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New Project Ideas


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Hey, I don't really post much and I've only just come back around to this idea. But anyway, I have two concepts at the moment. The first is to kitbash Space Wolves and CSM pieces to essentially make a renegade force with a wolf-esque theme (ie Thunderwolves to count as bikes etc.) Now I don't really know the best Codex to use for this, but I'm thinking the best would be the Chaos Space Marines' codex and use Marks of Khorne and such.

My second idea: yet more kitbashing for a Slaaneshi CSM force, but combining Dark Eldar bits for something... Interesting.

So, if any of you guys have used these ideas before, tell me, maybe post a pic, I'd love to see how they came out. I also want your opinion on this concept, I've been working on a colour scheme for the first idea.




As you can see I like the idea of a halved scheme, and blue, I know Khorne is red, but I think it looks good. If you think red and other such colours would suit more, feel free to tell me, but looking at it again, I like the second picture. (Oh and I would of used the chaos painter as well, but would take more time, and I'm sure you guys get the picture).

Thanks for any replies. :ph34r:

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You have to decide which codex offers you the units you like best.

The look of your models is a secondary consideration in counts-as lists.

I'd use the SW dex as the basis for a Wulfen army because of the game meta.


Your call, though.

Once you pick as team, it'll be easier or B&C to give counsel.




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