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Hello everyone i dont know if this is the right place to put this but what the heck this is my best guess. The question is about the Anatheme; does anyone have a source or idea of what it looks like i kinda wanna make a Fulgrim with the blade but all i know is a blade an nothing else. I felt like i read a source than it had a granite color blade with black runes but that was years ago and i doubt it is correct. Any help would be Welcomed, Thank You
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According to Fulgrim, he originally had the Fireblade forged by Ferrus Manus but it was destroyed by its creator. The Laeran blade he gave to Lucius and the anatheme is supposed to still be in his possession.
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From Horus Rising, page 411:


...he held the strange blade up and watched how the glow coruscated off its edge. The blade was rippled along its length, grey like napped flint, and caught the light with a glitter like diamond.


IIRC Fulgrim is given it by Horus, and Fulgrim gives the Laeran blade to Lucius.

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Oh right on thanks for the qoute that make things alot clearer; i think that maybe what the first descripition i heard say i guess thats why i thought of granite instead of grey. now can anyone tell me what the pommel or hilt looks like? haha :tu:
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