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Beginner Advice

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Ok guys, i'm 14 and have been into 40k for about 4 weeks. I decided that Blood Angels were too awesome to not have, so I decided to go with them. But, whilst I do have a few models, I'm really struggling to get going especialy without a codex. Can someone please help me out? Where should I go with my army, and what should I buy next? So far, I have Dante, a Combat Squad, a 5 Man Assault Squad with 1 Plasma Pistol and a power weapon. My brother also gave me 5 of his scouts that he never used, there are 2 bolters, a shotgun, a heavy bolter and a bolt pistol and chainsword. I've also been going to my local GW for beinner sessions, but whislt they've helped with some aspects, I'm still struggling. Please help! Thanks in advance.
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To be honest I would advise you to get the codex next.


Then depending on where you play I would play test units that you would like to utilize. I m sure you could proxy figures if playing with friends, but don't try it in gamesworkshop.


That's about all you can do to start off ;)


You could of course read through the army list thread on this site to get a general idea :)




The Devourer

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Thanks, I'll get the codex next. I was thining of making a heavily assault based army, with dreadnoughts in drop pods, or tactical marines in rhinos as well as assault marines. But a codex sounds like a good idea to me. Thanks. But just out of interest, how many points do I have there?
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Try picking up a copy of the mini-rulebook that comes with AoBR, I scored one from a player getting out of 40k, and am thankful that I did. Much easier than lugging the full sized book around.


Aside from that, Codex and playtest stuff. One list that works amazingly well for Player A may be terrible for Player B. See what works for you and run with it. Welcome to the hobby and the chapter!

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You can't go wrong with assault marines, so after you bought the codex, a box of assault marines might be a good choice. After that, one box of Sanguinary Guard and one box of Death Company provide you awesome bits to spread out in your army.


Tacticals in Rhinos are good cover for your jumping assault marines, as are Baal Predators. A very good tank, you should be getting one or better yet, two.


For painting, you should really try to learn under the eyes of 'professionals'. This includes youtube tutorials, painting with friends of higher skill, or even, and I hate myself for saying that( :P ) try a GW store. Since they are releasing their new paint range, you won't have any trouble finding someone to give you a free painting lesson.


Search the painting forum for advice as well, the more people involved, the better the chances that you get quick answers to any painting struggle.





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tbh if your 14 and just starting out, take it easy. if your following the gw beginner courses follow those first.


first purchases though id indeed get the codex (and the rulebook if you dont have it already :D)


if you happen to have a friend whos also looking to start and wouldnt mind orks then get the assault on black reach set :) if youve got a target for both armies and can pool money together (which i can see is a must at age 14) then thats an awesome buy! Gets you a rulebook, some dice, rulers and plenty of minis for half the price of the box :) for blood angels the contents isent ideal but its a start regardless ;) dreadnought, 5 termies alone are a good deal for 40 bucks. you also get 10 tacticals and an awkward captain but if you buy a box of death company or sanguinary guard you will have plenty of bits to convert with :P


tbh, take it slowly. follow the courses. leaf through the codex abit before buying it (i doubt your local shop will mind...) this is an expensive hobby (like most hobbies incidentily) and if you dont got much exposable income make your purchases count :)


also, your brother also plays. do you got other firiends who play as well or friends who might be open to it? this hobby is always the most fun when you do it with a group of good friends :tu:

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Well, my brother's friends play it, about 4 or 5 of them, but they're all younger than me, and none of my friends would be up for it. I have over £150 and under £200, and if I had to choose a second army it would be Space Wolves. But Orks would place in my top 5 (probably at 5th).
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Like others have said: the codex is the way to go. If you are 100% sure you are getting Blood Angels (abreviated as BA) though, I would advise 3 things.

1) Buy assault marines. Whether you decide to run a army with alot of small tanks, or a army with a lot of close combat dudes, you will need assault marines with this codex. The reason for that is if you take the assault marines you get tank transports at a discount.

2) Buy magnets. Ask your local GW people for assistance and use them on the assault marine's jump packs. Being able to swap between jump packs and regular back packs will save you a ton of $$$ in the long run.

