty of painting of advice online just Google for Cleaved Paint scheme if there isn't one on the B&C.


I'd advise painting up as many bolter, bolt pistol, and chain sword guys as you can. They'll always be useful. You can decide on special weapons, heavy weapons, aspiring champions, even squad size later. Just crank out as many bolter dudes as you can, they won't be obsolete and you will need 10-20 of them in a standard army, maybe even more. Don't do squad markings just get a pool of models done that you can pull from to make the squads you eventually will want and use, then if needed you can do unit markings or put markings on the bases...

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A new Codex would be welcome -- almost as much as plastic Oblits (I still can't believe just how dated the metals look!)


I'm switching to building a 'home-brew' force of Renegades with a mob of World Eater meat shields... I mean, assault troops... and I don't want to start in on the more unusual squads & options just to get told that my models "are no longer valid, so sorry about that". So, I'm sticking with World Eaters and vanilla CSMs for now.

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