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Gift of Chaos


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I won't lie, I was really frustrated when someone tried to take Reanimation Protocol vs. Gift of Chaos.


Can you do that? If so, how?


I am under the impression that "replace the model with a chaos spawn" means that the spawn no longer has any Overlord special rules such as RProtocols.. but what do I know, I'm just a traitorous witch. :3

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You are correct. You replace the model and it has all new rules to go with it. It is no longer a necron. It is a spawn. The spawn is also under YOUR control, so if your opponent insists that it should get RP rolls, then when it dies, you make the RP role and you return your model to play.


But the short version is, the model is replaced. What it once was no longer matters. There is no save beyond the initial die role vs toughness. No armor save, no FNP, no invulnerable save and no RP. The model is not actually a casualty and so there is no RP token given for the change.

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i just realised this is the single best counter to saint celestine

With a Toughness of 3, you have a good chance of getting the spell to work.


The poor lady saint gets Squiggified all the time!

I have a good friend with an Ork army. We made a house rule that she can still come back, but she stays a squig! It just says she comes back and acts normal so being a squig when she died she comes back and acts like a normal squig. That's always good for a laugh :lol:

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This is adressed in a faq made by GW. Necron Faq


Q: If a model with the Reanimation Protocol special

rule is replaced by another model, for example it is

turned into a Chaos Spawn or replaced by Trazyn the

Infinite, do you place a reanimation protocol or everliving

counter next to the unit? (p29)

A: No.

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