3) I cant speak for the Sanguinary Guard box as i have never bought it myself (although im sure it works just as well as what im going to advize next), but buying a Death Company box for the extra bits and pieces you get for BA is a good purchase in my opinion. You get weapons and shoulder pads and everything in between with BA symbols and whatnot on. Spread the bits around on your regular troops to make them look that much better :P

AND if you so decide you can use the death company themselves. Some BA players swear by them (like me) and some dont like them to much. You will have to make that desicion for yourself eventually!


Hope this helps!

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tactical marines in rhinos ?


I recommend against buying tacticals. You will find BA lists that use tacticals well, but they are not beginner lists. Get assault marines and magnetize the jump packs. While learning you'll probably be bouncing around using them as jumpers or in metal boxes. Even when you decide which way you want to run them, you'll still want the option.


Buy the codex. "Investigating" codex for armies you don't play but want to learn about is one thing. But you're just going to generate bad will if you don't have the codex for your own army ready to produce when your opponent questions something about your army.


Next piece of beginner advise: Unless you are absolutely smitten by the fluff, do not paint them like blood angels. Choose some obscure chapter or make up your own scheme. Then as you learn more you may decide that you prefer Space Wolves, or Black Templars, or Vanilla Marines. If they're not painted as BA it will make it much easier to convert them from a BA successor to a counts as Space Wolves or whatever. Some people will become very unhappy if you put down models that are painted as BA and say "these are actually Space Wolves/Vulkan marines/whatever."


Sanguinary Guard are great, but in only a few situations (in a hybrid army hiding behind the metal boxes as a counter assault unit, in a Jumpers + Dev's army at 1750pts or less.) They are very expensive for what you get, so they are a bad general purpose buy.

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Welcome, Brother, to the Chapter and the hobby.

Lots of great advice above. I'll especially recommend the DC boxes. Lots of bits to specialize with. Try viewing the sprue at GWs website. Lots of bolters and cc weapons. A command squad box is another source for special items(priest/banner etc). But foremost the code, then knowledge of the rules.. Knowing about ones own units and the rules is essential to choosing a way to go. We are supposed to getting new rules soon so for a start I advice waiting with the rulebook.

Important advice though: don't by a single rhino! If you want a transport by a razorback. It has all the items to easily be both a rhino or razorback. Just don't glue the top hatch.

Best of luck, Brother. Have fun. ;)

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My list of three things:


1) As suggested, the BA Codex.

2) Models that you think are cool. Your Army list wil absolutely change, but cool models will always have a special place in your collection.

3) Buy magnets!!! As you learn more about the game, as editions change, and as your style changes, it will be important to be able to change your models' equipment without needing to buy whole new models. Learn to magnetize arms and backpacks (and weapons on vehicles).



Also, buy the BA Codex immediately, but you probably want to wait to buy the general 40k Core rule book. The 6th edition rulebook is coming right around the corner.

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It's all fine and good that you magnetize the packs on marines, but I don't know where I can get them or how to do it. How would I?

Here is a very thorough tutorial on installing magnets in Marines:



Here is a recent thread from the Painting, Conversion, and Artwork (PCA) forum general questions section on where to buy magnets:



It seems most people get the from Ebay. Most local general hobby stores have them.



There are tons of Magnet related threads if you search the PCA forums. :D

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It's all fine and good that you magnetize the packs on marines, but I don't know where I can get them or how to do it. How would I?


You could get them from the GW website bits section. But don't bother to get packs yet. Just magnetize the jump packs so you can take them off when you don't want them. Much later you can spend the money on the normal packs if you really want to. Putting down a marine without any sort of pack and saying "this is an assault marine without a jump pack" is very clear to your opponent what they are.

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Its good advice not to paint them as obviously BA. a lot of the marine army's models are interchangeable. if you paint them blue for example, then you can use the rhinos for SW, or GK, or BT. this is also true for a lot of the men. For example, assault marines can be used in a couple of the other codexes, so if you don't have them as obvious chapter, then you can use them for both.
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