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Dear friends,


Many years ago I was a frequent poster at the Bolter and Chainsword in the Sister of Battle forum, as that was the army I ran at that time. I always really liked the atmosphere here and think that the B&A posters are the best group of the 40K forums I frequent. Anyway, I've returned to the hobby now after a 7 year hiatus. I started with Imperial Guard (my first love) but have always wanted to play a space marine army. Guard are fun but I really miss being able to field some true heroes who can wreck face in hand-to-hand combat. My problem was that I was never able to find a space marine army that really "turned my crank".


Then I happened upon this thread at DakkaDakka: http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/354955.page and fell in love. Terminators and assault marines are by far my favourite units (both aesthetics and tabletop-abilities wise) so I knew this was for me. Then I started reading the Blood Angels fluff and wondered "where have these guys been all my life???" Can't believe I missed the Blood Angels and now that I know more about them I know that rules and fluff-wise they're the army I've always been looking for.


So, with that lengthy preamble out of the way, here is what I'm thinking on and I hope to post updates of my progress as we go. I'm in the early planning stages at this point as I'm still building my Imperial Guard army.


I'd like to do a successor chapter. I really liked the idea of the Lamenters with their more melancholy/depressed take on the Blood Angel flaw, and their name, but I don't like their colour scheme or the fact that they allied with Huron Blackheart. Also, my chapter will only be slightly less susceptible to the Black Rage and I fully intend to use Death Company in my list (even less scoring units but if I want to be competitive I'll bring my IG -- I intend this army to be my fun and fluffy army). I am going to give them a genetic flaw whereby their tear ducts leak making them look like they're weeping (sort of like the bad guy in Casino Royale)


So, the working name for my chapter is "Angels Sorrowful". Other ideas I had were:



Knights of Lamentation

Angels of Sorrow


I'd be interested to know which name seasoned Blood Angel veterans think is more fitting.


In terms of colour scheme I intend a dark purple scheme with white Aquila. I am thinking of giving the new Citadel paint line a try, using a colour scheme of Naggaroth Night --> Xereus Purple --> Genestealer Purple


Now, I know I've crammed a lot into this first post, but one last question: is it considered "kosher" to bring Lemartes in a successor chapter, i.e. doing a "counts-as Lemartes" with my own fluff? Otherwise I'll go with a regular Reclusiarch, but considering that Lemartes is only 5 points more than a regular Reclusiarch w/ jump pack, and has +1 initiatie, is not an independent character, and gets even nastier when he takes a wound, it seems to me that there no reason NOT to take Lemartes unless he's only allowed for "actual" BA armies (by the by, I'm not taking Mephiston in my version of the list linked above -- I'll take a terminator-armoured captain to represent my Chapter Master Nicodemus Dolorosus).

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Did you forget your password/login, matey?


Yes to both, plus the email address I registered with back in the day no longer exists -- so I couldn't request a reminder, either.


Actually, now that I've searched the Members, I've found my old username: Ice Czar ... as you can see I last posted in March of 2004 so hence my memory problems. If it's an issue for me to use this new account, please send me login information for the Ice Czar account and feel free to delete this one (I'm assuming admins can get my current email address from my current account?).

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welcome back! look foward to seeing what you put together.


Thanks! It will be a slow work, but I will post pics as I go and probably some fluff as well. My usual Modus Operandi has been to blow tons of cash all at once on a big batch of models then spend forever building them -- for my BA I'm going to buy and build them one unit at a time and really spend the time to do some nice conversions and take my painting to a higher level.


My first task will be to get a codex! Probably after Easter. In the mean time I am wondering about the use of a counts-as Lemartes in a successor chapter list? I know in the Imperial Guard codex it explicitly states that it is acceptable to use your own name/fluff/model using the special character rules in that codex. But is there a similar allowance either explicit or implicit for the BA characters?

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The rule about special characters is generally accepted to be unanimous for all codexes. You can use whatever you want as whoever you want. Just bear in mind though that if you go to a GW ( and maybe some tournies) the you will need the correct model. I.e. you need the mephiston model even if you are using ' Janus the second' or whatever.
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