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So let me fanboy for a bit.


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'You earned this,' the Night Haunter replied. 'Do not beg. Do not blame me. This is the end of the path you chose to walk.'




The Night Haunter shivered in revulsion. Please. There was that word again. The first word he'd ever learned, from hearing it leave the quivering lips of countless cowards.


source: http://www.facebook.com/aarondembskibowden


Im not sure what book this is supposed to be from but damn i wanna read it.

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It's Prince of Crows from Shadows of Treachery anthology.


Just like this

Trez smoothed his thinning white hair back from his pockmarked features, arranging a piece of parchment on the desk, until it was placed just so. He read the words from the cream-coloured paper, between rebreather wheezes. "Jago Sevatarion, born in City's Edge. First Captain of the VIII Legion, Commander of the Atramentar, officer of the Kyroptera; known also by the names Sevatar the Condemned, and..." Trez snorted, shaking his head, "...and by the rather amusing title, Prince of Crows."


and this

Sevatar still carried scars from that battle. He could've had them sealed and healed by augmetic surgery or synthetic skin grafts, but he preferred to keep them as they were. Scars were memories, written on skin. They were some of the few things he wholly owned himself, in an existence of slavery to gene-wrought gods of war.


He looked down at his gauntleted hands, weaponless and painted crimson. Months ago, he'd told the Angels the truth: that to bear hands of sinners' red was a gangland custom from Nostramo, forced upon those who failed their families. The fate of traitors and fools, carried into the VIII Legion as it conquered the stars. The Ultramaries had taken that tradition, as they took so much from the other Legions. It was less severe, less grave among the warriors of Ultramar - to them, it merely meant censure. To the sons of Nostramo, it was a death sentence. The mark of the condemned.


and this

‘It is good to see you, Sevatar.’


‘I’m sure it is.’ Sevatar glanced at the tactical hololithic drifting in the air above the table, showing the spread of VIII Legion vessels in the deep void. ‘So this is defeat. Now we know how the Raven Guard and Salamanders felt.’


and also this

The Kyroptera...


Jago Sevatarion (“Sevatar”) – First Captain, Commander of the Atramentar.

Naraka the Bloodless – 13th Captain.

Var Jahan – 27th Captain.

Ophion – 39th Captain.

Krukesh the Pale – 103rd Captain.

Shevac Tor (“Lackhand”) – 114th Captain.

Alastor Rushal – 89th Captain.

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The Ultramaries had taken that tradition, as they took so much from the other Legions.

Nice bit. Hinting that Guilliman's study of his brothers's customs and doctrines was much deeper than observing a few broad tactics and battle formations.

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*drools* More delicious A D-B Night Lord goodness. It will surely motivate me even more to get my own Night Lords army finished.


A fluff question for our glorious lord and master (A D-B, obviously), what is the Kyroptera? An inner circle of the legion's commanders?

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