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We have been cheated indeed...

Not considering the price! (and that we'll probably get to use the Storm Hawk)


And if you want to extend your SR, there is always this kit:



Edit: Remember that the combined price of the SR plus the chapterhouse extension is still significantly cheaper than the FW Stormhawk.

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I'll admit, at first I was devastated to see that this was not an option for our chapter, but then I had a look at points costs and rules. The stormraven has a valid punch with a standard loadout at or near it's base cost. For this stormeagle, I would be looking at a model costing at least 300 points for a loadout that packed any punch other than its carrying capacity, not to mention the unit to go inside (20-man DC squad anyone?). As a result, this model really is only viable for my style of play in an Apocalypse style game, in which I would be able to use it anyway. Not to mention the price of the kit, which would easily net two stormravens. I can really only see myself getting this model for a standard army if I played terminators as troops. Besides, I think my eye is more focused on the older mark power armour apothecaries and the sweet land raider spartan. If I can find a way to magnetize the sponsons to allow a single twin-linked lascannon on each, I'll be using that as a standard land raider.
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I'll take a Stormraven thank you very much. That thing looks like a hodge-podge of parts added together to make some kind of flyer.


Unless it can carry 24 guys and two Dreadnoughts, can deepstrike, is fast, is an assault vehicle, immune to melta, can carry 8 Bloodstrike missiles, two twin-linked Bolters, two twin-linked assault cannons, and a whole lot of hurricane bolters, I won't be interested.


You can buy two Stormravens for the price of one Stormeagle. I'm not seeing any kind of unique or different armament on there that could possibly make it better then the weapon options on a Stormraven. It probably doesn't have any better transport options then the Stormraven. Instead of a Dread it will carry a Rhino/Predator/Razorback. For Blood Angels, we have Deepstriking Land Raiders and fast R/P/R. So I'm viewing this thing as impractical/pointless for Blood Angels. For other Space Marine armies... it might be what they have been begging for since the Stormraven came out. Though I don't understand why GW just doesn't allow all Space Marines to use Stormravens.


The Stormraven already costs a premium in points. If this thing is a bigger/better Stormraven, it'll cost more too.

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Looking at the model, I do not see any space for transporting a Dreadnought. That is the bonus for the Stormraven, the only way I can see this as better, is if it has armor 13 all around and is immune to lance as well as melta bonus.


I would rather pay for this kit than a Thunderhawk, and less men would be at risk if your opponent threw 20 lascannons at it turn one. Anyway, I am just glad that they are providing variety, now we just need codex official Predators with plasma cannons. :D

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Wow. Those rules... really blow chunks. Not even close to as good as a Stormraven!


Might be worth it in a regular Space Marine army... but I can see no reason why a Blood Angels or Grey Knight player would ever take this over a Stormraven!

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Wow. Those rules... really blow chunks. Not even close to as good as a Stormraven!


Might be worth it in a regular Space Marine army... but I can see no reason why a Blood Angels or Grey Knight player would ever take this over a Stormraven!

Its not a legal choice for BA or GK. Just the other loyal marines.

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why is it that every new SM unit or vehicle they come out with can't be taken by BA? why all the hate from FW?


because it would have to be fast and every LR class would have to be able to deep strike . And giving more skimers to an army which already has one seems like pulling away sells from the parrent company [because either you dont start a new sm army to get the FW stuff or you dont buy a SR for BA].

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I like the GW Stormravens and I have two so far, plan to buy at least one more.


This Storm Eagle was created by Forgeworld so that every other chapter gets a fast skimmer transport. The weapons loadout is nowhere near as good as a Stormraven. It looks ok.

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