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Is Abaddon a failure?

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Besides the three starting HH books, have there ever been any black legion centered books? I can't remember....


Not yet.


Will it happen after Betrayer or is there something in between?


After Betrayer, I'm going to take a month or two off.


Then I'll probably start The Talon of Horus.


I need new pants now. . . :)

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Besides the three starting HH books, have there ever been any black legion centered books? I can't remember....


Not yet.


Will it happen after Betrayer or is there something in between?


After Betrayer, I'm going to take a month or two off.


Then I'll probably start The Talon of Horus.


I need new pants now. . . :)


Me too...

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Besides the three starting HH books, have there ever been any black legion centered books? I can't remember....


Not yet.


Will it happen after Betrayer or is there something in between?


After Betrayer, I'm going to take a month or two off.


Then I'll probably start The Talon of Horus.


You know what I'd love to read about?

Abaddon interactions with traitor Primarchs. Their view on the Despoiler, Abby's view on them.


I'm going to buy those books without waiting for an omnibus. Totally.

Waiting for a NL omnibus is already a painful thing.

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Just a quick pointer to the post that said that at least one Black Crusade was a failure and sources the Imperial Fist IA.


Of course the Imperial Fists will claim that the Crusade was a failure, they belong to the Imperium. They have no idea whatsoever regarding Abaddon's real objectives in each Crusade, so obviously they will call anything that has not burned Ancient Terra to the ground a failure and a victory for themselves.


And regarding the Crusades in general, I've always entertained the idea that some of the Crusades might have been launched in order to "weed out the weak" so to say, and overall weaken the other Legions to enforce Abaddon as the strongest power in the Eye. And a Crusade every now and then as a deterioration to keep warbands in the Eye from attacking Abaddon or other "key players" and to keep their bloodlust sated... I'm telling you, it's a viable concept.



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I don't think that Primarchs would allow Abaddon to take control of their Legions just like that.

Which Primarchs? The ones who are dead? Or the ones who have ascended to daemonhood and have since isolated themselves from their Legions? Or are you referring to Angron, the only Daemon Primarch who has left the Eye since his ancension because he only wants to spill blood in the name of Khorne? The Legions are in complete disarray. Tsalgualsa broke up the Night Lords. Skalathrax broke up the Emperor's Children and the World Eaters. The Alpha Legion warbands started acting on their own after Eskrador.(As far as we know at any rate; no fluff evidence of a larger cohesiveness.) The Death Guard are split up amongst their Plague Fleets and the Thousand Sons are split between Magnus and Ahriman. The Iron Warriors fight each other on Medrengard if they aren't fighting the Imperium. The Black Legion and the Word Bearers are the only two (known)cohesive Legions and only the Word Bearers are all Word Bearers. The Black Legion is made up of whoever joins its ranks.


So the Primarchs really no longer have a say in what their Legions do anymore because they do not care what their Legions do anymore.

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Ive had this idea that Abaddon is a little bit like Caesar from New Vegas, he breaks up the warbands who pledge allegiance to him to eradicate all forms f loyalty and kill champions he thinks are powerful enough to threaten him.
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I don't think that Primarchs would allow Abaddon to take control of their Legions just like that.

Which Primarchs? The ones who are dead? Or the ones who have ascended to daemonhood and have since isolated themselves from their Legions? Or are you referring to Angron, the only Daemon Primarch who has left the Eye since his ancension because he only wants to spill blood in the name of Khorne? The Legions are in complete disarray. Tsalgualsa broke up the Night Lords. Skalathrax broke up the Emperor's Children and the World Eaters. The Alpha Legion warbands started acting on their own after Eskrador.(As far as we know at any rate; no fluff evidence of a larger cohesiveness.) The Death Guard are split up amongst their Plague Fleets and the Thousand Sons are split between Magnus and Ahriman. The Iron Warriors fight each other on Medrengard if they aren't fighting the Imperium. The Black Legion and the Word Bearers are the only two (known)cohesive Legions and only the Word Bearers are all Word Bearers. The Black Legion is made up of whoever joins its ranks.


So the Primarchs really no longer have a say in what their Legions do anymore because they do not care what their Legions do anymore.


Well, Angron is the only Primarch that we know did some major things after his ascension.... Oh, wait! Mortarion did something that made Draigo cut his predecessor's name in Morty's heart.

I find it kinda hard to believe that they were sitting passive on their daemon worlds for the past 10k years.

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Ive had this idea that Abaddon is a little bit like Caesar from New Vegas, he breaks up the warbands who pledge allegiance to him to eradicate all forms f loyalty and kill champions he thinks are powerful enough to threaten him.


Let us hope, for Chaos sake, that he is more like House and is playing a long game that most aren't even aware of.

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Oh, wait! Mortarion did something that made Draigo cut his predecessor's name in Morty's heart.


Shh we don't talk about things that never happened!


I know, it's stupid but it's out there and it actually shows that Traitor Primarch are doing something.

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The Alpha Legion warbands started acting on their own after Eskrador.(As far as we know at any rate; no fluff evidence of a larger cohesiveness.)

There is an issue of Imperial Armour featuring Alpha legion and there is mention that AL follows orders of some shadowy higher command.

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Would that be the Siege of Vraks Imperial Armour Volumes with Arkos the Faithless and his Warriors?



Okay I found a battle report of the 13th Black Crusade on dakkadakka(This page right here). It gives an account of the entire campaign, how the campaign worked and the results. And if we went by the results, Cadia and the other Imperial worlds only barely stand against Chaos.

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